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Pregnancy - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

THE PREG TEST I TOOK AT HOME was a cheap one and i dont know if i should go byw aht it says. at first there was no line and then after like 10 minutes a faint line appeared and nowe the line got a little darker ( a few hours later). someone told me that the line will get darker the longer it sits, . i think i am preg, but could a test say positive and end up being wrong?

2007-08-06 08:23:22 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just wanted to ask.....
What week were you when you felt your baby move for the first time?
I was just curious.....
I am currently 15 weeks. I know that it's still early for me to feel anything, but I also know that it is entirely possible!
I also know that for first time pregers, it's harder for us to "tell" that what we are feeling is actually the baby, since we've never felt it before!!!!
I am pretty little. 103 lbs. So, I'm hoping that will help in causing me to feel my little peanut sooner rather than later!
But. What about you?
How far along were you when you felt your baby move the first time?

Thanks :)

2007-08-06 08:20:01 · 17 answers · asked by Julie 2

Sometimes it just KILLS........do you massage it? try to stretch your legs?! I am almost 15 wks pregnant and have been getting them a lot in the past 2 weeks!.........Thanks!

2007-08-06 08:18:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been having a pressure/painful sensation when urinating. It is worse at the end to the point where I have to stop and start the flow. I have mentioned it several times to my doctor and he checked me for yeast infection, BV, bladder infection and I don't have any of those. He said it probably is just a symptom of the pregnancy and my uterus on my bladder. But would it start this early. I am just over 18 weeks and this has been a problem for weeks now. It is getting very annoying and uncomfortable. Has anyone else had this happen?

2007-08-06 08:13:22 · 9 answers · asked by triathlon1979 2

my 3wks old lil one the first two weeks he was sleeping fine at nite time he would just get up and eat but know he stays awake i feed him he closes his eyes but once i put him back to bed he starts opening his eyes and wanting more milky whats going on help

2007-08-06 08:12:26 · 4 answers · asked by liliana b 1

well me and my girlfriend, been together since the 7th grade and we now are in tha 11th grade, me and her are super closel, but she's pregnant now wel is only one month a one week, but we dont want to have the baby because,well i live in Texas and if my parent find out there going take me with them to Chicago so i need some help, i want to know what can i do, like get a pill or something so she wont have tha baby!!!!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!

2007-08-06 08:11:55 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to get a tatto on my lower abdomen. Im 2 months pregnant. Will the baby be ok?

2007-08-06 08:05:46 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not a very religious person. I believe there is a higher power for everyone but I am not sure that it is God. Since I have been pregnant (and I am only 6 1/2 weeks), I have been thinking alot about a baptism and finding a church. I guess it isn't that I dont believe in God, Im just not sure. Do you think that I would be a hypocrit for attending church and having my baby baptized even if I am unsure about my religious views. I just think "Oh Geez - what if I am wrong and damning my child" if I don't do it. Again, please no hateful replies. Spirituality is a journey that we all go on at different paces. I admire you if you are strong in your faith but please don't criticize me for not having that same resilience. I wish I just believed. I am thinking about my child though. My mom forced me to attend church until I was 16 so I feel like I have a good background and I think I want to give that to my child so that he can make an educated decision about his own views. Thanks.

2007-08-06 08:00:22 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am having my third boy and Im not gaining weight this pregnancy. I am 5'4''
With my first I weighed 120 and went to 174. (3 YRS LATER)
With my second I was 142 and went to 163 (13 mths later)
I lost all my weight, went to 128. Decided to stop going to the gym and not to diet because we were going to try for another. I weighed 139 when we found out I was pregnant.
Now I am 27 weeks along and I have only gained 4 lbs. My midwife asked me if I have been feeling ok and I have. She also asked me if I have been trying to not gain and just eating very healthy, and I havnt... IM MORE A PIG THEN EVER! LOL
Everywhere I go people barely notice im pregnant or they comment to me that for my third my belly should be huge by now. This makes me worried but my midwife says The baby is showing of perfect size that he is just growing more inside my pelvis then on top. Making my belly look smaller then those with smaller hips.
Anyone have this happen to them and still birth a healthy baby?

2007-08-06 07:57:40 · 10 answers · asked by Kelly+Ian 4

Ok, i'm 30 weeks pregnant and i find myself waking up inthe night and i'm sleeping on my belly. It's not uncomfortable but could it be bad for the baby?? I've heard that the baby is really pretected and i can't hurt it but i get this feeling that i should'nt sleep on my belly. Does any other pregnant moms sleep or have slept on there belly while being pregnant??

2007-08-06 07:55:32 · 15 answers · asked by red 3

Ok I am kinda worried I am 27 weeks pregnant and my husband and I had not been having sex for a while (like a month or so) well this weekend we had sex twice. Since then and some before I have been having alot of discharge. Not to sound gross but it takes a couple of wips to get it all cleaned off well, i was wondering if this is my mucus plug or just and effect of the sex thanks for the hellp

2007-08-06 07:43:17 · 13 answers · asked by mommy092107 3

Hello! I normally ask questions on here about my pregnancy but my girlfriend is 3 monthspregnant...and she is not to shure what is going on. Her first doc appt is on the 22nd so she would like some answers now before then. She has been throwing up since she fond she was pregnant. I am 3 months and I am huge compared to her she is soooo tiny. She does not even lok pregnant. She says every time she eats she gets a stomach ache and has to go poop almost like diareha...(cant spell;) is this normal if not what is going on?

2007-08-06 07:15:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I am prenent I would only be about 4 weeks. Why would the last be neg.?

2007-08-06 07:04:02 · 10 answers · asked by Willie 2

Hi there I have got to have a filling removed and replaced as I have cavities in the tooth and am in pain, and a normal filling but I am only 11 weeks pregnant. I was going to wait until after I had the baby as I have heard a mixed reaction to dental care in pregnancy.
I went to the dentist for advice today and he seemed happy to go ahead! Is this correct? as I have heard you should avoid x-rays local anaesthetic injections etc. Has anyone else had this type of thing done and everything was ok?
Thank you for your help

2007-08-06 06:29:00 · 16 answers · asked by Hayley 5

I only got one of my son. That was not even from the doc. Is it rude to ask?

2007-08-06 06:22:48 · 17 answers · asked by Minders 2

Has anyone out there who suffered from horrible nausea during pregnancy ever taken vitamin B6? If so did it work for you? I called my OB doc today to see if he could do something about my nausea in hopes to get Phenargren but they told me to go to walmart and get vitamin b6 and try it first. My nausea is so bad that i cant even take care of my own 1 year old son cause i dont even want to get out of bed and my husband is deployed. Please tell me if it works!! Thanks

2007-08-06 06:12:27 · 3 answers · asked by Cmaria L 1

I am almost 15 weeks, but I didn't feel it in the same spot I felt it more on the right side early in the day then a little higher on the left side later in the day. It was that bubbly butterfly feeling but I was surprised they were in such different places.

2007-08-06 06:10:05 · 10 answers · asked by lucy diamond 6

That was the only time i ever drank. Or ever will. Do you think that hurt my baby. Im so so scared. I sure hope it didnt. I was stupid. Cant believe I ever did anything like that. Help Me PLZ!!!!!!

2007-08-06 06:07:31 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

This may be a stupid question but someone mentioned it to me yesterday. I am 8 weeks pregnant and go for my first prenatal visit on Wednesday.

2007-08-06 05:57:37 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok I am miserable right now... I am 37 weeks and haven't made a "real" bm for about 5 days. what are safe ways to get things going again? I know laxitives aren't supposed to be very good at this time...

2007-08-06 05:49:17 · 14 answers · asked by ishyboo 3

i am 14 weeks 1day and last night both my hands went numband tingly. i felt pretty ok otherwise. just couldnt feel my hands. after consulting with my mom (a nurse) i called the dr. i explained that my hand had been numb for bout 3 hours now. he seemed very un concerned ,like he couldnt be bothered to talk to me. and basicly said yeah its pretty normal but ill leave the choice to you if you feel uncomfortable you can go to the er.
well i decided not to go and it went away overnight.
but has anyone else had this or heard of it?
what did your doc say?

2007-08-06 05:30:07 · 8 answers · asked by blmbean 2

i don't know what medications are safe to take. i still haven't had my first doc's appt.(anxiously waiting for aug. 21).

2007-08-06 05:25:09 · 10 answers · asked by linds711 1

I am 16 weeks pregnant and so far I think I have been to the doctor 3 times a month (literally) first I thought I was miscarring I went to the ER, turns out it was just some bleeding. I had bleeding again the next month and found out I have placenta previa, the placenta previa caused uteran contractions, so they put my on this medicine that makes my blood pressure drop and my heart race and short of breath. I have been on the meds for like 2 weeks but now I am having the same cramps that caused me to get on the Meds. So I am going to the doctor AGAIN. The last time I was there my doctor said I was starting to become a regular and my friends joke and say I should just camp out there. I am so embarrassed that I have to go to the doctor so much but I am scared if I don't then something could happen to my baby. Am I right to keep going when I think something is wrong or should I stop worrying so much??

2007-08-06 05:02:39 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it normal to feel sick one day and then feel fine the next? My breasts were realyl hurting me for last two weeks but they dont hurt as much anymore. I guess my question is -- can symptoms vary tremendously from day to day. I am so scared to miscarry and not know it.

2007-08-06 04:59:32 · 6 answers · asked by cwrayvoa 3

I have a friend who is in the process of a divorce, from which she will not receive any funds. She is also pregnant. She won't receive a paycheck during the period after she gives birth when she needs to stay home and recover and take care of her baby. What do single mothers like this do?? Is there any aid available?

2007-08-06 04:23:02 · 14 answers · asked by SJ 2

I'm 5 and a half weeks pregnant. I'm 20 years old, my boyfriend is 18. When i found out i was pregnant, we were both excited. He went wth me to the doctor and even bought me a baby journal. The past few days, however, he has told me he doesnt want this baby, and that he thinks it will ruin us. He says he will stay with me no matter what i decide, but I dont want to go completely against his wishes and keep it. I desperately want to keep this baby and I am very much against the idea of an abortion. We are both in college, him just starting and me about half way through. My parents arent thrilled, but are doing their best to be supportive. Any adivce would be appreciated, as well as some tips on how to help my family and my boyfriend be more supportive if i decide to keep the baby.

2007-08-06 04:03:19 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

everytime i eat i fel like im going to throw up and i have a yeast infection that wont go away.

2007-08-06 04:00:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've 13 days to go to my due date and I'm getting very excited about meeting my baby! I can't help but look out for signs that labour is not far away, I've had loose bowel movements for about four days now, increased discharge for a couple of weeks, lots of pelvic pressure and my nesting has gone into overdrive! What symptoms did you all experience in the days leading up to you going into labour?

2007-08-06 03:58:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am conducting research into the subject for my portfolio for college -
please help!
what was the most effective pain relief method you used during labour i.e breathing, epidural, gas and air, warm bath, tens machine, pethidine, etc

2007-08-06 03:58:18 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, well I'm 2 weeks late for my period (usually 26/27 day cycle, now on day 40 and nothing) I got slight cramps about a week ago, but but they were almost un noticable.

A few days after missed period I took 3 tests that said negative, and yesterday took another that said negative. I'm awaiting results from doctors on test there, but assume as its the same as a home test basicly it'll come back the same.

The problem is I feel like theres something different, and can't help but think I may be pregnant.I feel a bit sick at time, but nothing major, I'm eating a bit more, and tire more easily, but that could be a number of reasons I know. I'm not stressed at all.. Few problems in my life but nothing thats affectin me too much. I'm hearing alot on here of people showing negative on urine and blood tests, yet finding they're pregnant later on.

Anyone any thoughts/feelings on whether I'm pregnant or not?

2007-08-06 03:56:27 · 9 answers · asked by Terri B 2

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