My 7 month old son was circumcised last week... please don't ask why I waited...view my other questions. I chagedhim this morning and a small bit of his shaft and part of his scrotal sac seem to be more red than the other areas. I use polysporin 3 times a day and vaseline every other time, always wipe very thouroughly and change his diaper as soon as its soiled. He's still a a very happy baby and if it is an infection, he is showing no outward signs of it, other than the redness. I'm just wondering if that redness is normal? I mean, wouldn't he be upset or in pain or giving me somesign that he's uncoftorable if it was infected? As for those people who will lecture me on the negative aspects of circumcision, don't bother... I've heard your views and the deed has been done. Any negative/unhelpful comments will be ignored! As for anyone else, thanks in advance, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!
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