How I feel for you right now! I am in the exact same boat. My daughter is 6 weeks old, and she tends to be awake for a few hours at a time at night, last night she was awake from 12am to 4am and I had to be up at 6:45am to get my 5 year old ready for school. I feel as if I haven't slept at all since she was born. I try to grab a few hours in the afternoon if she is asleep before I go and pick my son up. If you have nothing else you need to worry about, IE other children or a job, sleep when your baby sleeps. The first few months are very hard and sometimes overwhelming for any mum, but definitely for a first time mum. Call on any support you have been offered by friends and family. I found that with my first child I thought I would come across as a bad mum if I asked for help, but it is so not true. Looking after a new baby is really hard and all the help you can get is a godsend. Good luck with your baby.
2007-02-25 20:21:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
When the baby sleeps this is when you take advantage and you sleep. Sometimes I would put my babies in the bed with me when they were first born till they reached 4 months, and I would sleep when they slept, and I would sleep while they looked around, and stared at me while I slept. I would not leave a 5 month old in the bed with me if they were not sleep they will move around alot, and are very active at this time because they can roll over, and scoot some. Good Luck.
2007-02-26 04:18:31
answer #2
answered by joi w 2
As mom, you are to sleep whenever baby sleeps. Yes, in the start there is a lot of waking every couple of hours for feedings, diaper changes, etc. but in a few months or so it will get better. Honest. This is where, if any family/friends can come and help you with stuff around the house for the first month or so, it is greatly appreciated. Man of the house needs to help some too. Not just be the bread winner. Although that is very important too. Take care.
2007-02-26 04:15:03
answer #3
answered by SAK 6
Whenever baby sleeps you sleep, stick a sign on the front door saying "new baby do not disturb". Or get partner to take baby for a hour drive. If you have more than one kid get partner to take them for a visit to nanas house.
Forget about housework your health & sanity comes first.
Good luck & sweet dreams.
2007-02-26 04:12:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
sleep when your baby sleeps
2007-02-26 09:31:01
answer #5
answered by butternut0000 3
The best time to sleep is when the bub is asleep.
2007-02-26 04:12:41
answer #6
answered by beau4dean 1
Whenever your baby is asleep?
2007-02-26 04:10:44
answer #7
answered by cigaro19 5