my son is 3 months old. he has cradle cap. i've done my research and from what i've read, just use regular j&j and take a soft srub to the scalp and leave in for about 5 minutes. they say to do this with a shampoo everyday, and within a week i should notice a difference. the only problem is, it helps for a few hours, and then the bumps and flakes come right back. it WON'T go away! what should i do?!?! ALSO, my son has VERY dry BUMPY skin all over his body. and its esspecially bad on his face, very red and dry and bumpy. it is NOT baby acne. but everyone i talk to says a dermotoligist would blow it off, i hear it'll just "go away". (even the pediatrician blew it off!) its seems like its just getting worse. but it looks bad and seems like it would be very irritating. i've tried lotions, then i stopped lotions all together. i've tried neosporon, j&j wash, aveeno wash. i dont know what else to do???
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