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What should i do to confort her and how to explain it to her. What is to come? I know chemo will wear her out and she will lose her hair but what else do i need to know about it. Please help!

2007-10-10 08:04:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

he says he didn't get hit or kicked but that this pain has bheen there for a week i have scheduled a appoitment with his pediatrician but there's a problem there the doctor is a female he's already scared and i dont know what to tell him he wont tell me much because im his mother the docters office tells me i have to stay in the room with him for the exam i know he will be so embarresed so i'm wonderring if tyhere are any other moms out there who have been thru this type of situation and could tell me what to tell him to expect i dont know what type of exam the doctor will do to him or anythig and i want to try to put him at ease so any help will be appreciated

2007-10-10 07:58:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Due to my son having so much difficulty in school (kindergarten)...I've been considering taking time off work to help him. I wanted to find out how do I look into being a babysitter in the meantime? I was interested in maybe having a daycare in my home.

Any ideas? Thank you all.

2007-10-10 07:20:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need help my daughters birthday party shes 6 bounce house or clown????

2007-10-10 02:51:31 · 18 answers · asked by reesa273 1

She is wonderful and sweet. Wise beyond her years but, like her Daddy she has a one track mind. Any advice would be great. We are out of ideas.

2007-10-09 19:28:04 · 6 answers · asked by Sandra K 4

My father in law has kept my sister in law who is 10 out of school for a year. they moved out of state for a month, then moved back, she was enrolled in school and then when the year ended he didnt have anyone to take her to school so he just didnt enroll her. I want to know the legal aspects of the situation. I am really distraught about this but there is not much that me and my husband can do.

2007-10-09 19:12:58 · 17 answers · asked by psyko 1

It's 11:16pm where i live and i was supposed to be asleep 2 hours ago ( i have a really strict mom) any sleep suggestions?

2007-10-09 17:18:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

my child is 13(son) adhd. he has a problem focusing remembering simple things. He is not on medication, he was but it puts him in a zombie like character. doesnt want to do any thing but stay home so i took him off of it. we have taken things from him..tv, radio, games etc. and have presented rewards if he at least tries, but to no aveil. simple things like taking a bath, brushing his teeth reminding him every day to do everyday things. now he watches videos and he remembers everyword to the videos and remembers if we tell him that we are doing things like going on trips..any thing that benefits him he remembers. He loves wrestling knows every wrestler and all the moves. So he has the ability to remember things. He rushes through homework which ends up 90 percent wrong. Me and his Dad is going through a hard time. We considered tutoring but its very costly. We talk and talk to him and explain the consequences of his actions but its not penatrating. PLEASE HELP US!

2007-10-09 13:38:55 · 5 answers · asked by sweetshady 1

I'm planning a birthday party for a 12-yr-old girl. I don't know her interests, but I do know that she wants to keep it at home. And we don't have too much money.

2007-10-09 11:17:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

he cried. the other kids laughed at him. he's 8 if you want to know.

2007-10-09 11:02:03 · 8 answers · asked by kcin sanoj 2

ne way, there wuz this press game just 4 fun! the principal found us doin it and confiscated the game and said one more time and ur expelled! i almost cried! then later on the bus, the kid who was there with me while i wuz gettin' in trouble started teasing me about gettin' in trouble!!! How can I get him 2 stop teasin me and how can i not get expelled?!!! Help me plz! i'm stressing out!!! oh, and some people in my class r trying 2 help me not get expelled and if ya'll have some deas, don't hesitate 2 e-mail or or answer the ques. thx!!! plz don't tease or ne thing, i'm already sad enough! and my classmates kinda cheered me up... but i'm still sad so plz help!!! thx! principal's name sr.elizabeth

2007-10-09 09:44:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

When my parents split up I was 8 and my brother was 6. At first my brother was fine, but then he started misbehaving on the days that we were going to go see our other parent (switch houses). When my mom moved to Florida with my brother and I and my dad stayed where we lived he acted a lot better. He had been wetting the bed in our old house, and then he had stopped when we moved. We have moved back, we didn't like Florida, and he has become a DISASTER. He freaks out whenever someone in the family eats, or does the dishes, etc. He is rude, he backtalks my parents, and he swears at EVERYONE and he is wetting the bed again. He requires SO much of my parents attention that they have less time for me; they have to pay attention to him first. If I am having a conversation with my mom and my brother walks in, our conversation has to stop immediately so he can have attention so that he doesn't have a meltdown! Whenever he doesn't get what he wants he has a temper tantrum! What can we do?

2007-10-09 09:37:53 · 18 answers · asked by Em <3 1

my 6 year old son is actually a very soft hearted, sweet, caring little guy but he's usually so hyper. If he doesnt get his way (like going outside to play or what have you) he throws a fit. Sometimes his fits are to the point that he will slam doors-his mouth gets out of hand also. He doesnt cuss but he will definately talk back. He is constantly climbing on the furniture and doesnt really give me all of his attention very often. HIs mind seems like its running a million miles a minute. I am a young mother. I had him at age 17. I dont know if its my easy going parenting or if my son may have adha as my little brother had it and I didnt know what I should do. I dont want to see my son on medication and drugged up like my brother, but I want to do the best for him. Do I just need to be more disciplining and strict? He listens to his dad well. But not me-its like he doesnt take me too seriously

2007-10-09 05:28:29 · 17 answers · asked by Yellowtulips 3

I'm sure you're all sick of school fundraisers by now. School has only been in session 5 or 6 weeks and already my daughter has brought home their SECOND fundraiser. I don't mind the entertainment books, it's actually something we use and buy every year anyways. But I cannot stand the Sally Foster crap. It's all over-priced chincey crap and the prizes the kids get are even cheaper. At the PTA meeting- they were up for ideas for their fundraising committee- they wanted some ideas/suggestions for fundraisers. Does anyone have any suggestions that they know work- but that don't involve selling "made in china dollar store trinkets" for $20?

2007-10-09 05:24:27 · 18 answers · asked by Amy Clark 5

2007-10-09 04:31:03 · 16 answers · asked by onetreehunny 4

He gets playing and won't stop and take the time to use the RR. WE have tried pullups and he stays dry, We hve taken toys away and he doesn't get upset, grounding doesn't work and we are running out of ideas.. Any suggestions?

2007-10-09 04:20:53 · 16 answers · asked by shutterfly butterfly 2

This is her first year and junior high we try to take that into account, and that she is going through puberty. 2 grades show she is not doing her homework and we have caught her in lies. How do we stop this from happening? We already are paying for grades at each quarter.

2007-10-08 16:47:40 · 9 answers · asked by chiefs fan 4

My second-grade daughter is going to be eight in January, and I think she might enjoy one of these organizations. I already know that Campfire is technically co-ed now (though I wonder how many troops actually have boys in them), and that Brownies are affiliated with Girl Scouts. But are there any sort of philosophical or practical differences?

2007-10-08 14:26:28 · 3 answers · asked by mistersato 5

Of course you would call her "Mrs. Smith" in front of the kids, but what about outside of class?

2007-10-08 13:42:03 · 16 answers · asked by l8ybugn 3

my fiance was absent from his sons life for 2 years. we have been seeing and getting his son every weekend for the past year. he was even with us the whole summer break. now his son is ten years old. we both have been thinking of filing for custody of his son for many reasons. one is he claims that he hardly sees his mother. some more reasons are he claimed that one of her ex's gave him a swirly (head in toilet) and his mom thought that it was funny. he is failing in school and his mom even told us that she didnt have time to help him because she works two jobs. which we recently found that to be a lie. he has had to share a bedroom with his two sisters and at times had to sleep on the couch or floor because his moms friends would come with there kids to stay the night. lately she is complaing that she is having a real hard time with him. and we never have problems that bad with him. she refuses to help with the transpotation when it comes to getting him.

2007-10-08 13:32:51 · 10 answers · asked by wigginsleanna 3

2007-10-08 12:46:39 · 35 answers · asked by quadmaster92 2

My little girl 5. has always been spirited. She has attended preschool in the past and getting dressed was a struggle but this year is terrible! I physically have to hold her when dressing her, brushing teeth, hair etc. She is a defiant little one with lots of spunk and drama and also the type that as soon as she comes home strips off the clothes. I can't keep going through these morning battles and I can't send her to school naked. She's never been diagnosed with any med problems. But it's got me wondering. Any advice would be helpful.

2007-10-08 07:13:45 · 13 answers · asked by julz 5

Okay this is kind of detailed but I need more options shown to me! My neice is in Kindergarten and due to boundaries must go to a school 5miles from her house and town. The problem is my brother a single parent works, as do the rest of the adults in her life, and we cant find a daycare to transport her to and from this school. We tried for a transfer but the first request was denied b/c it was a preference! Any other ideas as to what we can try? hPlease no sarcastic answers. We just need some real ideas on how to resolve the issue. Using his lunchbreak is starting to cause work issues as he works in flooring and has to leave his coworker hanging before their scheduled lunchbreak. In home daycare is not an option either people here expect upwards of $9/hr.

2007-10-08 06:47:12 · 7 answers · asked by billie b 5

we sent out nearly 40 invitations for my sons birthday, which is this weekend. We sent them 2-3 weeks early, yet only 3 parents RSVP'd. I'd be heatbroken if only the three kids turned up, my son would be devestated. should i take it that the rest wont turn up? Or do you think they will?

2007-10-08 05:28:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I quit after 5th grade! I have been a leader for 5 years and my daughter is in 6th grade. I really want to quit but there is no one to take over and I feel bad leaving the girls, my daughter said she is finally ready to quit. I figure this will be my last year because I cant imagine girls wanting to go on when they are in jr high.. just curious! : )

2007-10-08 04:46:48 · 24 answers · asked by kaytee3212 6

Middle school kids these days are small and carrying all them books up and down stairs isnt going to work.................. Thats to many book to be carrying ....... Then they are small and thats too heavey on there back so .... My point of view i think that i dont want my child come home cryin sayin .............. her back hurt...........I fill weak....... at school i fell backward off the stairs..... wat should i do ....................

Do you think its wrong
should i report it

2007-10-08 03:08:03 · 13 answers · asked by tiniegb 2

I need some advice on some ideas to get my son to want to learn. My son is 5 and in kindergarten and does not want to learn, he doesnt seem to absorb any info because he forgets it all by the end of the day. My daughter is 8 and in 2nd grade and they are thinking of moving her up a grade because she is so smart and is bored with the 2nd grade information because she already knows it. She has been willing to learn everything since day 1 and i cant seem to get my son interested?
Anybody have advice for me???

2007-10-07 14:59:24 · 9 answers · asked by Missy A 3

he had all fs an one c. i know it was just the progress report an not the report card but its just as important cuz the report card is only a few weeks away. im not a bad mom im always invovled with my kids school work. i wanted to know was i to harsh with his punishment. an i dont want to here no crap about wooping him neither cuz im oldschool an i dont care bout no 696 im raising them not them. but anyway i wooped him put him on punishment until next semester progress report, hes doing 20 vacabs out the dictionary every day plus reading a book an giving me a summery every day an no tv. is that too harsh cuz i dont play bout school.

2007-10-07 07:30:59 · 24 answers · asked by tiffalonia30 2

I have a son who's 11 and still has accidents a few times a week.
I try not to make a big deal about it b/c I had a problem as a child.
We just do all the things like no or limited liquids. Waking up to go, etc.
I saw a commercial with children my child's age saying oh yea they help.
I sometimes wish they had them when I was a child b/c theres not much worse for a kid that waking up with soaked sheets.
I just can't see saying to my son, here wear these.
Honestly, I think the embarrassment would make a bad situation worse.

2007-10-07 01:19:57 · 11 answers · asked by Kari 4

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