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Any ideas on how to make a tooth costume?

2007-10-16 13:15:26 · 27 answers · asked by livingadream 4

As well as the "family" section?

I've only ventured to ask a few questions in these sections, even though I would like to ask more, because of this. While most people are pretty decent, I'll usually get between 3-5 really nasty answers, often involving name calling, or extreme views like my partner should have his son taken away from him for living with someone outside of marriage. Why does this stir up so much anger? Is it just religious right thing? Residual anger left over from their parent's own seperation?

And has anyone else experienced this?

2007-10-16 11:10:01 · 10 answers · asked by Priscilla B 5

girls have been accusing my 8 yr old of stealing and she doesn't even go over to this girls house. She told this girl that and I don't know what I can do about it. Do I just let them work it out or do I stick up for my daughter, do I call the mother of this girl? I don't want other kids to not be friends with my daughter because of this. It makes her and me feel bad.

2007-10-16 08:31:03 · 22 answers · asked by Tessie 2

I have a 5 year old sister who wears a belt with everything, jeans,shorts,dresses,costumes, even swimsuits. She really doesnt need to wear the belt becuase all these clothes fit her fine, its just one of those things with kids ya know.. So anyways the question is.. She tightens the belt so so so so so tight to where u cant even get a finger in.. When she tightens it she sucks in alot and then clips it.. Is this okay? It worries me a little.

2007-10-16 08:12:22 · 18 answers · asked by -cheree- 2

My child goes to a school that recently began incorporating children with severe emotional and behavioral problems into the regular classes. I am all for that, but since the first day of school my child has been threatened by one child that he his going to "come to your house and cut your head off" and " kill your little sister" also to " beat the h*ll out of you!" , mind you these children are in 2nd grade. Now this child threw an ocillating fan at my child and two others in the middle of his reading class a week ago... I went to the school and spoke with the principal the next day and was assured that this child would not be returning to class until it is proven he can control himself... He came back yesterday and on the playground threatened my son again. I understand that children make threats but this is becoming dangerous! I am at wits end... my son has lots of friends and is very petite (4 inches and 15lbs smaller than other kids - what should I do???

2007-10-16 06:32:19 · 32 answers · asked by daniegirl917 2

He uses the stall by himself i just wait for him to finish. But i dont want him in the guys bathroom to many pervs out there..

2007-10-16 04:01:46 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone we know took her kid into school today, despite the fact that she'd been throwing up this morning. Is this right? Isn't there some kind of 48-hour rule regarding vomiting and diarrhoea?

I find it pretty selfish personally - passing round the germs like that! She seemed to find it amusing though! *shrugs*

2007-10-15 21:23:31 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

My house is so untidy most of the time. I have 3 small children aged 6 mths, 2 yrs and a 7 yr old, plus 2 dogs and 3 cats (I love animals) I live with so much junk i feel unable to throw away and theres piles of junk everywhere. I feel too embarressed to let people over, because they're going to think i'm a lazy grot, when the truth is that i dont sit down all day, i'm always cleaning, or tending to the little ones. my yard is a mess because of the dogs (one of them is a naughty husky- the amount of hair she loses is incredible, its all over the yard, its everywhere,). My partner tells me to just relax, but if i dont clean, then no one will. How do people organise a house? What do i keep? What do i throw out? How do i stop my animals from stinking the place up? I've lost so much weight, I barely get time to eat, i'm just cleaning all the time and getting absolutely nowhere. HELP! No one elses house is like mine i'd appreciate any suggestions/handy tips...

2007-10-15 18:30:09 · 10 answers · asked by bahl 3

I am an Early Childhood teacher and I have noticed a trend with my students where many of them come to school without eating anything for breakfast or eating a fast snack "breakfast" at school.

Out of my own interest, I'm wondering what do you (as adults) eat for breakfast? Do you skip breakfast often or eat it everyday?

And if you have children, do you provide them with an adequate breakfast everyday? What on average do your children eat before coming to school each day?

I'm particularly interested in this after reading much research about the adverse educational outcomes for children associated with not eating an adequate breakfast before school.

Thank you for your answer!

2007-10-15 11:44:35 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I baby-sit and love kids. I found this job that will allow me to be a teen nanny. I'll work everyday after school and on Saturdays and if they need me to stay late, I'll get more cash. I'm 15 and don't mind since it's for three little girls in my building and my friend will be working next door for an old lady. What are some fun things to do with kids ages 11 months, 4 and 8? Please do not say TV because we will be watching a lot of TV from the kids' descriptions. I only have my permit so please no place out of Brewster, Maine.Thank you!

2007-10-15 10:44:15 · 11 answers · asked by Justine 2

and was told "no". but after a few minutes he left to go anyways, so he wouldn't have an accident and you found out the teacher blocked the door so he couldn't go, what would you do?

2007-10-15 05:00:35 · 48 answers · asked by (!)listen 5

I have an 11 year old son who goes to the bathroom very frequently when we are in at restaurants, weddings, etc. He does not do this when we are at home, or when he is at school. He does not wake up in the middle of the night to go either. He claims he has to go badly everytime and that he is going a lot. Has anyone else had this issue with their children? I find it hard to believe that anyone would have to go the bathroom 9 times in 4 hours like he recently did at a wedding.

2007-10-15 04:44:34 · 14 answers · asked by chris b 1

I am in the 5th grade and am a girl. I have a male teacher. He pinches my cheeks, chucks my chin, rubs my chin(places finger under chin and continually rubs back and forth), rubs his hand on my face, He places his thumb and index finger on my cheeks and squeezes and like kinda wipes my chin. I dont care but im kinda scared to tell my mother, is this harrassment?

2007-10-15 01:44:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know i dont..

2007-10-14 18:55:30 · 8 answers · asked by One $hot to your $oul 1

2007-10-14 17:16:40 · 12 answers · asked by graylightening 1

My 9 yr old daughter has no medical conditions but at least 2-3 times a week wets her pants, any ideas

2007-10-14 16:47:00 · 16 answers · asked by Jay D 1

My six year old son came home last week, asking the question, "How do people get cancer?"
I was quite surprised... but he told me they were doing the Terry Fox Run, so I assumed their teacher told them a bit about cancer so they understood why they were doing the run.

I asked what he was told, and this is what I got...

His teacher told him that when kids chew & swallow bubble gum, it gets stuck to their bones, organs & heart.. and thats how people get cancer.!

I was dumbfounded at this answer (For all the people out there who believe this ridiculous wives tale.. it's COMPLETELY false.. with scientific studies proving the falsehood).

I explained to him (in 6yr old language) how the digestive system REALLY works, and it's impossible for gum to stick to anything... and that no one really knows how people get cancer (Lifestyle, smoking etc. can contribute, but no one knows for sure etc.)

I'm calling the teacher tomorrow to discuss this... what would you say?

2007-10-14 14:15:46 · 19 answers · asked by Mom2Boyzz 3

Our son seems to always be how scheaming to get passed real food and move on to dessert. He spends time at his real moms and at our house which means most the time he is eating dinner there and dessert then coming over here and eating more dessert. My husband doesn't seem to have a problem with this. My husband is 300lbs and he tells me stories about how hard it was to be the "fat" kid. Our boy isn't fat but he is getting big. At 6 he wears a 9-10. Tonight I made spaggetti which our son is supposed to love and I gave him this teeny-weenie portion just for an experiment. He nibbled and pushed it around for 30 min then announced that he was full. I took a shower and when I got out his dad and he were plowing through a plate of cookies - really full, ...full of something but not food. I'm thinking about just giving him what he wants until he's sick of it or it makes him feel sick. Instead of food I'll just give him candy at meals, and offer nothing else. I need help I'm fed up.

2007-10-14 13:42:07 · 15 answers · asked by mudpuppie_80 4

My 3rd grader loves Hank Zipzer books writen by Henry Winkler. He has read them all. He likes these books because they are about kids his age doing regular life things. Does anyone have any other books that are about boys doing boys things around the age of 9 - 11?

2007-10-14 10:49:55 · 9 answers · asked by Dance 4

Well, we had an eventful day. Our son was caught loading up adult web sites at his grandparents house. When he came home, my wife and I discussed what was going on. We come to find out that one of his 'friends' had shown him adult web sites at another one of his friends houses.
A review of my son's computer showed that he has visited adult web sites several times over the last few weeks. These are fully graphic images. Needless to say, NetNanny is now installed and blocking everything.
A few thoughts and questions: Is he too young for the birds and the bees discussion? (Or are we too late)
We aren't sure which friend originally showed this to our son and we aren't sure which of his friends have seen the same images. Any advice on those conversations with the parents?
Is this normal for boys this age to be curious? Frankly, we are bothered that he has been loading these sites on his own and even did it at his grandparent's house.
He is a great kid and we wish we could undo this all.

2007-10-13 18:40:01 · 19 answers · asked by squidward 2

My 6 yr old son broke his left arm at school 2 days ago. The doc put his arm in a cast (no sling). I go in to check up on him every so often, and I always catch him sleeping on his side with his left arm underneath him. How can I prevent him from sleeping on it? Sleeping on his back, or even sleeping on his right arm would be fine. Any ideas?

2007-10-13 17:02:41 · 9 answers · asked by Greddy 2

What's typical behavior for children in Kindergarten? What would you consider normal?

What would you consider to be bad behavior or red-flag behavior.

This is in the classroom.

2007-10-13 14:49:11 · 5 answers · asked by Je Adore 2

2007-10-13 12:18:50 · 28 answers · asked by coconuts 4

when asked to please eat something he throws it!!! Like last night My husband told him to please eat a few bites of his potatoes ...he(hubby) put it on his(our sons) sppon and said here please try it..and he flipped the spoon trhowing potaotes on my husband.....so my hubby swatted hima nd sent him to is room...he has done this several times and we usually do timeouts...is spanking a 6 year old an appropriate punishment for acting this way? I ahte spanking the kids..but if i dont hubby gets upset with me...any advice?

2007-10-13 11:11:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Child is 13 and does not really need to spend money on snacks.

2007-10-13 10:17:00 · 12 answers · asked by imahlah 6

do you know of anything like the 'trimkids' program, except for free?
because i know nothing about losing weight! i have a 9 yr old that is 4 ft 8 and 96 lbs.

2007-10-13 09:52:07 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and a friend are 13 and are babysitting two six and a eight year old boys. its hard to find stuff to do because we babysit them from 7PM-2AM and we cant do much outside.. What are some fun activities to do with the boys??

P.S. The boys are eaisy to do stuff with because they listen to us..

2007-10-13 09:32:13 · 22 answers · asked by Kept Breathing 2

What age do you think a child needs to be to read this book? Just an average age is good..we all know it depends on the kid. But just an average. My daughter REALLY loved the movie and I want to encourage her to read it but not if it's beyond her. Thanks!

2007-10-13 06:02:50 · 7 answers · asked by FreakyGeeky 3

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