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They are way too hard to sew by yourself, and the drycleaners charge like $4-$5 a patch. Any helpful hints will be greatly appreciated.

2007-10-06 13:07:40 · 11 answers · asked by Jackie S 2

She refuses to change into the robe. The will not let the doctor see her. We tried many doctors and neither of them can do a proper exam because she needs to keep on all her clothes. Is this common? Are there tips you have hear of or used?

2007-10-06 12:16:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My soon-to-be-step-daughter is a Brownie in Girlscouts and I have recently became co-leader. I've noticed that a lot of the moms are Girlscout Moms. They are like soccer moms but instead of saying "Oh my little Jimmy scored 8 goals" they say "Oh my little Sally sold 200 boxes of cookies. SO much more than anyone else." It is becoming really annoying and their kids act the same way bragging about everything and acting all snotty and perfect.

My co-leader is more in charge and has kicked out 3 girls for their poor attitude and we are kicking out another because she's always bragging. I want their to be a more easier way for us to deal with theese girls and parents. Any ideas?

2007-10-06 11:41:46 · 6 answers · asked by Jasmine 4

What could be the likely social situation two decades from now?

2007-10-05 23:16:41 · 12 answers · asked by Dolphin-Bird Lover8-88 7

How old were you when u got ur first boyfriend and kiss. i am in eighth grade and have never kissed a boy or had a boyfriend. is this bad??? am i a freak. i dont think it is cause im ugly or personality. Help please!!!

2007-10-05 09:35:35 · 14 answers · asked by koren bales 1

Our son has been in school since the age of 1yr 3mths. This year he started Kindergarten at a public school. I'm not sure if it's the change of atmosphere or how big his new school is compared to the last 2 he's been in, but his teacher informs us that he will not stop crying. We've tried talking to him about it and asking him questions about how his day went but he tells us all is well. In the morning he gets on the school bus happy as can be, but an hour into the school day he begins to fuss and refuses to do the work at times. When he's home all he ever wants to do is his activity books...so he obviously enjoys the work...just not the school. We don't know what else to try and I feel so bad that I can't help my baby... :( anyone else ever been through a similar situation?

2007-10-05 09:13:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 10 year old son has been doing poorly in school since about the 2nd grade. In 3rd grade the teachers set up a meeting with the AEA and discussed the possibility of attention deficit with me. I have taken him to the Dr. and let him be tested, but I have not recieved a straight forward yes or no answer. They always think there is a strong POSIBILITY of him having ADD, or he COULD, not yes he does or no he does not. They are really pushing the medication idea and I hate to medicate my child for something he may not have! However, he is in fifth grade this year and is failing ever subject. I feel I am running out of options. His teacher was talking about it again and wondering if I was willing to do a trial of the medication. I guess what I want to know is, what are some side effects of these meds? What can they do for him? What if he doesn't even have ADD and he takes them? Are there any long term effects from taking these over a period of time? Help?

2007-10-05 02:24:43 · 11 answers · asked by cupajoe 4

ive tryed rewarding, taking away, rearranging her whole room, nothing seems to help, seems like the only thing im saying to her everyday is clean your room and she is just walking in circles when she is in there supposely "cleaning" please help

2007-10-04 16:12:38 · 13 answers · asked by Nicole K 1

The teacher told my husband she was sorry, but I'm still madd, do you think her apology was enough?. He was practically dumped off the school bus, and layed on the floor for an hour crying and shaking. They gave the kids an extra recess, but since my son was not being cooperative, she admitted to my husband she withheld water that he begged her for, even using his sign language to ask for it. He told me he fealt small and thought he was dying, and I feel like I am still in a state of shock and sick to my stomache over this. I expressed my outrage to the principal, after she proceeded to tell me how great the teacher was as if what I had just told her didnt matter, then she hung up on me. She treated me like I had no right to get upset, and the way she bragged on the teacher led me to believe that the principal was just gonna sweep this under the rug like they so often do. I wrote her a letter today demanding she apologize to my son and me, but got no response. What should I do next?.

2007-10-04 13:04:28 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

Today my 12 year old daughter asked me how she could get guys to notice her. I was totally in shock. I told her I was going to have to get back to her. What should I say?

2007-10-04 08:56:41 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't want to medicate him. What 2 do?

2007-10-04 08:40:42 · 12 answers · asked by Vreecycle 1

my 6 yo brother was all "you don't spend enough time with me" this morning. which i don't get, cause I spend a lot of time with him. but i offered to take him to mcDonalds for lunch, hoping maybe that would calm him down. but he said "no, that's not what i mean". he went on to say that with my other brothers and sister (all much older than him), that i spend time with them all the time, and treat them like i do my own friends. and with him, i act like it's a chore. he wants me to treat him like a friend. i didn't even know 6 yo's notice things like that. i don't get it. i play with him, but i'm not going to take him to a concert where teenagers are jumping all over the place. i'll take him to the park, but i don't know. what exactly does he want? every time i mentioned something else, he just kept saying "no, that's not what i want, you don't get it". help!!!!

2007-10-04 06:10:27 · 17 answers · asked by ...... 2

I need some ideas on what to put in my 5 year old son's lunch for kindergarden,....plz give me some good ideas

2007-10-04 02:54:25 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

she's in kindergarten, and I only see her two nights a week and every other weekend. I don't ask vague questions like, "how was school today?' because I know that being specific is better. I ask things like, "what books did you read today/" or "what math skills did you work on today?" or "what did you play on the playground today?" What questions do you ask your children at the end of the day?

2007-10-04 02:26:00 · 14 answers · asked by metanoia 3

Okay,many people say their child talks too much. My daughter takes the cake on this one. She will have converstaions to herself. She will talk like the teacher to herself,so basically goes through what the teacher says when she is in school. She talks about things that happened years ago,talks about things that have absolutely nothing to do with what is happening at the moment. If someone is talking,she is talking. She is always making noise,be it singing,talking,or just making noise. She drives me nuts,she drives everyone we know nuts,no one can handle how much she talks. She also has a habit of taking things from one container to the next and back again,she can do this for hours. I am at my wits end with her,I have been on the phone at times and people can swear there is like 20 kids her,but it is just her alone. Anyone ever experience this?

2007-10-04 02:17:47 · 18 answers · asked by gotchagood 2

my son is going to sulgrave manor which was built in the tudor times so for there luch they need to take food what was eaten in the tudor times and no plastic (as it was'nt invented so i neen to think of alternatives) any help please.

2007-10-04 00:56:08 · 13 answers · asked by Karen T 3

and stay out until past 9:30pm on a school night?
That's what is expected!

2007-10-03 19:34:34 · 20 answers · asked by oohay 2

My little boy is 5 and starting kindergarden how do i handle this and what do i do?

2007-10-03 10:55:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

my child has always gotten along with all his teachers and been a "favorite". this year (new school) has been a nightmare. he's been bullied, not allowed to use the restroom... it just goes on and on. i have him seeing a counselor and she says that the school hasn't handled some situations well at all. they keep blaming me for his behavior. when i finally asked that he be placed at a table away from the kid that is bullying him, his behavior dramatically improved. he's gotten all A's and does all his classwork. before that, they wanted to know what was going on at home on the weekends that would make him act the way he did on mondays. the counselor confirmed that he REALLY HATES his "friend" the bully. yesterday the teacher wouldn't let him go #2 until he finished the classwork. he left for the bathroom anyway. we saw the counselor yesterday afternoon and she said they should have let him go to the bathroom. he ended up in a big scuffle with the teacher. what do i do?

2007-10-03 10:08:44 · 11 answers · asked by (!)listen 5

They didn't make something they tried out for? My 5th grade son lost his bid for student council today and he wanted it really bad. He is terribly upset and takes it personally. To make it worse, he's upset because he was visably nervous.

I was looking on the bright side: He came in 2nd out of 6 PLUS He made student council last year and can't win every year. I just hate seeing him so sad. Is it best to let him just deal with it in his own way? He processes things pretty negatively some times.

2007-10-03 08:41:52 · 14 answers · asked by starbrite74♥♥ 3

My son was perscribed adderal. He was given AMPHETA S/COMBO 5 MG By the pharmacy. I am supposed to give him 1/2 a tablet every morning. I just want to know if any of you have any experiance with this drug and if you do then how has it effected you or your child.

2007-10-03 07:26:01 · 3 answers · asked by onelittleangelsittingonmyknee 3

I am looking for things to make with a 5 year that start with "E"...
I would like something other than an elephant or just coloring pictures...any ideas are very helpfull....and web sites are even better

2007-10-03 07:16:09 · 9 answers · asked by Rhylie and Paiyden 4

My daughter is 11 and just went into the sixth grade. She has always been a mama's baby but also is extremely mature in her mind for her age. She always has been ahead and acted older. She acts like she's 15 or 16. Suddenly this year she started acting like she hates me and does not want me around or want to spend time with me anymore. It really hurts since she is my only child and I don't know what to do. She is very popular at school and is now only interested in her friends. Should I be concerned? I know this is normal at a later age but she is still only eleven, even though she has the body and mind of an older child. Please help.

2007-10-03 02:29:48 · 17 answers · asked by college mom 1

them, because they say one is dependant on the other and they want to see how she will do own her own. we're not sure what to do, anyone been through this?

2007-10-02 14:54:33 · 34 answers · asked by twins 1

My 8 year old daughter vomited all over her floor early this morning so I kept her home from school. It is now 3:30p.m. and she's been asleep all day. She hasn't been up for more than a few minutes. She hasn't eaten or drank anything all day and she insists that she doesn't want anything. She's not running a temperature and hasn't been at all.

What can I give her besides Pedialyte that will keep her nourished? She hates the Pedialyte stuff.

2007-10-02 08:31:41 · 16 answers · asked by MiMi 3

Today,As i was typing
www.Yahoo.com In,
I saw
It was typed like that,I clicked it,My Daughters Pictures were up there with a MINI SKIRT
and a Bra.
They said they're 14 years old,Live in Nevada.
We live in Nevada.
They are putting WAY to much personal stuff.
E-mail,Aim etc.
How can i talk to them without them getting upset?
Should i punish them?
Take they're computer away?

2007-10-02 03:39:12 · 43 answers · asked by Michael-The best daddy of 8 2

My son is 6 and he will eat: pudding, yogurt, chips, fries and bacon. That's it. He drinks tons of milk. I have tried every way I can think of to get him to try new foods and he just won't do it. Short of holding him down and shoving the food in his mouth, which I DON'T do, by the way, there is just no way to get him to try foods. He flatly refuses: gentle requests, bargaining, taking away priveledges, not letting him leave the table until he's tried a bite of food, not giving him anything else to eat (he skipped 2 meals in a row and I just can't send him to school hungry!!!) Lately, he has been very constipated. I told him this is because he won't eat fruits, breads or vegetables and said I wanted him to at least eat apple sauce. I need some advice from parents of strong-willed kids only. If you don't have one, no offense, but you do not know what I'm dealing with here. I have another child who will try new foods. He's not strong-willed. My 6 year old is different.

2007-10-02 02:29:23 · 10 answers · asked by pookiemct07 5

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