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[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

Today i got a call from the school that my son drank from a milk carton and placed it back among the unopened ones and he was going to get another when he was spotted and i was also told it's a health issue and that there is the issue of staph infection going arround.Anyway my son was suspended from school and when i told them it's going to be while to pick him up,the vice-principal said that he can't be let back in to the class with other student, that he will have to be kept in another room,untill i come and this upset me so much 'cause my son is a perfectly healthy child and i do not see the reason for him to be alienated or quaratined from his peers.To me they went too far as per the suspention and the keeping him in a seperate room till he can be picked up is going to far.He is a well behaved child and what happened today surprised me.I fear that when he gets back to school he might be not be allowed to have lunch with is peers and i don't know what else they will do,place him in

2007-11-15 09:10:03 · 8 answers · asked by ckky21 1

she grabbed him by the arm and made him fall out of his desk. i talked to the principal and he got very defencive with me. i asked that my son be moved to another teacher,he said it was impossible, and that i could find another school. i dont really want to do that, as a parent, do i have the right to move him to another teacher? the teacher told me herself that she had been thumping him on the head when he wasn't paying attention. and i refuse to send him to her class until this problem has been resolved. the school is acting like im over reacting,but i saw a change in him since this september since school started.he will cry when i drop him off in the morning and say i dont want to go to school. hes never done that before. so am i over reacting? ill be dammed if some lady who i trusted with my child evoryday is going to treat my child this way ,and destroy his self asteem. since i found out he's been alot happier and it seems like a big weight has been lifted off his sholders

2007-11-15 06:32:34 · 38 answers · asked by L.A. WOMAN 2

In order to travel back and forth from school to home? and vise versa.

2007-11-15 04:43:59 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to buy a gift to my,

15 year-old nephew,
10 year-old nephew,
8 year-old nephew,
6 year-old neece

I will choose just one gift for each of them, the gift cant be too big, so that i can put it into my luggage.

Please suggest. I'll b really appreciate it.

Thanks !!

2007-11-15 04:13:53 · 14 answers · asked by fedor_fan 2

I have a son that's going on 7 years old he has been wetting his pants now for about a year, on and off during the months. He has now started crapping himself even around his friends and while doing activities. Laziness or medical? Hubby and I put in pullups again till he can go wtihout having the accidents so to speak, however it really doesn't effect him. He stays dry in them and then has the results in his underwear when he gets them back. Suggestions welcome !

2007-11-15 01:32:36 · 10 answers · asked by shutterfly butterfly 2

Should a single parent have another adult who is the same sex as their child teach them instead? Why or why not?
(in my scenario, the child is comfortable with their parent teaching them)

2007-11-15 00:47:33 · 15 answers · asked by xenypoo 7

Mom is tired but still put three squares of meal in front of son
Mom loves him dearly and would give her life for him eventhough hes grown
Grown daughter is living by herself independently working and paying her way through life because mom taught her girls must be strong and not let men rule them. Shes been on her own since 18. Shes a payroll secretary/
Son does. nothing
Mom feels its best that he entertain in her home rather than out there in the world where he might get into trouble. He loves the attention. Daughter resents his attitude
I say Treat both the same. Its unfair to him. She enabing him to be a grown child. He should be on his own too. Mom still works eight hour shift and dasjhes home to feed her boyfriend who doesnt work and her son.

2007-11-15 00:40:03 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am going to look after my neices who are 5 and 7 while their parents go Xmas shopping...I'd like to do some crafts with them and my 3 year old..no baking though! What would be good? Any ideas please?

2007-11-14 19:48:53 · 8 answers · asked by Daisyhill 7


I am in the 7th grade and i am taking health in school so im taking a baby home so anybody ever got one and how hard was it

2007-11-14 14:12:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

like I said, she is 14, 9th grade in Florida, and was kicked out for skipping. I recently signed documents at the school saying if she skipped again, she would be kicked out for the year. She was failing with a 20% average at the time. She ran away for 2 days, and was brought home by the cops. They say she needs bootcamp. Her father lives in another state. Can she attend school elsewhere? Does she need to be home schooled? Could I go to jail if she doesent attend some sort of school? I cant seem to control her. she does what she wants, when she wants. She drinks, has bad friends, smokes pot on occasion. She seems to need mens attention constantly. This has gone on for 2 years now. HELP

2007-11-14 11:41:31 · 35 answers · asked by tracy k 1

I babysit 2 children. They are 2 and 6. The 6 year old's class at school is having star of the week and this week they picked him. So,that meant that each day he had to bring something in. Tomorrow, he was supposed to take in his 2 year old brother. I told his parents last Friday that I would take him there, but that was before he got sick. Now he has a really bad cold and is being really grumpy and fussy. He has been that way since Monday. I told his mom tonight that I was not going to take him because I don't want him getting there and throwing fits and passing his cold to every child in the class. Did I handle the situation right? His mom acted upset when I told her I was not going to do it. What would you have done? If you are a parent would you be upset or could you understand where I am coming from?

2007-11-14 10:44:48 · 14 answers · asked by Laughing with you not at you 6

One of my second-graders is lactose intolerant. He accidently had a bowel movement on himself. The substitute teacher completely freaked out. She started yelling and she made her get paper towels and clean up the mess (even though his pants were dripping with diarrhea).

The other kids were all grossed out and saying ew. Some ran from the room covering their nose and had to be forced back into their seats.

The sub then sent him to the nurse's office.

Should I talk to the class about what happened so they're not shady when he returns to school?

2007-11-14 09:44:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

almost every night, trying to cut the drinks at night but kids get thirsty, (I sure do). Especially with the heat on this time of year. Tried waking up to take him to the bathroom but im not consistant and he does it again anyway sometimes..

2007-11-14 07:30:06 · 11 answers · asked by Inquiry4u 2

My little girl (age5) wants a cd player and cd's for christmas... she said she wants "girl music" (she has heard some songs of hilary duff and whatnot on disney) what are the best albums for her? I don't want her listening to anything like "boys boys" from britney or "dirrrrty" from christina- those girls were cute before they turned trashy... anyway any suggestions for pop music for her would be appreciated!

2007-11-14 07:27:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

At night? I am recommending that she take a shower at night - she doesn't do so...

Sound hygiene? Also, taking a shower at night b/4 bed is better as she will not make everyone wait for her (since we are ready 2 leave b/4 she is).

2007-11-14 05:48:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son is five and be seeing an eye doctor for the first time. He has ADHD but I need him to cooperate and not be scared. He got to see one since he school told me that he failed the far distance balance. They did an eye test at his school. how can I explain to him about it and should i tell him want they are doing it and why. He mostly doesn't like seeing doctors. Thanks

2007-11-14 05:22:44 · 10 answers · asked by Proud mom 4

My daughter is 3 years old and isnt able to play the Xbox 360 me and my boyfriend have at the house. My boyfriends son is six and can play the xbox and my daughter gets very frusterated when she cannont play the video games. I want to get her something age friendly for chistmas. I have been thinking the Vsmile but I have heard some bad reviews where it breaks easily. Also I would want his son to be able to enjoy the system that is purchased also....is the gamecube to advanced for a 3 year old or are some of the games age friendly. thanks.....any suggestions would be great also

2007-11-14 03:23:25 · 13 answers · asked by Princess 2

My daughter is 7 going on 17 real quick. Her dad is in the Army and is not here alot of times. She gets real mouthy, has a bad attitude, and acts like she is all high and mighty. She has also informed me that she doesn't need school, because she already knows everything she needs too. What do I do with her????

2007-11-14 02:44:39 · 19 answers · asked by ckrey83 1

Our son's Dylan and Wyatt play soccer and ice hockey. They have soccer on monday, wednesday, and friday. And games on saturday. And they have ice hockey on tuesdays,thursdays and games after their soccer games. And they are only 10. I think that they are falling behind in class. I want to pull them out but they love it so much. Should I pull them out anyway? If I shouldnt pull them out can someone please show me a way to help them balance school and sports?

2007-11-14 02:01:46 · 20 answers · asked by Dianne Lancaster 1

My husband and I were watching it in the room together while the kids were in the living room. We left it playing by accident when we left the room to go to the bathroom and a few minutes later my son went to the back of the house and pushed the door open to ask us a question. I walked out of the bathroom as he stepped back out of my room and I realized that he might have seen it. The computer was on my bed at an angle not fully visible from the door, and he says no that he didn't see what was on the screen. I think that he was embarrassed to say that he did and I feel horrible and don't know what to say or do. My son is 11.

2007-11-13 15:46:47 · 23 answers · asked by She-ra 3

Ok so my son had his 4th birthday on November 7th. My sister calls him and says Auntie Crystal is coming on the weekend to see you and i have a birthday present for you to. All weekend long my son kept asking when auntie crystal was coming over, and i had to keep saying, maybe later.
She calls me from home to say she is with her "lover" and she'll stop by during the week, meaning this week.
I talk to her today and she says i'm busy i have to work you know, and i was like ok but don't promise my son something then back out on it, it hurts a kids feelings. She then procedes to tell me to lose her number and not to ever call her again, a little extreme i thought.
My son hasn't forgotten and i don't say anything to him about it cause i don't want him all worked up. My sis lives 2 minutes from here, even if she stopped by when he was gone to bed to give him a birthday card he would be happy with that.
I guess i'm angry cause my sis promised my son she would come over......

2007-11-13 15:11:43 · 13 answers · asked by Wishmaster 6

I asked this question a week ago and just checked it now. It's 'resolved' now but I was amazed at the answers! I mean I don't see anything wrong with me (the mother) wanting my daughter to go to school or just out in public and look well groomed... I understand that at the age of 5...children's personalities rapidly expand and they want to do it THIS way have it THAT way. But I think boundaries, rules...are structural. One answerer said I 'probably scream' at my daughter when she takes her hair down...way out in left field, but okay. And if it 'hurts her' to have her hair up...my daughter is capable of telling me this. I just don't want my daughter walking around with unbrushed-looking hair. Because like it or not...some girls/women's hair can't be left down for more than 30 minutes with it looking a mess! And my daughter can't brush her hair at school or even correctly for that matter. I don't see anything wrong with a mom not wanting her daughter to take her hair down. Advice?

2007-11-13 14:57:10 · 21 answers · asked by mrs.nikita_ramirez 3

I keep telling my lil cousin she needs 10 or 11 hours of sleep.
She says she only needs 6. I want experts on sleep to answer
this question. Sorry Newbies(Noobs)! Prove who's wrong and who's right.

2007-11-13 14:23:34 · 11 answers · asked by Cara B 1

Our Troop wants to find some new ideas for raising money, other than selling cookies. Can anyone think of a new idea of how to do that? The girls are dieing to get their hands dirty and earn some money. There are some awesome trips that we want to take the girls on later next year when it's warmer, but we don't have a whole lot of good ideas on how to do so.

Anyone have any good ideas?

2007-11-13 14:14:41 · 22 answers · asked by *♥Mrs. Morrow♥* 2

My 6yr old little girl goes to a great elementary but the only issue I have is with how they handle lunch time.The kids can pick whatever they want for lunch , yes there is fruits and veggies available to them but they are not forced to take either one so mostly kids grab pizza or bagels with juice.
I try to pack my daughter at least 3 lunches a week and I always pack her healthy but good food like sushi, sandwhiches with an apple and crackers, chicken with corn you know good foods but she wont eat the lunch I packed her! she goes to the cafeteria and gets pizza ! I don't know what to do she would rather come home and get in trouble then to eat what I pack.Is there some way to get help from the school? I don't want my daughter to be unhealthy and I'm getting really tired of trying to punish her, it's not fair to either one of us. Please help.

2007-11-13 10:21:16 · 7 answers · asked by Frisco Girl 5


My 6 year old has difficulty, or is slower, to comprehend things. What wold be a good way to help out? 1st grade. He gets it but slower than what I would like. Or am I wrong or freaking out, SOS.

2007-11-13 09:28:11 · 4 answers · asked by Ace of Spades 5

Okay this lady I don't care for too much, she takes my kids to school and I pick hers up, but now all the sudden she is asking me to watch her kid all the time. I don't want to be mean and just say no, but I can't stand it. It's all the time, I mean she's here now. I am 6 months pregnant a honestly I don't have the patience to deal with this kid all the time. My kids are so different from her, mine get there own snacks and do things themselves and this little girl is always asking for something. I like kids but I'm not a afterschool daycare, you know what mean?

2007-11-13 08:17:43 · 15 answers · asked by ME 4

Are they any good? My son's been asking for one but I'm not convinced they're a good idea, I'd like to hear people's experience of them.

My son has a bike which he loves and uses regularly so its not instead of a bike.

2007-11-13 08:07:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


I know a girl who is 11 and really would like to help out with people to get money.Like take care of baby pets.Or sweep up the leaves in gardens,or even wash your car.For 10 pounds or more.

2007-11-13 08:07:02 · 4 answers · asked by Sweet pie 2

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