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Adolescent - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

ir so what r the thing it dose to you in the loung time

2007-10-26 12:45:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


How old do you think should people go on myspace?

2007-10-26 12:09:52 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

she has told me that she is at the point where either she wants to leave home or she wants her daughter to go to foster care, she just can't handle her attitude anymore, only problem is someone told her that if her daughter got put into foster care she would have to pay for it, is that true? We live in Minnesota.

2007-10-26 11:50:19 · 7 answers · asked by pumpkin2 1

I am a senior and like this girl alot who is in ninth grade. She is on my swim team and her mom and dad are our coaches. I am friends with her and her two brothers and sisters who are my age. Me and her are good friends. Her parents and I get along very well and so do our parents. Would you let your daughter if she was the girl I like and your were my coach based on this situation be happy with me going out with her?

2007-10-26 09:04:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 28 & she is 18.
We look of same age & are in love.
She says that she loves me but keeps on asking me my income & tells me to buy a new & bigger home & often says me as HOW WILL SHE CONVINCE HER PARENTS?

In the beginning of relationship i said that i will marry you only if your parents are happy.
But her parents are old aged 68 & 56 yrs resp.

She enjoys me on bed & forgets all the world & says that i love you & i will not marry anyone else & i will myself convince my parents "& all that stuff
But next day she again changes her statements.

If anyone knows GIRLS then tell me how do i tackle her questions??????????

2007-10-26 07:10:30 · 13 answers · asked by lovely 1

are u dreading the day when they have to leave u

2007-10-26 06:57:51 · 8 answers · asked by non active 2

2007-10-26 05:11:29 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My grandfather wakes me up every morning but never has any pants on so when I wake up his penis is in my face and I really don't think that's apprioate and he has my brother doing it. Do you think tht's inapporiate to and how should I tell him to stop?

2007-10-26 03:54:08 · 24 answers · asked by --; cookie. 4

2007-10-26 03:25:34 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

And if somebody makes a valid point about something he does that's wrong, he will try to embarrass you in front of a whole crowd of people.

He will make fun of the way you dress, how much money your parents make, etc.

And when he is around white people, he is really cool to be around. But if he is around somebody black or Hispanic, or someone he considers to be 'ghetto' he will be really mean to everyone and degrading.

It is offensive because he is black but he seem to thing that every black or Hispanic person must be 'ghetto' so he thinks he has to be like that for them to accept him.

I'm not the only person that thinks this, even his girlfriend has noticed this about him. And it bothers her, but she is the type to just keep quiet.

How can I get him to just admit that he is wrong instead of acting like a little boy? It is making me want to stop chilling with him!

2007-10-26 02:12:43 · 6 answers · asked by . 4

They were lying on his bed and I walked in (I didn't know he was in there) and they were lying on the bed and he had his hand up her top. I don't mind my kids dating but...making out at 11!? Is this acceptable for her to have her hands down his pants?? I don't really want to punish them, it's normal right?? The joy of having teens!! Advice??

2007-10-26 02:01:21 · 34 answers · asked by Mum of 3 1

How do you make your car sound like a Porsche 911 turbo?

2007-10-25 17:40:04 · 8 answers · asked by Gary G 1

My daughter's boyfriend lives out of town, so their only communication is phone and myspace. She is not allowed to call him until after 9 when it is free, but then she is on till one am, unless I catch her. Then she is tired at school, as she leaves at 6:30 am. She is not getting her homework done or her chores either. How do I get her to understand school is more important, whith out pushing her away. Until now, we have had a great relationship.

2007-10-25 17:24:27 · 44 answers · asked by dmarie 2

I've been to 3 different high schools. The first one I went to was a single sex school. The teachers were so pedantic about small things that didn't actually have anything to do with passing school (eg. too much make up, wearing a necklace). This school also tried very hard to act like a private school even though it was public.

The co-ed schools I've been to are a lot more relaxed. They are actually concerned about the things that matter (eg. passing assignments). The teachers are far friendlier and the whole atmosphere is very relaxed.

In your experience and your area, which school did you choose, or would you choose? Do you find the similar things happening too?

2007-10-25 17:08:09 · 32 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7

[I actually asked this in the right section (Society and Culture), but there's a bunch of trolls and ignorant people there and less here, so I'm asking again]
I'm half black, but can admit that I look in a magazine or something and see the light skinned model as prettier than a more dark skinned one or something. I know I'm not alone in this, and it isn't just about race. But are we as Americans taught (and somewhat brainwashed) into believing that we're ugly and can never live up to the people in the media? Because even if we KNOW they're not perfect and nobody can really truly be that amazing looking or smart or whatever it is all the time, we still compare oursleves to them like we can. It's really sad...

2007-10-25 14:24:32 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

In my Chemistry class, their is a guy in there that just started talking to me last week, and he was being nice to me, (I think he was flirting with me, I dunno.) and I thought about hanging out with him sometime. Then when the bell rang to go to lunch he was behind me and pushed me to the side and said "You're in my way." I think that he was kidding. Then the next time I had that class he kept calling me "Cheater" the whole class, I think that he was kidding then too. And today he still called me "Cheater", ironically we had a sub today and HE was cheating on the test with his friends. Why is he being nice one day, and being sorta rude the next?

2007-10-25 12:57:49 · 8 answers · asked by ... 5

today at school a girl who im kinda friends with told me that i have nothing on my face. then she was like "i have some here and here and here" she pointed to places on her face that didn't have pimples but wasn't clear..was she telling me that i have a boring face or just that i have really clear skin(my skin is really clear but isn't totally perfect.).. and im not pretty so i really think she was telling me that my face was boring. what did she mean? im 16 and she is 14 if that helps.

2007-10-25 12:13:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

my mom always told me not to wear bras at night does anyone know why?

2007-10-25 11:58:45 · 12 answers · asked by Mandy 2

Ok, my parents gave away my dress I got from my girlfriend. I am a boy that does wear girl clothes but I am not gay. I'm really pissed because it was pretty special to me and she spent alot of money on it! My parents said that they'll keep giving away all of the girl clothes until I stop and even than they'll give the clothes to my cousin. So what if I wear girl clothes?! That's the whole reason i'm so popular in school is because I went across the border line and I did what I wanted to do even if I would get riddiculed!
What should I do??!!

2007-10-25 11:13:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

my daughters just had her 14th birthday, a friend of hers introduced her to her cousin, whos a 17 yr old boy, they have been spending time together, not alone.
she says nothinks going to happen as they know hell be arrested plus shes not ready. they just want to be friends.
i asked her to bring him to see me, so we could chat. he came the next day. i pointed out the worries i was having regards to their ages and asked his intentions.he says he just want to see her as friends as they both enjoy each others company. ! he respects her .i said im not happy but i will trust my daughter to make they right choices, and HIM ,,when deep down i want him to back away, why would a 17 yr old want to hang out with a 14 yr old.
when they first met he thought she was 18 as she looks alot older then she is,
im worried if i say stay away from my daughter she will rebell and they will meet in secret. in lives with a friend plus friends mum, works , goes to collage doesnt do drugs, has motorbikes !!

2007-10-25 08:58:56 · 56 answers · asked by Anonymous

was when she had the kid?

2007-10-25 08:56:49 · 22 answers · asked by Diversity Girl 1

I am a student doing my A levels and I don't like it, I don't like studying and going to lessons, but my dad and mom want me to atleast complete the A levels for a better job. Recently I have skived off from school with dad and mom having no knowledge about it, I skived for around 2 weeks and then my tutor called dad and told him about my skiving. Now when he asked me about it, I was scared so I lied that I had gone to the school and there must be some misunderstanding with my tutor about the skiving. Now he is going to visit my tutor and ask her about it, I am scared, please tell me what to do

2007-10-25 03:52:18 · 10 answers · asked by kashish 1

My son is in his first year of high school and as he should wants to handle this on his own. how much is too mush and were do i draw the line?

2007-10-25 01:10:27 · 8 answers · asked by mcdonaldsnuggetaustin 4

I'm a teen, age 17+. Sometimes I have auto sex. Now I'm fed up with it. Now I have a desire
to have sex with a girl. My friends have told me that if I used a condom each time that
would be safe. It shows that there is nothing wrong having sex with many girls. But the
thing is I'm afraid in actually not to have sex but what do you think of the diseases?
such as AIDS. If you have had sex with many girls or may be boys are you sure about your
health. Are you confident that you didn't get any diseases? Is that really safe to use
condoms when having sex? If your answer is Yes, does it hints that is is OK to have sex with
girls without limiting for a one partner?
Can we get diseses when we ejaculate? Is it safe/ok to ejaculate? I love very much to do
that but I haven't dont it yet.

Thank you.

2007-10-25 00:26:53 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have alot of anger issues, and family issues. my mom wants me to start counseling, and im not sure if family counciling or just one on one counseling would be better. what would u guys suggest?

2007-10-24 19:24:43 · 11 answers · asked by crushed1tomanytimes 1

mine was 35

2007-10-24 16:00:58 · 43 answers · asked by KLynnSage 4

When high school students cut class, I am amazed at the number of parents who will call them in and make up an excuse for them so they don't have to serve detention. What do they think they are teaching their kids when they do this? My kids don't skip class because they know I won't excuse them. The ones that get by with it just keep on doing it!

2007-10-24 15:42:46 · 13 answers · asked by redhairedgirl 5

he was my first french and my last
this happened in May

well that was my firsr kiss and i was confused we were at a school carnival
wen i left he told everyone that i was a bad kisser = (
so i creid infront of the whole class on monday

well theres a party commming up he'll be there its a swimming pool party

what do i do!
i havent seen him since the Bazar

im already fit so thats not a promblem
should i ignore him?

should i learn how to kiss him and kiss him again to clear my name at school? (he doesent go to our school)

or should i fake about to kiss him and pour a drink on its head?

i did get teased for this i mean guys in my school dont like me and this didnt make it any better les just say im more "popular" outside of school

2007-10-24 15:31:51 · 21 answers · asked by Gloomy Princesess 3