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Adolescent - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

just wondering because this kid was telling me i was never going to know how to date. but i think its silly go go out with someone for 2 weeks.

ps. im in 9th grade

2007-10-02 10:45:14 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

hey guys! DO you know any cool original costumes for a 14 year old and a 12 year old? my duagters are having some trouble! something cute and affordable please! well your at it you can share yours if you want! I will give you my opinion!@ if you want!! Thanks!

2007-10-02 10:41:55 · 13 answers · asked by dan-dan-noodle-gal 2

I am a 13 year old girl that wants to be in a tv show or even a movie and i really want to act. dose anyone have suggestions?

2007-10-02 09:31:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

you wake up for school?

2007-10-02 06:54:25 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

and he wanted to talk and followed me around the whole freak'n store - I got so fed up that as he was coming down a long aisle I threw a broom or mop or something in front of the wheelchair - it stopped short and he went flying - Security made me leave the store - Is that fair?

2007-10-02 06:33:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

What time should a 13 year old go to bed?

2007-10-02 06:07:47 · 34 answers · asked by ssst42 3

My father goes, and just out of the blue ( because he's drunk and on a hangover, most likely) says to me when i came out of my room " oh look it's the big baby, wanting mommys attention, always im competition, the big baby" etc etc to me. My mom was there and she was telling him to go to bed cause he was being stupid. And then as he's walking up the hall he goes " all she is just one big ******* baby".

I then said " at least im not a p rick like you ". Which im in trouble for now. .Then while he's in his room, i hear him say " the f ucken *** hole". Now im not complaining or anything, i just want to know if you think this was a fair thing for me to have said? Considering, i didn't do anythign to make him say this, other than saying that the show was half over and that i didn't want to watch it. And shoud i now be grounded in my room for the night? Thanks so much!

2007-10-02 03:46:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i peirced my cartiagle last week with the ear ring and my friend wants me to do hers because she cant seem to get it through the back part. so i told her i would. any suggestions other than go get it down prof.

2007-10-02 00:33:16 · 9 answers · asked by afi_lover282 1

My daughter turned 17 in July should i let her go out with her frends drinking, i have said no but she says all her frends from collage go out, if i do let her out is insisting that she is picked up by me ureasnable.

2007-10-01 23:04:29 · 37 answers · asked by stephen l 2

the point is she's totally up herself and thnks she's the most fabulous ever born!

she wont shutup about how pretty she is and how good her body looks and i just role my eyes everytime.

shes always saying how many times shes been shopping, how much shes bought (she'll ring me just to say she bought 13 shirts or some crap) or how tanned she is.

she just wont shutup!

i really want to tell her that, but she'll make my life miserable and steal my bestfriend whcih shes already started to do.

she wont shutup about how guys think shes so hot, but she has never been asked out or nething so wats her problem.

i think shes insecur, but shes always saying how inseecure this person is because they are saying mean things abuot this person, but she bitches so bad behind peoples backs.

what can i do other than roll my eyes

2007-10-01 22:54:57 · 13 answers · asked by Starfish 2

Why are you so short minded? I mean, I am from Romania, and here, it is legal to wear two pieces bathsuit at 10 years, and here you are telling that at 13 is too younger. Or that at 13 you are too young to have a boyfriend. I access this site to have the knowledge that I haven't got from home, but you are all messing up with my brain! You are all so comunist??? At 13 you are too dezvolted to say that you aren't a teen!


2007-10-01 20:59:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my bf have been in a long distance relationshop for almost 2 years.We sometimes master together.Lately though im ready to go wanting to and i just dont.I didnt tell him for a long time but i have now and he has trust issues but he understands.He says if i tell him hes ok but i usually dont .I feel so bad about it.Why do i do this?Not only to him but ot myself?

2007-10-01 18:41:34 · 6 answers · asked by Bookybell 4

So, I'm 15 and I have known this boy since I was young [which I don't remember]. He played with my brother, and his older brother was friends with my cousin. He is 17. Well, I started "dating" him when I was 11. He is the nicest guy you would ever know when he is not partying, or hanging out with his friends. His mom died when he was like 11 or 12. He has had a hard life, and I get sick of his immature ways, and I hate how he tries to fit in.

Eight months ago he got put in a drug rehabilitation center. Whenever he went to the D.H. I would always write him and support him [which I probably shouldn't have]. This time, I only wrote him three times, and I have not spoken to him in a month in a half. He used to try to call every day.

I guess he got tired of being hung up on, so he stopped calling like a week ago. I feel guilty for treating him this way, but he needs to change and on his own!! How can I stop feeling so guilty?? Am I wrong for doing this?? Thanks

2007-10-01 18:32:33 · 5 answers · asked by I dunno! 1

17 year old daughter was caught with a friend shoplifting. The friend was arrested because she was actually carrying the items and my daughter was let go after I spoke to the police as she was not holding the merchandise.
I am heartbroken, disappointed and frightened for her and need to come up with a suitable punishment for her involvement. Yes, we've talked and she seems remorseful, but I need to make a stand about how unacceptable this is.
Any thoughts or ideas out there?

2007-10-01 17:22:48 · 21 answers · asked by dizzkat 7

How can she get child support?

Should I tell the jerk's parents that their stupid son got my little sister pregnant?

2007-10-01 17:15:49 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ummm I was skateboarding and I fell on arm. I CAN move my arm from my shoulder, bend my elbow, fingers, and wrist but it hurts so much, it hurts like hell to type with the hand but it mostly hurts lower part of forearm and elbow. Can it be broken? I did it literal 10 minutes ago. I don't wanna go to ER unless nesscary because it is 10:12 PM and I got school tomorrow I am 14.

2007-10-01 15:12:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

A little background - Cherryxxxxxx blasted me 2 months ago because I answered another question stating that I believe a 13 year old girl is not mature enough to handle pregnancy and caring for a newborn baby.

Does anybody really believe a 13 year old girl is mature enough to handle pregnancy and then care for a baby? Keep in mind this 13 year old is growing physically and mentally, herself.

After thinking about how I responded, I believe I would still respond the way I previously did; a 13 year old girl is NOT MATURE ENOUGH to handle pregnancy and a newborn baby.

Well-thought answers would be appreciated.

2007-10-01 14:06:58 · 24 answers · asked by Living In Korea 7

i lost it last week. To my best guy friend.

2007-10-01 12:46:16 · 34 answers · asked by piper 1

i dont have to leave for school in the morning till like 9.45am
but iv still got to..
pack my school bag
wash my hair
do an hour- an hour and a halfs worth of homework!
late i know.. but what shall i do now.. and what in the morning??
urrrrgh i need to start getting ready earlier!!

2007-10-01 11:38:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

how can i switch seats? i mean like an excuse to use. in my lit/l.a classes we switched and are seating in this seating chart for the rest of the year. i am the farthest place possibly from Wyatt! and also this stuck up, cold and unfriendly girl is next to him. they are on the end. i don't want her bothering him. he knows i'm nice at least. what genius excuse can i come up with to get moved? thanks! also the "jock" next to me won't leave me alone.

2007-10-01 10:36:43 · 12 answers · asked by chicagoluvr101 1

O MyGoD Serious break down coming, its hard enough hes a teen but throw in some Adhd and OCD and try living with that.. oh yea,, get your god dam appliances in. just a rant, no I wont do anything rash,, just give me another adivane and a big bag of weed and ill be fine.......... I count the days till hes 18, he wont have to go to school and I dont have to deal with teachers calling me....... any body relate?

2007-10-01 09:29:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

She usually takes me to kohls but walmart has a brand I like. Also, do you think she will freak if I pick out bikinis? (im a male)


2007-10-01 08:45:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

okei...so i like this guy named justin...and i think he likes me 2...but im not relle sure....he always plays with my hair and today he was rubbin ma shoes(i know...its weird..lolz) and he always pokes my face and plays with my earings..and we ALWAYS talk....one time he got dissappointed because i changed my hair from straight to curly and he liked it straight...do you think he likes me...or am i just imagining things?

2007-10-01 08:19:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I like this guy loads ppl tell me he likes me but hes shy so he wnt ask me out , how can i get him 2 but not desperate or feel like a a** if he dnt read the signs .ive known him 4 like 2 years so plz dnt say get 2 no him coz i do really well.i dnt wanna ask him tho im shy 2 lol

thanks and im 15

2007-10-01 05:50:13 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'll be 18 in 3 months, how do I start acting like a real adult without acting like a child?
I really want to be an adult, I was so exited for this moment, I was so happy, when I start watching anime and pokemon, I feel like I'm acting like a child. Adults are supposed to be more serious about the future, like becoming a doctor.They are supposed to work on their own. Find real jobs. Go to college.

I want to start acting like an adult, but how? How does someone act like a child? I want to grow up.

2007-10-01 04:20:44 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous