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Adolescent - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

She will be in College too, and we live close enough for her to live home.....but she wants to move into either the dorm or into a rental house with two other girls. Is she old enough for this? I've told her that if she does that, she will have to pay for it herself because she could live at home and it isn't a necessity....

2007-09-28 01:48:08 · 21 answers · asked by Me 3

Iam 14 and iam an love with my cousin.He too loves me.But my parents are very strict and i dont know what to do.He compells me to have sex with him but i refuse to do so.We have just kissed one another.HE is 16 and since iam not doing as he wants me to do so he gets upset with me.He thinks that iam a kind of kiddish.
So please help me out..........................

2007-09-28 01:33:57 · 7 answers · asked by rosi 1

I don't have a problem with it if I checked out the place that would do it my girls 12 but my friends girl wants it done and she doesn't think it should because she's only 12 so she feels she's to young and yet her older daughters had their's done at 14 I can't see the difference. Whats your opinion?

2007-09-28 00:54:37 · 46 answers · asked by Wide Awake 7

I got pregnate and then he left he said i need to get an abortion but i didnt want to now he says adoption im not up for either im 20 and he is 18 he says if i have it and keep the baby that me and him were threw and he wanted to be left out im so stress and sad about this whole situation?!

2007-09-27 19:29:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a pre-calculus teacher and I have a 16 year old girl in one of my classes. I had her last year as a student as well. Last year she was very quiet, but this year she seems even more quiet and is very shy. She won't talk to anyone and when someone tries talking to her she replies, but very quietly and she looks really nervous to talk to anyone. Whenever I glance over at her she always looks very distressed. But she's a very hardworker and gets all of her work done and is very thourough. I just don't know why she's so scared around people. What do you guys think? I decided to ask this in adolescent since teens may be able to give me some insight.

2007-09-27 17:24:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

What happened was my brother was jackking off and it got on the toilet seat and I sat in it because I didn't know what it was And i've missed my period if my moma finds out I'm dead (I'm only 13) if I am pregnant, HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!

2007-09-27 16:13:25 · 31 answers · asked by iwannadancewithsomebody* 1

2007-09-27 15:35:08 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

it needs 2 be something SENSIBLE, something that will not get them into trouble.

it's hard because all the lil girl likes to do is get drunk, get stoned and do other things that end up getting her into trouble.

has anyone got any ideas?

2007-09-27 12:51:32 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so theres this real annoying girl in my ceramics class at school.(we're both juniors)...anywayz nobody in there likes her, cuz shes annoying shouts unnecessary comments out all the time, and cusses out loud . basically she just wants to be heard and show out how tough she can be. i got up from my seat to get some clay,and u know how sometimes u can just feel like someone's eyes are burning a hole through you, even when ur not looking at them?...anywayz when i turned around she was starring straight at me (with a bitchy eww look) i said "what"? and she was like "what"? i said "i thought u were talking to me" (cuz she was looking right at me) I said all this a normal nice way.. and she goes "no i wasnt why would i be talking to you i dont have anything to say to you"....I said "well if your not talking to a person you shouldn't stare at them". And she just shutted up. she said that to me a in a rude bitchy way and gave me a nasty look.

2007-09-27 11:12:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

that gives you tinglies inside, like a feeling you can't describe???????

2007-09-27 09:33:23 · 12 answers · asked by נυѕт ѕмιℓє 5

Would you allow a very trustworthy girl who is a junior to attend an after-homecoming party (starting around 11:30 pm) where they will probably be drinking? The party will be at an estate-size home on 3 acres. The student is a junior in high school and would be driving (with three girlfriends as passengers), but has promised not to drink and has been 100% trustworthy in the past. She has given all specifics (location etc.), offered to text throughout the night, and has promised to adhere to our curfew and all rules. Prior to this she has been only to non-drinking, parent-supervised parties. I've heard the parents will be home, but doubt this is true, as they are prominent in our community. Just wondering how many parents would allow this. I would like to be able to "let go" a bit seeing she'll be off to college in less than two years, but wonder if this is the way. Please help!

2007-09-27 09:30:23 · 36 answers · asked by Bella 2

my friend and my other friend are going out... and he gave me money $20 to run by a drugstore and get her flowers && chocolate... what are some good ideas for a birthday present for a 17 year old?? i know that it;s kinda lame... but i need yalls help! what about makeup or tampons or something? idk what to do!!! help!

2007-09-27 09:15:31 · 9 answers · asked by ¸.•*´`*♥ ♥Misty Owl♥ ♥*´`*•.¸ 3

My mom has anxiety attacks again after my little sister's birth and my other sister, her name is Sarah and she is 12 and my mom has her breakdowns on her. She throws things around and yells at Sarah. She does this to everyone but mostly to Sarah because she is around the most. Sarah is suffering badly! She is starting to love school because she isn't home! She cries when she is home. I saw her the other day and I saw nail marks on her legs,hands and arms and she said that it was because when she gets scared that is what she does. What am I supposed to do? our father won't help. She is scared of her own mother.

2007-09-27 09:11:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

She has a court date this week, she is 15. Did the same thing last year and is now repeating the year. If she gets taken by dss , where will she go and for how long. Thanks

2007-09-27 08:10:30 · 9 answers · asked by shark82057 1

PLEASE HELP EMAIL ME!!!!!!!! Its been 6 weeks my bellys getting bigger

2007-09-27 07:38:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-27 05:29:31 · 15 answers · asked by Crazy chick 2

My daughter is 12, and I dont know at what age is appropriate to talk about sx, and how? I am kind of embarrased to touch that subject. is there a book, or anything that I can learn or get ideas from?

2007-09-27 05:09:02 · 18 answers · asked by SG 2 1

Im 14 and am in year 10 - (GCSEs)
In my school, lot's of people don't treat me like a normal person .i think they treat me like that cos im deaf. I am totally normal and do got friends..But not in my tutor class (form class or whatever) only few..today my teacher put me in the group(for PSHE) ...And that group was the worst! cos it was most of boys and they were treating me like im abnormal and asking me embarrassing questions. laughing all the time. and even girls laughing at me..I had enough..humliated for 4 years.. If you say "oh just change your school" its EASY FOR you to say that..Not for me. I cant change skl just like that. I can speak. I can write. I am NORMAL.

What can i do!? talk to teachers? or leave it?

2007-09-27 04:50:08 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Alright, Im 18 so technically an adult.
I like my guy friend who is 23, its only a 5 year difference and that much of a difference would be bad if he and i were younger but since we are at the points in our life does it really matter now?

2007-09-27 03:37:36 · 21 answers · asked by RebelPrincess 6

she was 14 and didn't want to abort the baby. her mother brought her to the clinic and the counsler, her mother, and aunt manipulated her in to it. now she's been crying for days and shows signs of depression. and worst of all. she has to pretend like nothing ever happened, so she cant speak about it. when she does it has to be in secret, she says she regrets it and feels extremely guilty and sad. It's just so wrong and sad. is this even legal?

2007-09-27 02:56:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

IMy 15 year old daughter just came to live with me. She lived with her father from age 10 to 15. We were living with my parents and moved out this past weekend.

I have to get stuff for her room like a bed and desk.

In the meantime, she keeps saying that she hates it here where we are living and does not study. She throws tantrums every evening and says that she is going to fail her classes and then accomplishes nothing.

She then asks me to help her and does not listen when I try to explain her things She uses her energy to throw things around and scream at me and then she does absolutely nothing.

How should I handle her? She keeps telling me the bad things that I have done in the past and does not study.

I end up begging her to study because I am concerned for her GPA and how she will go to college. Should I leave her alone or push her to study?

2007-09-27 02:11:40 · 9 answers · asked by Stareyes 5

2007-09-27 00:38:24 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 18, and at college, i needed the day off yesterday to go to the doctors, i have an infected tonsil and a cold to go with it, felt really rough this morning, so decided not to go to college.
The way my mum reacted you'd think i was a 10 year old, i got the whole 'im disapointed in you' thing, then she was saying that i wanted to quit the course, basically made me feel like a complete failure just because i dont feel well. I dont know what to do about it

2007-09-27 00:11:32 · 24 answers · asked by c_louise89 1

What I mean is, if a child is really bad now, as in going out late at night, screaming, picking fights, cursing & maybe vandalising, smoking, drinking, drugs, etc, if they survive to adult-hood, what happens to them? When bad children reach adult-hood, do they naturally change their ways, learn from their past-mistakes, mature & become good, kind & responsible adults (in short, grow up) or do bad children remain the same forever, even as adults, & eventually meet a grewsome fate?

I am very interested to know.

2007-09-26 22:56:19 · 15 answers · asked by highland_white_wolf 2

Age 14, born january 1993. 130 lbs 5'5 shoe size 11 1/2.
Dad 6'1
mother 5'3

I tried the height predicitions but I'm not sure if thats 100% accurate. How Tall Will I be approx?

2007-09-26 18:49:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 12 year old son who likes to wear his sister's panties and tie his long hair into a pony tail. I'm not too worried, but is this a phase he's going through or should I be more concerned?

2007-09-26 18:41:32 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

i been with my boyfriend for over a year and i just want to be portected and no slip ups.....and also for my periods cuz iget reaaly really bad cramps and dont come on time

2007-09-26 18:13:14 · 14 answers · asked by cristy 1

so i have a 20 year old sister Amanda. Amanda isn't the "goody goody" type. well she has been staying at this guys house the last two days and now brought him over. she has freaky boyfriends and they kind of scare me. they are usually older too. around 7-10 years older. i don't want this guy in my house! what do i do? i can't make her get rid of him.

2007-09-26 16:33:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-26 16:28:59 · 29 answers · asked by johnett 3