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Pregnancy & Parenting - 29 October 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

The name would be Amelia Lewis, but I need a middle name for her. I will only do family names that mean something, or I will do no middle name. Please don't add your own in there even if you think they are prettier.
So it would be: Amelia _______ Lewis

Val Larie Valarie (my maternal grandmother-I was very close with her)

Larie or Laree (pronounced like 'Marie'. I actually told my grandmother I would name my first girl's middle name this. She has passed on, so I would feel bad if I didn't)

Ida Lee (my paternal grandmother. Her parents were 'Ida' and Lee')

Clara (a Huge family name, all of my great, great grandmothers)

Vicki or Linda (my mother and mother-in-law)

Heather or Rochelle (my sister-in-laws)

2007-10-29 05:11:14 · 26 answers · asked by AndyL 2 in Baby Names

2007-10-29 05:04:34 · 8 answers · asked by Brenda d 1 in Baby Names

when do u do skin care during the day and how much time do u take

2007-10-29 04:57:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I was just reading an answer someone wrote and they said if you aren't married you shouldn't have kids. I think that is BS. I'm not married and am in a commited relationship of 4 1/2 years and we are expecting our first child this March. Why do so many people sterotype against those of us who have kids but aren't married. Although I'm not married my relationship is probably better then a lot of those that are. Why do you need a ring to make it "okay" as long as you are in a stable relationship and have a lot of love and trust?? I'm open to hear opinions from both sides.

2007-10-29 04:55:08 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

my daughter has become quit the little spiritual person in our home, i am proud of her for this but i have seen some changes in her maturity because of it. not that its a bad thing but she isnt interested in the normal kiddie stuff any more. she isnt really excited over halloween and she hasnt even mentioned gifts for christmas. this time last year she would have been jumping out of her skin every morning to get ready to trick or treat. so now i dont know what to get her for christmas, she isnt interested in a lot of the toys on the market and i'm sure opening a box of clothes wont excite her SO do you have any suggestions?

2007-10-29 04:50:49 · 8 answers · asked by The Fabulous Miss S. 1 in Grade-Schooler

my 22 months old baby suddenly stopped eating in the morning, she used to eat scrumbled egg , but now she doesnt eat anything except milk. i tried boiled egg, bread with peanut butter,jam, also tried fruits but she doesnt eat anything and it makes me worried .do u have any other breakfast ideas( she just likes yogurt , milk and chicken)

2007-10-29 04:46:39 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

I am on Trinessa (the pill) and I am always very worried about getting pregnant. I vary rarely let my partner go without a condom, but like it better when I dont make him wear one. When we do have sex without a condom I get worried about the side effects...getting pregnant. Is it okay to have sex without a condom and to have my partner ejaculate while inside of me if Im on the pill? What is the effectiveness of Trinessa, percentage wise, of not getting pregnant?

2007-10-29 04:43:03 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I heard adoption costs a fortune, I'm a loving person and I've thought about it for two years now.

2007-10-29 04:42:04 · 16 answers · asked by michelle g 1 in Adoption

I use to be a size 5-9 depending on the pants. I am now 29 weeks pregnant and everywhere i go everyone tells me i am so small. i went to the doc at 28 weeks and i was told i measured 27cm which the doc said was fine so i was like ok. but see i keep getting compared to other pregnant woman and sometimes i feel like they are measuring my belly as a sign of health in my pregnancy or as a competiton. Before i got pregnant i ran, swam, and lifted wights. i weighed about 125lbs. i have 22lbs so far but it seems to not be enough to have that big love bump. on friday we went out to eat and a family friend who is also 7 months was huge, she is also very petite bodied but her tummy was huge. My bf sometimes ask if i am carrying my baby in my butt because that is the only thing that seems to be growing. but when ever people ask how far along i am and i say 7 months they say, really where is your baby at? Anybody went to through this? or just some experiences?

2007-10-29 04:38:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I just found out that I am pregnant. My partner does not want be to go through with the pregnancy. All the the reasons were about HIM, HE can't afford it, HE is not ready, HIS family will not accept it. I asked him well, what about me, and he said he is concerned about me as well, but that is as far as he goes about it. I am terrified and I am confused. I do not know what to do at all. Counsolors do not help much. I feel pressure by him to not have it. He has been by my side non stop since he found out, but he really does not want me to have it. He says we will not leave my side once "we get rid of it" but I honestly do not think that I can handle an abortion, I personally think that it is wrong. I do not think he will be any help if I decide to keep it. If I get rid of it he says he wont leave but whats to say he will not besides his word? I feel so lost, and just sont know whatto do. Has Anyone dealt with this before? If you want more details please E-mail meThank you so much

2007-10-29 04:30:48 · 40 answers · asked by Karen M 4 in Pregnancy

I love the name Tayla but I am having trouble finding a middle name to go with it...any suggestions?

2007-10-29 04:30:25 · 20 answers · asked by lucky777fairy 2 in Baby Names

my 8 year old son always says his dad is mean; when he was with him over the summer he said he got kicked in the ribs. Last night he came home with three bruises on his legs saying his dad pinched him for being mean to his sister. Should this be reported?? I think his dad is way out of control and needs some anger management.

2007-10-29 04:24:53 · 17 answers · asked by JustmehereNthere 2 in Grade-Schooler

At what age should I talk to them about sex (I have one boy and one girl). How should I go about it? I think I want to be completely open with them - so they get factual information before they get wrong information from a friend. I hear all the time about how kids appear to be losing their virginity earlier, so I am concerned about waiting too long - so how young should I talk to them about it?

2007-10-29 04:20:56 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

She met a boy when we went on vacation and swapped numbers. Ever since then, 'the boy' came around a few times, but today my daughter asked me if she could have sex with him. I'm very worried. Should i stop her seeing him?

2007-10-29 04:17:37 · 64 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

I have a six year old who refers to her genital area as her "bottom". I realized that I've never really given her a word to use. I don't want it to be some big mystery to her, but obviously at six she doesn't need a detailed anatomy and biology lesson. I don't want to say "vagina" because technically that's what's inside and don't want a cutesy euphemism . Do any of you moms have any suggestions? My mom just avoided the whole subject with me (I definitely don't want to do that!) so I'm a little stuck. Thanks!

2007-10-29 04:14:07 · 29 answers · asked by tarsier2 1 in Parenting

My son is 3, almost 4, and he goes to sleep every night at 9 pm. He is always up by 6 am. This doesn't seem like enough for a little guy, & he never takes naps anymore. I don't really know how to make him sleep more, so I guess I'm just wondering if this is ok? Thanks!

2007-10-29 04:09:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

All the sudden within the last few weeks I have all kinds of bumps and pimples on my back and nowhere else really. I get the occasional pimple on my face, but this is just nasty! What do you recommend to clear this up?

2007-10-29 04:06:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

i was adopted when i was about 3 years old. i have had alot of missing information about what really happened, i noticed on my birth certificate that there is no hospital listed
does this mean i wasnt born in a hospital?

2007-10-29 04:06:06 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adoption

...for my son when he's born. I already have some onesies, play outfits, gowns, and other pj's in sizes newborn and 0-3 months. How many of each should I buy in the beginning and in which sizes? When should I start buying clothes in size 3-6 months? Thanks so much!

25 wks & 5 days pregnant w/ baby#1

2007-10-29 04:04:14 · 14 answers · asked by Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷAℓεx & Aаяöи have my ♥ 5 in Newborn & Baby

I wasn't sure why but I asked my grandfather and he said because the new trend was that preteens and young teens are starting to get pregnant more often. Do you agree or have a different opinion. I think that it's too young unless the parent really askes for it. Sides most kids in my schoo when we were in middle school were too busy with sports, homework, etc to think about sex so that's why.

2007-10-29 04:03:45 · 19 answers · asked by --; cookie. 4 in Parenting

What is the usual age when people usually stop going trick-or-treating? I'm going this year but I wanted to take my little brother, a two-year-old, who is my heart and soul trick-or-treating but my other friends (we're all freshman in highschool so about 14-15) are going trick-or-treating too. I never seen Halloween as just a kid thing seeing as adults also do things for Halloween and sometimes enjoy it more then kids. I just seen it as a night to have fun, pretend to be something you're not and get free candy. So what age did you stop T.O.Ting and what was Halloween for you?

2007-10-29 03:59:30 · 28 answers · asked by --; cookie. 4 in Adolescent

Please give me your opinion, this is for a College research... out of 30 topics I believe this one is the most interesting one. Any ideas for a visual project about this topic? WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THIS ISSUE? In my opinion divorce affect children more than affects the [parents. How you compromise the pain that divorce causes on a kid? What are the biggest mistakes that parents do? Spoiled them to much after a separation? Or... just "my mom lets me and you don’t" the biggest issue?

2007-10-29 03:57:12 · 12 answers · asked by :) 3 in Parenting

I'm 34 weeks pregnant and I've been having "braxton hicks" contractions for weeks now. Last night they kept me up all night long. I was trying to sleep so I didn’t keep track of them but it seem like they where all the time and they hurt. Now morning time I’m still having some and its hard to sit while urinating there was lots of pressure down there. I'm just wondering if anyone has had their labor begin this way, or if it's still braxton hicks or what. I've always heard that braxton hicks come and go, they don't carry on every few minutes. And I've also heard that they are painless until your water actually breaks. They're defiantly contractions because my stomach tightens up and it feels like she's balling up to the surface of my belly inside. Has anyone had their labor begin this way? If so, what’s your experience?

2007-10-29 03:55:42 · 7 answers · asked by Mrs. Giggles 2 in Pregnancy

I have two names in mind one for a boy and one for a girl.
Samaya Nicole for the girl and Zekhai Isaiah for the boy. I wish I could tell how they are pronounced because they may look awkward to say. Just wanted to hear some opinions, thanks.

2007-10-29 03:51:21 · 30 answers · asked by tonya_j84 2 in Baby Names

hi i am due in jan. and i am having a hard time thinking of boy names. now that i know its a boy. i like kind of unusaul names but not totally weird ones. his middle name will be "prince" after my grandfather who was named prince allbert howell any help please?

2007-10-29 03:43:49 · 19 answers · asked by Mother Confessor 2 in Baby Names

hey, so i just wanna tell you all about my little girl Alex. she's 3 years old but she's been behaving really odd lately. just hear me out, my wife sets her of in a bed and i find it odd that 30 mins later, a 3 year old finds her way to the couch or the carpet to sleep on. im really more concerned that she likes to sleep ontop of me as well as the way she sleeps. i was taught that if you sleep upright, it'll help your posture, breathing etc (wether or not thats true, its just what i think) i useually come home from work and land straigt on the couch and sleep. but ever since she started to walk, she's been climbing ontop of me and curling up into a ball to sleep on my back.

my friends told me that maybe she's learning from something by example as kids tend to do that. i know my wife doesn't curl up into a ball on me, and we dont have a cat either, is somthing wrong?

2007-10-29 03:36:37 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

i recently found out that i do not ovulate. this shouldve been obvious to me, since i started having my periods regularly at eleven, then at fourteen i didnt have one for a year, and now, at eighteen, they come and go whenever they please. i could go for six months without having a period. it sounds all nice and dandy but my fiance and i are trying to conceive. if i don't ovulate, i don't conceive. does anyone have any ideas about how to increase ovulation? or any ideas on how to increase my chance of becoming pregnant?

2007-10-29 03:30:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

my stomach has been cramping for like almost a week...its not normal period or gas cramps.... and sometimes it gets really painful.
could this be a sign i'm pregnant????
I was on the pill but i stopped taking it for a few days due to a car accident and did not know that from then on i wouldn't be protected and i had sex.
I also have other pregnancy signs like bigger boobs, headaches that last for days, morning sickness.
I took a test and it came back negative but someone told me it was to soon to test.....
PLEASE someone help!!!

2007-10-29 03:29:50 · 6 answers · asked by Poosocks 6 in Pregnancy

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