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Pregnancy & Parenting - 3 August 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

He is 6 months old and weighs 18lbs

2007-08-03 14:41:23 · 18 answers · asked by conquest_mom 1 in Newborn & Baby

my friend is 21 and just had a beautiful baby girl.. she herd that once you have a baby your hips dont go back to how they were before..is this true? she is super skinny and tall i told her shes fine but she thinks they will be bigger now

2007-08-03 14:39:12 · 6 answers · asked by lovely 3 in Pregnancy

I am 9 weeks pergnant W/ twins. I cant seem to get passed the nausea and vomiting. I feel like I have the flu ALL day long.......Please any suggestions on how to feel a little better will help!

2007-08-03 14:31:28 · 10 answers · asked by Samantha 4 in Pregnancy

My 5 month old is strictly breastfed. We have tried rice cereal mixed with breastmilk 3 times and I think we are going to wait until 6 months to start a food ritual. His doctor told me at 4 months I could start him on solids but I don't feel as if it is time yet.
When is a good time to introduce a sippy cup?
What to put in the sippy cup?
When should I give him water?
First foods other than cereal?
Right now all he gets is my milk and the occasional "milkshake"......(I just shake my chest before he nurses)
I plan on nursing past a year. Hopefully if all goes well.

2007-08-03 14:27:38 · 14 answers · asked by MyOpinionMatters 4 in Newborn & Baby

I know this is probably dumb and I should know it but do babies always get bigger with subsequent pregnancies. Mine so far have. 8lb 6oz, 9lb 7oz, 11lb 1oz. but never diabetic. Just curious. Thank

2007-08-03 14:17:34 · 13 answers · asked by Tory D 1 in Pregnancy

Ok I'm past my due date 7/31 I'm 80% effaced still but still just at a 3 dilated. My question my panties and pants are wet. (like i didnt quite make it to the bathroom in time and dribbled) but i didnt pee my pants I already changed my clothes today so this is the second one that got wet. Could this be leaking or is it just liquidy discharge? And YES I KNOW TO CALL THE DR. I already called up there but the rude person I got told me that if it broke i would know and my dr. is on vacation this week. I would appreciate your opinions..thoughts??
But please refrain from sarcastic or rude answers
Thanks in advance!!

2007-08-03 14:14:54 · 18 answers · asked by cee_jae22 3 in Pregnancy

help me...i'm bleeding..what is happening to me and my baby?

2007-08-03 14:09:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Father have A+ve and Mother have B-ve of Blood Group.I heard that in this case there is no chance of Pregnancy.Is it TRUE??
Really is there any effect of blood group to become pregnant.Please clarify me about this.
and also plz tell me what is the IMPORTANT of blood group of a FATHER AND MOTHER TO BECOME PREGNANCY??
please answer me if u know very well.THANK YOU!

2007-08-03 14:08:00 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I truly don't think I could carry a baby & then give it to anyone.
The bond is too strong for me.
Even though it would not be my egg or husband's sperm, I would still feel that way.

2007-08-03 14:07:14 · 11 answers · asked by ? 6 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

do you like the name?!? Gabriella Isabella Ashour??? Just yes or no and why?and if there is something better but the last name has to be ashour. and the first name Gabrillea...
thank you!!!

2007-08-03 14:05:25 · 28 answers · asked by rhonda a 3 in Baby Names

The New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) announced that its 11 public hospitals will exclude free baby formula samples from gift bags to new mothers, will ban formula promotion materials from labor and delivery units and will encourage initiation of breastfeeding in the baby’s first hour as part of a campaign to increase exclusive breastfeeding and improve infant health.
Do you think it's right for them to do that?

2007-08-03 14:04:22 · 28 answers · asked by lbear 5 in Newborn & Baby

I bought the dress and the SPANX before I found out I was pregnant, Ovbviously I wouldn't jeopardize the baby just to look better. What are your thoughts though?

2007-08-03 14:02:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

2007-08-03 14:01:42 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

2007-08-03 13:59:51 · 7 answers · asked by LYn 1 in Newborn & Baby

what kind of signs do i get if its a boy?

2007-08-03 13:57:28 · 18 answers · asked by hello kiddy 1 in Pregnancy

alittle while ago i wrote a questions saying im 27 weeks with a baby girl and she had only moved like 6 times today but i was busy alottoday and the drs always saying things look fine well anyways its been alittle while and she has only moved like 4 or 5 more times is everything alright u think. please no rude comments just scared

2007-08-03 13:55:42 · 10 answers · asked by jenny 2 in Pregnancy

She'll be 14 the end of the month. While spending the night with some "friends" she comes home with a cluster of hickeys on her neck! Of course, Dad was the first to notice them and he hit the roof! Sex talk in our house is open. If you have a question just ask, and be honest. Where do I go with this? How should I handle her punishment? Should I put her on birth control? She swears she never had sex, just making out. I knew this was going to happen but I just wasn't ready for it. Any advice, or tips, or ideas would help a bunch. Thx Oh, by the way, her grades are excellent and shes a good kid, no trouble what so ever.

2007-08-03 13:54:29 · 19 answers · asked by Kimber Leigh 2 in Adolescent

If i am pregnant i am naming my son spike, its just kind of difficult thinking of a middle name...I was thinking like Joesph but idk im open to suggestions just nothing mean...Spike was a family memebers name...And yes im the 17 year old so be decent please....

2007-08-03 13:16:01 · 31 answers · asked by c c 2 in Baby Names

Earlier I wrote a question regurading my 5 yr old daughter and her wearing her patch on her eye. She has a sever eye problem. The doctors want us 2 patch her good eye for 6 hrs a day while she wears contacts and glasses. She is fine w/wearing contacts and glasses, but the patch she is not. When I put it on her She cries, and then falls asleep. when she wakes up I put a new patch on and try and start over again. But she just starts crying, and falls asleep again. I've tried buying the design patches, that come in different colors and have different styles, I try letting her pick out her patch each day. I tried buying her regualr patches and letting her color and put stickers on them. I've tried the reward thing I thought 4 sure the reward thing would work. I made a chart and told each day she wore her patch she'd get a $1 (the answers I recieved from the other ? werr good answers, but things I've already tried.) I just don't know how to get her to wear that patch?

2007-08-03 13:15:57 · 10 answers · asked by harmycj 1 in Grade-Schooler


help me!

2007-08-03 13:14:50 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

p.s. this is my sister's baby not mine!

2007-08-03 13:10:53 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

The CBE fertility monitor gave me a peak on CD18 and CD19. I'm 99% sure that I ovulated on CD17 though. I had spotting, lots of CM and my temps were low all that day although not until a few hours after I had taken my temp that morning. I think that I ovulated that night and I got my peak the following morning. In the past when I have done OPK's, I've gotten a postive on the actual day that I ovulated and the day after. Maybe it did that again with the monitor and I ovulated late on CD17 so for some reason it didn't pick up my peak until the next day? All the monitor did for me was confirm that I do ovulate late, but I KNOW it is not CD19 and probably not CD18. *sigh* My temp did jump up a bit on CD18 (97.9) and then this morning it's up real high (98.2) so I would think that shows that I did in fact already ovulate. It is usually 97.7 on average.
I would share my FF chart, but am not sure how to do it.

2007-08-03 13:10:14 · 1 answers · asked by psycstudent2001 2 in Trying to Conceive

Of course with that comes a whole new set of worries...sometimes i feel the baby move all day long and then some days hardly at all. I get nervous on those days even though I know the baby is still little and I dont feel everything she does...Just need a little reassurance on how often I should be feeling my little girl at this point in pregnancy! Thanks! By the way!? She kicks all through the night...so is that maybe why she is so quiet sometimes during the day?

2007-08-03 12:59:59 · 16 answers · asked by jojom 3 in Pregnancy

Seriously, I want to know.
Too many people comaplain about me. [http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AvR1t_wvASF4okRSDcJWR.967hR.?qid=20070803150457AALFOw0 ] Am I THAT much of a nuisance when all I do is use the damn site to ask and answer questions?

2007-08-03 12:54:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

He is going out nearly 4 times a week--drinking and partying. He comes home at all hours of the night. What if I go into labor and he isn't around? Or he's drunk?
I try to confront him about it and all he does is get mad and I'm the "nagging wife" I'm sick of it.
He doesn't understand how tired I am, and how I've been feeling more and more uncomfortable. I need help with daily chores and he doesn't do anything. It's like his so called friends are more important than me and the baby. He really has no clue what awaits him once the baby gets here. He says he's just getting all of his partying out now before she gets here but that doesn't make me feel any better. I have to go back to work and she's going to stay with him. I'm not leaving my baby with a hungover dad. Worse, I want to be the stay at home parent, but I can't due to finances.
I feel like he isn't ready to become a dad. He wanted this baby so much, and yet even when I told him he didn't really seem that happy.

2007-08-03 12:42:56 · 8 answers · asked by Jeannie Mary 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

just wanted to know.im not!

2007-08-03 12:42:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

My son's girlfriend has said she "hates" this baby. He was a preemie, and spent the first weeks of his life in the NICU about an hours drive away. He is an excellent baby, such a bundle of joy. I bonded with both of my boys instantly, so I'm having a hard time understanding this. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? (He is 4 months old now.)

2007-08-03 12:36:20 · 6 answers · asked by Maggie Mae 5 in Newborn & Baby

I don't want to get into a debate but many people are now secularizing themselves away from religion. Many of the holiday characters especially Santa Claus are linked with Christianity and other religions.

I wanted to know if you still raise your kids into believing in The Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy or you are not bothering at all with the fairy tale stories. Just curious to see what newer parents are raising their kids to believe.

i was raised on all of the myth fairy tale holiday characters and was quite devastated when I found out they were not real and i was lied to about all of this by my parents.

2007-08-03 12:30:59 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

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