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Pregnancy & Parenting - 20 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I had sex a week ago and I was ovulating. I am now having pain in my ovaries but its not like period cramping my actual ovaries are sore like they are worked out or something. Is that a sign of pregnancy?

2007-01-20 17:50:19 · 3 answers · asked by heather 1 in Pregnancy

Im trying to get pregnant and we want a boy...Is there any sexuall positions that make it more likely to be a boy???I heard if the penis goes in a certain way it can increase the chances of it being a boy...Is that true??

p.s I will be happy with what ever sex baby god blesses us with...

2007-01-20 17:49:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

I had my doctors visit on January 3 18 days after I ovulated could the doctor tell with out blood test just from my pap smear and regular exam that I was pregnant.

2007-01-20 17:45:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

Can People under the age of 16 buy condoms??

2007-01-20 17:42:44 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

i have been having really sharp pains on the left side of my abdomen

2007-01-20 17:41:55 · 7 answers · asked by Mrs. Franklin 2 in Pregnancy

The song for it went: "yummy, yummy, yummy, i've got sparkles on my tummy, and mmm mmm they really shine. SOMEONE TELL ME!!!

2007-01-20 17:39:50 · 1 answers · asked by raspberry_waffles 2 in Adolescent

I'm having a baby boy named Landon Matthew and day now! And I would LOVE to find a better meaning of the name Landon for the baby book and the hospital baby website, the only one I can find is grassy field???? haha thats a little lame! lol Can Any one find any other meanings??

2007-01-20 17:38:49 · 15 answers · asked by Brittnee 1 in Baby Names

i cant afford to live in a place without my mom cause i have to work and have my mom watch my child. but my older brother lives with us and i caught him smoking weed in his room. second hand smoke goes through the cracks of the door and through the vents. and i got furious cause my new born is in the room across from his. he said he wouldnt do it anymore but i caught him again! i would just leave but i cant afford to live anywhere else right now without my moms help. does anyone know where i can get some pictures of a baby effected by marijuana or some info to show him what he has done to her the last couple of days( we just got this place on the 19th so we have only lived with each other 2 days.) to make her stop or i will insist on him leaving or me and my daughter leaving to another relatives or something.

and also if you dont have an answer that answers my question and all you got to do is critisize me or make jokes,save your energy, grow up, and i dont mind reporting you at all

2007-01-20 17:35:46 · 6 answers · asked by 9Amandys 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

2007-01-20 17:31:18 · 10 answers · asked by bentley 1 in Pregnancy

He just sits on the computer day in day out. Asks if he can go out I tell him no its late and he sits and argues and argues then gets mad. If I do not have bus fare for him he gets madder then says well I am going out anyway and leaves. He was just missing for 6 days got home last night brought by the police. Help

2007-01-20 17:29:53 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

so wherz Hugz at???

2007-01-20 17:28:49 · 12 answers · asked by Sky 1 in Adolescent


with an H NOT Megan.

I am irish and Meghan with a h is irish

Yet they both sound the same the h is silent.

Do you guys like the name?

2007-01-20 17:25:36 · 37 answers · asked by Sky 1 in Baby Names

Mostly i'm posting this looking for words of encouragement. Please don't post mean things, I'm trying to get help, not end up more depressed. I know they say second pregnancies are different, and sometimes you just don't love the child until you've had a while to bond after it's born. I'm now 33 weeks, and i've been struggling with the fact that i don't love this baby yet. Now things are not going well with my husband, we had decided to separate for a while with him coming back next week, but now it looks like he may not even decide to come back. He won't give me straight answers about it, but i just get the feeling.... Obviously that has made me very depressed. My doctor put me back on Prozac, I've been referred to the hospital for counselling, and i plan on getting over these feelings whether alone or with my husband. The point is, the feeling that's the strongest, other than feeling abandoned, is anger at the baby. Like if i hadn't gotten pregnant, this wouldn't have happened...

2007-01-20 17:24:26 · 25 answers · asked by Cyndi Storm 4 in Pregnancy

Hi, we're expecting a boy and I really like both these names. Our daughter's name is Sienna. Please tell me which do you like better and why?

2007-01-20 17:20:42 · 31 answers · asked by Jenibee 2 in Baby Names

Does any one know where i can buy a harness for my five yr old for when we are in busy places.
I got one of the monkey backpack ones but just takes it off when he wants too.

2007-01-20 17:20:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

Does the position and texture of your cervix really have anything to do with determining early pregnancy?? I have gotten mixed answers on this that is why I am asking it again. Anyone with any useful information please share. Thanks

2007-01-20 17:19:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I have been wondering if green, red, yellow, blue are primary colours. What are black and white colours. i think i need to go back to school...

2007-01-20 17:18:36 · 5 answers · asked by linda78 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

My 4 year old son absolutely refuses to poop in the potty. He will be 5 in June and he is still in training pants. We have tryed putting him on a schedule, taking away toys he really likes, sitting him on the toilet for long period of time, giving him fibers & juices to makes his poop softer. Ive tryed talking to him & asking him why he wont go and he wont give me a straight answer. His doctor suggested a strict schedule, that didnt work. Im starting to think it might be psychological, and that maybe I should take him to counseling. I dont know what to do, ive tryed almsot everything, we've been trying to potty train him for almost 2 years now, so any suggestions would be welcome.

2007-01-20 17:18:32 · 6 answers · asked by Spinn 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

when my 3 year old son's dad is home from work my son is an angel, but when my partner is at work my son has it over me, he acts silly, he tells me off like he is the boss, and he wont take my instructions siriouse, please any advice would be great,

no smart *** comments please i just need a solution

2007-01-20 17:14:40 · 4 answers · asked by eolhc860 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

IF it would P*SS you OFF if your daycare provider did it to YOUR CHILD.....THAT is YOUR clue IT is WRONG.

Whether it be spanking, slapping or biting back... If YOU would SUE the provider WHY should YOU be allowed to hit your own child.

2007-01-20 17:13:15 · 44 answers · asked by dbzgalaxy 6 in Parenting

I had a miscarriage with my first child at 8 weeks. I had toxemia during my second pregnancy (first live birth). I then had placenta abruptio with my third pregnancy (second live birth). I was considered high-risk with both of my daughters because of the illnesses I occured during my pregnancies. Will this affect me when my husband and I decide to have another child? I'm not pregnant right now and plan on asking my doctor but I just wanted to know beforehand.

2007-01-20 17:07:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

he is really resistant, i have tried 3 diffrent kind of cups but nothing seems to work

2007-01-20 17:06:12 · 13 answers · asked by Calvin And Hobbes 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

Someone told me that if you pee in a cup and then put a birth control pill in the cup and use that for a pregnancy test that it will come back positive because birth control has HCG in it, is this true?

2007-01-20 17:05:09 · 4 answers · asked by jeffsgirl 1 in Pregnancy

Our baby sleeps fine on her stomach or side, but will rarely fall asleep while on her back. I'd be fine if she slept even for an hour or two on her back, but she just fusses and grunts and makes the occasional choking sound.

We put her on her stomach a couple times and she slept fine. Generally she sleeps fine in her car seat as well, but when we put her in the crib, on her back she won't settle.

Every SIDS site says you have to make sure to get the kid to sleep on their back, not on their side, not on their stomach. So, i'm wondering if there are techniques people have used to get the baby to sleep on their back.

2007-01-20 17:03:52 · 8 answers · asked by hilaire 2 in Newborn & Baby

I really like this guy I met 5 weeks ago. At the time he was spilt up with his girl. Now there back together, and I'm pregnant with his child. What do I do? He also wants to have this baby.

2007-01-20 17:03:50 · 9 answers · asked by green2heather 1 in Pregnancy

I have had 5 u/s to date my pregnancy between weeks 7-20. They all give me the same EDD and ae on target from the previous u/s, But my LMP gives me a EDD of 5 weeks earlier. Which date is best to trust? 5 weeks is a long time and I think to much to be off?

2007-01-20 17:03:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

If a teen can't be a good parent, when does that change? Say a girl has a baby at 16. When does she automatically become a good parent? Is it when she hits 20? How about 30? Another question, is a teen mom just someone who had a baby during her teen years? When does the teen mom title ever go away?

2007-01-20 16:53:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I am 7 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I have a small frame.

2007-01-20 16:49:07 · 10 answers · asked by little bit 2 in Pregnancy

My fiance has been with several woman. Is it wrong to want to know there names? I just want to make sure we don't name our children after one. I don't want him thinking of an ex when he's calling for our daughter. What do ya'll think?

2007-01-20 16:49:00 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

It seems like everyone else is sending their kids to preschool. Am I the only one who didn't? I didn't go to preschool either, and I turned out just fine! Do you think kids need preschool? Why? Don't give me the blank reasons about socializing- they do that at home and in Kindergarten.....

2007-01-20 16:48:52 · 20 answers · asked by Honesty given here! 4 in Toddler & Preschooler

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