ok i know i ask similar questions but i juss haven't had the chance to see a doctor so i need the best answer there is until that time comes. ok well my periods are always on time which is about a 31 day cycle, heavy, and 5-6 days with 3 days having bad cramps. wel my last norma period start November 30th, 2006 and it ended December 5th, 2006 i had been feeling nausea and my lower back was in pain and my boobs were very tender the whole month of december and its still occuring til this day January 16, 2007. well when i start my period again the 28th of December it on lasted 3 days, with 1 day being heavy, and the last 2 days spotting. i was surposed to have my period the 31st of December and end January 5th but i started the 28th of December and ended the 31st od December which was very irregular for me.now im havin period like cramps but no period, tender breast, lower back pain, nausea and my urine is like a bright yellow... me and my boyfriend has been having unprotect sex for 3 mon
8 answers
asked by
concieted B