I have been home schooled all my life, now I am in college level classes 2 years early. I have lots of freinds and I make freinds very easy. (I once went to a men's retreet with my church, all the people there were like 3-4X my age. yet in the first hour I made 3 freinds that I still email often. I make freinds any where I go with no problems). I have a great social life with a home school group that goes on feild trips and does acttivitys together very often.
so why do people say to "avoid homeschooling" or try to tell other people that home schooled kids are not social. I am much more social than most kids at church my age. I excell in most subjects (math, science, reading, music...) the only subject that I have problems with is spelling (as some of you will notice). I have a house full of awards in Bible, public speaking, baking, bike riding, and so many more things. and a lot of my awards are on the state level. so why are people aganst it, when it WORKS?
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