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we are broken up,it will make her life worse,and she doesnt even want me to be apart of it

2007-01-06 16:42:11 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

41 answers

She's better off without you. You sound like a loser anyway. Keep your pecker in your pants moron.

2007-01-06 17:12:51 · answer #1 · answered by impala_girl_64 3 · 1 0

PREGNANT women have raging hormones. She is probably so emotional, she can't think straight. I'm not sure how old you are....but if you want to come out on top and if you love her (which you obviously do to some point even if you are not together right now), it will be almost impossibly hard for you.

It's probably not so real to you right now. You have to respect her. Back off for a while. Check on her. If you don't want the baby now, that's understandable. TRUST ME! When it gets here you will fall in love like you never had before.

It takes 9mos. She's highly sensitive and emotional now, so it may be best not to talk to her too much or show up unexpected. Work alot! It's a great way to transition out of a relationship. You need time alone before you date someone new anyway. Extra money is a plus too.

Try to give her some money. Even if she's being mean to you right now.

As far as making life worse, everyone I've talked to says it does change your life. And they're much better off in those changes. Life has a way of preparing you to handle things you never imagined you'd have to go through.

IF YOU STAY COOL during these next 8mos, work and stick around in the shadows; when the baby gets here the hormones will return to normal levels and she'll be able to think about the best interest of your child. By then, you may be ready to come to the table.

2007-01-06 16:54:37 · answer #2 · answered by Feyandjeff 2 · 0 0

A baby is suppose to be a blessing not something to regret, and if she is responsible and able to take care of the baby then why not. You shouldn't be saying that it will make her life worst because it is unfair, "it" like you say is your kid after all too! I hate to say this and I don't even know you but unless you have strong reasons to say that, you sound like a guy who is only good to lay down with a girl and then if something happens you're not responsible enough to take care of your action. Killing your baby doesn't have to be the result of your brake up. Even if she doesn't want you to be part of the baby's life, don't push it but at least do your part and try to do as best as you can to be in the child's life and if it gets to a point where she just won't let you period, then just give her time, if the situation is not the bad between you two then she'll get over it as soon as she see that you're really intersted in getting involve like a real man in your kid's life and if that doesn't work then just step out until your child is old enough for you to explain what happend, that way no one can tell you that you didn't try. You see us women when we are pregnant we tend to be super sensitive and emotional in special after a recent brake up. I bet you that what is really hurting her besides the brake up is that she can't believe you're telling her to have an abortion. Believe or not this is how "it" like you say is right now. You were supposed to be in good N bad, think about is your kid! Next time think about birth control methods.
Abortion = regrets +suffering

First 4 weeks

Spinal Cord¾ During the second week, a dark mark appears on the back of the embryo, denoting the position of the spinal cord.
Heart¾ By the end of the third week there is now a heart beginning to beat.

Sensitivity¾ In the third week, the embryo enters a sensitive phase of development when all major organs are forming. Drugs, alcohol, smoking and infections can harm the embryo.

Size¾ 1/8 inch in length and weigh less than .03 ounce

2007-01-06 16:45:58 · answer #3 · answered by D1NONLY 2 · 1 0

Talk with her. Really talk with her. Are you both young? Even if you are, you took on the responsibility on having sex, so this is your responsibility. You can't just blink your eyes and this will all be gone. So you don't get married, that is not so bad. Are you prepared to at least be a father to your child? You don't have to be with the person who has your child. You just have to be with the baby. My own experience, I got pregnant, at the time didn't think I was ready for it. I had my appointment made, I didn't tell my boyfriend how I felt, I was going to hide it from him, he wanted our baby. I went and had an ultrasound done. I saw her heart beating. I wasn't more than a month along at the time also. To this day I feel like a terrible person for even having that thought. My girl is now 5, she is my whole life. I wake just for her. You will never understand the reasons your ex tell you on how she feels about this life inside of her. There are no words. That's the best part of the 9 months of hell. I also have experience from my mom. When she was young she also got pregnant. She already had a little girl, but the father was no where to be found( of her first girl) she lived with her parents, they would not allow her to stay in the house if she had another child. She had an apportion. 30, I'll repeat 30 years later, she still thinks of this baby that was once inside of her. Every holiday, Easter, there is a basket for "Baby" Christmas a stocking for "Baby". I'm going on and on about this, but this is the biggest decision you will ever make. If you can be at least a father figure for YOUR child, that might be all the support your ex will need from you. Just think it all through. You feel like your not ready, and I'm sure she also feels the same, but worse, she doesn't know if she will go alone on this. Please talk to her. Give her real reasons on why you think your not ready. I don't care who you are, no one is ever ready for the one thing that will change your life forever. So give it a really long thought. Don't act on feelings. Talk! Talk! Talk!
Good Luck.

2007-01-06 17:01:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A lot of people want equal rights--as long as it suits them. This is obvious in the answers that conveniently overlooked her responsibility for birth control. It's time we had a law for these situations that forces the woman to step up to the plate and do what's right. Currently, you can't sign your rights away until someone else steps up to adopt the financial responsibility. I've known another in the same position: the woman didn't want him involved, he didn't want to be involved, but the woman (with her friends cheering her on) filed for support.

There's an illusion of equality since the mother could give custody to the father and then be required to pay support to him. But it's an illusion of equality simply because it happens so rarely.

We'll eventually get laws to deal with this. There's nothing wrong with either party signing away their rights to a child born from an unintended pregnancy in exchange for release from child support payments. Then the other parent could either accept full financial responsibility for the choice to be a single parent or give the child up for adoption.

Who would support this? A lot of men would. Right-to-lifers should, since it would remove some of the pressure to have an abortion. Those desiring to adopt certainly would.

Who would oppose it? That's when you find out how serious women are about equal rights under the law.

2007-01-06 19:40:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Having a child is a difficult and an expensive thing to do. All i can say is i dont have a right to judge you but i have to say this to you...you both made a mistake and you have to pay the price. It is her choice of what she wants to do and all i can say is try to be the bigger person and help her with what you caused..Being a parent is a hard thing there is several things that needs to be done and you need to do what you think is right. Would you want to live a life knowing that you have a child out there who doesnt know his or her real daddy? Sex is a powerful thing it can be great but there is several risks involved. So you must pay the price. Good luck and hope you make the right choice

2007-01-06 17:20:17 · answer #6 · answered by mikki 1 · 0 0

If you did not want children you should have taken the necessary precautions to prevent it from happening. Unfortunately you have already made the mistake. Let her decide what to do. Before you even speak of abortion again I would advise you to look into information about the procedures of an abortion and how developed the baby is at different stages. This way you may get a better understanding of if you truly feel that way about it. It may be scary but you may learn to cherish that child. As far as being apart of the child's life, that is up to the court to decide. I would recommend getting a decent job if you do not have one and showing a sense of financial stability. You should be able to at least get visitation rights. It depends mainly on your situation. I hope this may help you. Good luck with everything.

2007-01-06 17:00:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well sorry to tell you this but you want the truth right, if you didn't use protection than you made a choose of knowing that there could be a baby invold some where down the line and some time pleasure over takes a male and a female at the moment of sex which is bad, and if you were a female you would probably wanna keep it too, she has to deal with the pain if she lose it or keep it not you , and she really does want you to be a part of it but to make you pay for saying that you dont want it she rather let her child be away so your child could think the worse of you she might just change her mind..

2007-01-06 16:47:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You both knew the consequences of your actions. It is very unfortionate that you guys are not together anymore but whatever she decides you need to step up and be a man. This baby did not ask to be brought into the world and does not deserve to be ignored or to grow up with just a mom. Please realize that although it feels like it this is not the end of the world. It presents a lot of problems but I promise once you see that beautiful baby you will want to be a part of its life. Good Luck and please remember no matter what you think of the woman having your baby she is still going through a horrible time right now. It might inconvenience your life but it will totally turn hers upside down.

2007-01-06 16:52:08 · answer #9 · answered by Princessd1010 2 · 0 0

Why are you blaming her? Why will this baby make her life worse??? You should have used protection, without it you took a risk and lost. She is doing the responsible thing by having the baby and not wanting you to be a part of this child's life. Admit it, you screwed up. Be a man and take your lumps. Move on, she is.

2007-01-06 16:55:01 · answer #10 · answered by Dawn C 3 · 0 0

My boyfriend went through this with me as well, and yeah, ultimately it is her decision, but talk to her about how you really feel about it and why you don't think you should have a baby yet, and discuss options she may like like abortion (if she is for it) and there are also adoption (she may find someone in the family who wants a baby). If there is no way talking her out if it, maybe just accept it and support her- (it's all her responsibility anyways, make her realize it's not just a "cute little baby" and there are huge lifetime long responsibilities with it. I wish I had." good luck!!

2007-01-06 16:50:13 · answer #11 · answered by lynn 5 · 0 0

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