Alright this morning is when AF should have made her debut, but luckily she never showed up. I took another HPT and it came up negative again I am about 14 days past ovulation, I am getting these cramps but I think it might be gas because when I release the gas the cramps go away. I checked my cervix on my own ( I know different people have different views on this) and it was high and soft almost mushy feeling. I have a raise in temperature a normal temp to me is usually 99 degrees and my temp now is 100.4 and it is staying steady at that. I am still having all these pregnancy symptoms such as sore boobs, they are getting more sore by the day, still very much fatigued and kinda moody, some foods that I loved oh so much before are making my stomach turn at the mere thought of them. If I am showing all the signs and my period has still not shown up but I am still getting a negative on the home pregnancy test, what is going on ANY KIND WORDS AND/OR ADVICE WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATE
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Trying to Conceive