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She is 1 months and she dosent whant to get an abortion....

2006-11-09 06:39:18 · 33 answers · asked by Sashok 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

33 answers

Once the pregnancy has occured, what happens next is ultimately the decision of the woman because it is in her body. She gets to decide whether she wants to abort, make an adoption plan or raise the child.
A good man will be as supportive and helpful to the woman as possible at this stage. She is probably scared, upset and very confused right now. It takes two people to create a pregnancy - and you're the other half that created the pregnancy, so you need to be emotionally available, financially available and available with your time. That means talking with her about your options at this stage, researching help, making phone calls, driving her to the doctor, etc.
You also need to decide what level of involvement you want in the childs life. If she decides to make an adoption plan, do you want to adopt and raise the child? If she decides to raise the child, do you want to be an active, participating parent to the child or will you only be providing financial support to it until it's 18th birthday?
What you should NOT do is throw up your hands and take the cop out of breaking up with her and running away from the situation, pretending that you have no responsibility. That's not fair. Think about what you would need from her if men became pregnant from sex instead of women.

2006-11-09 06:57:52 · answer #1 · answered by steve d 4 · 0 0

Well, it sounds like at this point there are three options.....

1. Be an active father in the child's life regardless of whether you stay with your girlfriend or not.

2. If the both of you don't feel ready to raise a child, give it up for adoption.

3. Walk away.

If you choose option 3, you are a total loser. Either option 1 or 2 would mean you're taking responsibility for your actions.

You will need to tell your family and friends, because they will figure it out anyway soon enough. Hang on for some negative responses, and try to see past them.

Good luck, and I hope you make a responsible choice.

2006-11-09 06:52:31 · answer #2 · answered by Just Me 6 · 1 0

I'm not sure how old you guys are, so you really need to think and talk about it together. Adoption is always an option. Keeping the baby if you want and can afford to may seem scary, but could turn out to be the best thing. Take care of her while she is pregnant and work on your relationship. A baby brings a lot of changes and responsibilites. If you guys are not ready, give the baby to a family that is; that would be a fantastic gift. Take care and good luck

2006-11-09 06:51:07 · answer #3 · answered by K L 3 · 1 0

You need to decide what YOU want to do.
Do you want the child and the g/f? If so, then you need to step up to the plate with them and do your best for them. No miracles expected, just do your best. If you want to be in their lives, that's great!! I'm sure you'll make a good dad.
If you don't want them then you need to let her know now so she can base her actions on your reactions. If you're not going to be in the picture, she needs to know this so she can figure out how she's going to act. Sounds like she isn't going to get an abortion so you'll have to pay child support if you're not with them.
I won't judge you or your decisions or tell you how you should act. You'll act the way you're going to no matter what people on here say. But think of the child and pay the support for the kid's sake.
Kids are a huge responsibility and you're a bigger man than a lot I know who would rather run away. But always keep in mind, they're a lot of fun too. When they start walking and talking you can laugh at their antics and crack up at the way they try to pronounce words. It's so cute to lie in bed and listen to them 'talk' when they figure out they have a voice and it works. All of the strange little sounds they make just cracked me up.
And it's inevitable, the first word they say is dad, usually da-da-da-da, all ran together and it sounds weird.
Mine couldn't say elephant, it came out efelent. Umbrella was umbrena. Garfield was Garfiedeled. It was funny!!
I truly enjoyed my daughter when she was a kid.

2006-11-09 07:00:18 · answer #4 · answered by Lucianna 6 · 1 0

I think the both of you should sit and talk about other options other than abortion, and what would be the best thing to do. Maybe you can also think about the what joy your new baby will bring. I really dont consider abortion, when you can also give your baby to someone that might can not have kids. So i think that you should both sit and talk and make a list of what might be a good outcome.

2006-11-09 06:47:09 · answer #5 · answered by button_nicole 1 · 0 0

Well, you should of thought about this before you had sex. Now, you are a father, and I don't really think it's for you to say whether or not to terminate the pregnancy. What I suggest to you is if you love her, stick with her and be there for all. You two are in this together, no matter how bad the situation is. The only thing I can say is you need to realize that you and her are both responsible for this child. Looks like there is some growing up to be done, I wish you two the best of luck!

2006-11-09 06:44:32 · answer #6 · answered by Ashley_Nicole 3 · 0 1

#1 Good for her.
I feel like saying some things but thatll do no good so Ill spare you and say this instead. You lay you pay. Yo screwed up by screwing w/o ptrotection but you already realize this. When my now husband and I got pregnant with baby#1 we had only been together 3 months but being the man he is he took responsibility though of course he wasnt "ready" he was a 20 yo kid. But he was great thruough the pregancy and a great dad,now 26 and a dad to 3,he's awesome! He later admnitted he didnt bond with our first until she was 3months old and "responding" to him. Thats ok and understandable but to turn your back on your child is not. Give it time,it will be okay.

2006-11-09 06:47:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Good for her that she doesn't want to get an abortion. Talk to your parents. Does she want to keep the baby? Maybe the baby could be put up for adoption. You'll need the support of your family whatever you and the girl decide to do. Just stick by her. She didn't get pregnant by herself and you both have to face the consequences together.

2006-11-09 06:42:39 · answer #8 · answered by kat 7 · 1 0

I don't know how old you are, but regardless of age you are going to be a dad unless you both choose adoption. This is a life long commitment and you will be responsible for the care of this child. If your girl decides to keep it, and you 2 don't work out, please make it a point to continue to be a father. Look forward to child support but please don't let your frustrations take away from your child. This child did not ask for you to have unprotected sex. That is your choice and responsibility. This is why I stress only sleep with someone you would be ok with spending the rest of your life with.

2006-11-09 06:52:29 · answer #9 · answered by mommy 4 · 0 0

Well now since you weren't thinking about a month ago, its time to get a job and be a man. Own up to your responsibilities. It would even be nice if you would marry the mother of your child and try to have a great life...Good luck...

2006-11-09 06:47:33 · answer #10 · answered by flip103158 4 · 1 0

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