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Politics - 13 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Are you comfortable with the plan as it is?

2007-09-13 05:49:44 · 8 answers · asked by roostershine 4

The Senate Democrats, despite the resignation of the Attorney General, have said they will continue their investigation. It would be interesting to hear what it is they believe they are investigating. Senator Feingold said he was sure a crime had been committed although he had no specifics. Perhaps the Senate Democrats could put their fertile imaginations to work, temporarily laying aside the important task of dreaming up lurid hypothetical dangers for destitute voters, and try to imagine any hypothetical crime that might conceivably have been committed by firing the US attorneys. After all, one of the president's responsibilities, spelled out in the Constitution, is to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed." Since there are laws against vote fraud, for the president to tell US attorneys to prosecute vote fraud, one would think, is merely to carry out his obligation under the Constitution.

2007-09-13 05:41:46 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

to pave the way for a communist government?

Antonio Gramsci believed one way to achieve control was through the education system. Gramsci presumed that the existing system of education in his native Italy was structured to keep the "established" societal classes in their respective place. He realized that intellectuals could be produced by an educational system to perform a function for the dominant social group in society, in order for the ruling class to maintain its control over the rest of society.


2007-09-13 05:40:49 · 12 answers · asked by rmagedon 6

On Sunday, July 29, Chris Wallace interviewed Senator Russ Feingold on Fox News. Wallace observed that Democrats had received thousands of documents related to the firing of the U.S. attorneys. He asked if the Senator could point to one smoking gun that had been discovered in those documents indicating that a crime had been committed. The Senator stammered that he could not name specifics but that he was sure that a crime had been committed.

What crime this might be is never explained. The Democrats are angry because U.S. attorneys were apparently fired for failing to prosecute vote fraud. Democrats always hyperventilate about vote fraud. Whenever it is proposed that voters show photo identification and prove that they are the person they claim to be, Democrats recite sad stories of hypothetical voters who are destitute wretches and cannot afford to obtain photo ID.

2007-09-13 05:39:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

presence from the Mid-East. You withdraw any/all support for Isreal. You give complete control of oil (No U.S presence in any sense) to Mid-East powers. The response from Mid-East Islamic states remains "Convert to Islam or die as infidels" What is your next move?

2007-09-13 05:34:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Doesn't this prove the total bias of the NY Times rag? Why would they call a general in the army a Betrayer? Are they just mad because Petraeus isn't a surrender monkey like them?

2007-09-13 05:28:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

impeached? Yes clinton had an inpeachment trial but "President of the United States Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998, and acquitted by the Senate on February 12, 1999. " (source wikipedia) do you just not know what the word acquitted means? So if your small minds still don't get it if you are impeached you are gone from office from that day on so how did Clinton finish out his term in office then? I mean he had people to give pardons to at the end.

2007-09-13 05:25:27 · 21 answers · asked by discombobulated 5

So why did the left conveniently brush over that fact and believe his outrageous lies? Is obfuscation of the truth a "progressive" value?

2007-09-13 05:21:40 · 8 answers · asked by Private Deek 2

I have noticed an amazing number of Chinese and Russian firms opening manufacturing plants in America the last 12 months, why isn't American business able to reach profits but by sourcing out manufacturing?

2007-09-13 05:17:22 · 10 answers · asked by alphabetsoup2 5

How many different reasons did they think of? It all started with Hurricane Katrina. and hasn't stopped. I am so damn sick of this corrupt George Bush Government in bed with these filthy thieves I could puke. What say you?

2007-09-13 05:16:43 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

...does that not first emenate from within? If one man pulls from the left and another from the right, it is a tug-of-war. But, if somehow, we can find a middle ground and stop fighting each other, will we not become stronger?
People, we are capable of tremendous and great acts if we work together.

2007-09-13 05:15:18 · 11 answers · asked by Chief Yellow Horse 4

Nothing tingles the mind of an Oedipus NeoCons like a Hot Powerful Woman.

2007-09-13 05:14:18 · 13 answers · asked by ? 1

2007-09-13 05:12:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

And, why do these same liberals condemn Mark Foley? Why don't they condemn both? Is it because if you have a (D) by your name, everything you do should be accepted?

2007-09-13 05:11:25 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-13 05:10:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

During his presidency, Ronald Reagan brought an old battleship out of mothballs to practice gunboat diplomacy in Lebanon. Using its 18 inch guns and 1800 Marines he attempted to intimidate insurgents. Soon, the results of his policy became clear: over 200 Marines were dead from truck bombs.

Reagan "turned tail" (to use YA! terminology) and he "ran." He realized we should not be there, and the costs of a continued presence were too great.

Conservatives didn't criticize him then for this prudent, humble action.

Why don't today's Conservatives realize a hopeless military situation when they see one, and take the prudent, humble course of action that will protect America from losing its treasure, its unity and the lives of its soldiers?

2007-09-13 05:09:31 · 13 answers · asked by Wave 4

Is this FAIR?? Should they pay more??


2007-09-13 05:08:00 · 5 answers · asked by Supercell 5

First: Do any with all lobbist and soft money!
Run these people off the hill.
Pass legislation that requires FULL disclosure. I know there is already a law for that, but it doesn't go far enough into exposing how a elected offical can be influenced.
Second: Do away with the electorial college!
A cantidate can only win on the popular vote. This would make everyone's vote count. The electotial college was a good idea in it's time, but we don't need it today. It is now used as a tool to Manipulate to outcome of an election.
Third: Do away with earmarks in the legislative process. I shouldn't have to explain this one to anybody!

Fourth: Make it a law that every elected officials voting record is reported in all local papers in their district and easily accessable on the internet. I know this information is out there already, but it's to hard to get at.
Set-up a website with just that information!

But what do you think about these changes?

2007-09-13 05:06:02 · 7 answers · asked by Working Man 6

Rah-rah-rah-sis-boom-bah...Do you hope the Liberals win the big game or the Conservatives?!

2007-09-13 04:54:26 · 13 answers · asked by Chief Yellow Horse 4

2007-09-13 04:52:00 · 13 answers · asked by labken1817 6

Or should we wait until after Hillary serves 8 years as president and put her on the $1.00 bill?

2007-09-13 04:51:53 · 34 answers · asked by Darth Vader 6

His Propaganda Machine before 9-11 2001?

2007-09-13 04:51:37 · 20 answers · asked by john 2

...do you feel content and justified by the act of insulting others simply for political purposes?
There is more insulting on this web site than any kind of intelligent debate. What is the purpose?

2007-09-13 04:49:39 · 7 answers · asked by Chief Yellow Horse 4

I have not personally noticed any but I want to know what liberties I have lost. The patriot has been accused of taking our freedoms by many Dems. I want some examples.

2007-09-13 04:45:39 · 12 answers · asked by Pro-American 3

...it seems like they put down political candidates that have great ideas and support those that have none...why do they attack the character of potential great men in support of the rich people in this country that could care or less about the average hard working man and woman?

2007-09-13 04:33:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Always when visits countries has protests.

2007-09-13 04:32:14 · 27 answers · asked by el simbriante 4

You remember. The blue dress. The cigar. Why do they get so angry? Does it create cognitive dissonance with them remembering that their hero is a sick and sexaully deviant man?

2007-09-13 04:23:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am so sick of people (predominantly liberal democrats but some far right republicans) calling the insurgents freedom fighters. I fail to understand how these people are freedom fighters when they:

-are trucked in from other countries to fight
-routinely target civilians
-kidnap civilians for torture
-behead civilians on camera and broadcast it on the internet
-have hidden agendas like working for iran and smuggling weapons
-get training and arms from al qaeda

How are these people freedom fighters?

Did george washington target civilians in the revolutionary war?

Can someone please explain?

2007-09-13 04:20:22 · 22 answers · asked by infobrokernate 6

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