For some reason, there are an uncomfortably large number of people whom I've encountered thinking that our government needs to be either democratic or republican. These same people despise the opinions of people on the other side of the fence.
Why can't they see how much the right needs the left, and the left needs the right?
Republicans are realists. They're able to implement policies that guarantee our international safety, as well as the safety of our country's economy. However, many claim they do so without much compassion; often sticking to the constitution instead of the general will of the people.
Inversely, democrats are idealists. They're often proposing the hypothetical solutions, the best case scenarios. This (in my opinion) isn't always realistic for our country, but on an emotional and personal level, it makes more sense to me.
(This is just an interpretation of politicians' beliefs and morals, not their actions, which tend to stray in all sorts of crazy directions.)
It is for these reasons that democrats and republicans need to realize how vital it is that they learn to utilize their opposites' strengths in order to compensate for their weaknesses. Republicans can modify democratic ideas and theories in order to make them more realistic in the real world, and spending time with the Democrats will grant the hardcore Conservatives the opportunity to grow a soul. Win-win, no?
What do you think?
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