I support a fully revamped welfare system. No more checks just for having more babies. You have to do *something* to earn it. Paint a park bench. Stuff envelopes. I don't care *what* - just be productive.
Much more support needs to be given to our working poor. I have absolutely no problem helping those who help themselves and just can't make ends meet. It is the utmost of hypocrisy that we tell these people, gee, so sorry, but you're actually contributing to society. We can't help you. But if you want to quit your job.... And no, I'm not exaggerating - I know a guy who's wife was told that pretty point-blank. She tried to get assistance just while taking maternity leave - she was told that, since she planned on returning to work, she could not get any help. This young woman, a legal immigrant to this country, was just astonished that we would reward her for *not* returning to work. What kind of message does that send?
Welfare recipients should have to take drug tests, just like millions of American workers do. If they have drug and/or alcohol problems, get them on some birth control and into a rehab program. Do *not* just hand them money or food stamps to help their addictions.
Less help to corporations and much, much more to small business owners. Sadly, while the idea of raising the minimum wage is a noble one, I honestly believe it hurts the small business owners far too severely. We should be taking far better care of these people.
Good roads. I personally never really thought of highway safety as a social program, but have seen it used as such by some liberals here on YA. Good, safe roads and - gasp! - well-maintained bridges, etc. should be a GIVEN. Same with air safety.
2007-09-14 18:00:55
answer #1
answered by Jadis 6
I support a few social programs; food stamps are at the top of the list. One of the obvious problems with being poor is that you do not have enough to eat. With the credit card type systems, the state can assure that people are eating well without taxpayers having to pay for cigarettes and beer. Food stamps are helpful in maintaining a steady income for farmers. Food is a strategic weapon and we must always make sure that we have a capable Ag base regardless of market conditions.
I support social programs that take care of the truly disabled; especially those injured in service to their country.
I would support any WPA type program. The country could realize an actual benefit, such as clean roads or picnic tables in parks as well as teaching a group of people how to work. I was just in the old Platt National Park, I was amazed to see the old WPA picnic tables and barbecue pits still looking like new.
I would support social programs to help people through hard times. I am against enslaving people to buy their votes.
2007-09-15 00:57:46
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
None of the ones that exist now. The system is broken. If you are an able bodied person you should be out here working with the rest of us and paying taxes. Not that it is a socal program, but I think the U.S. Military needs a pay raise.
2007-09-15 01:28:51
answer #3
answered by ? 6
When you say Social Programs, do you mean Free Government give away programs? Why do people think its the Governments job to make their life easier? What ever happened to setting Goals, then working to achieve them? I don't think your question should be addressed to Republicans, Democrats, Conservatives or Liberals, I think it should be addressed to Productive and Non Productive members of Society. We also have People that are Givers and there are Takers. The Productive Give, and the Non Productive Take and then complain that the Productive People aren't Giving Enough. Ask any working person, Democrat or Republican, if they want to give more to people who can work, but choose not to.
2007-09-15 01:05:59
answer #4
answered by Johnny Reb 5
Roads , bridges , rail lines , water treatment plants , drainage , power generation systems .
These are the basic needs and we also need to provide shelter from the elements and food .
Very basic medical care . Mending of bones and stitches and emergency medical treatment from accidents .
Sorry if you abuse your body and need insulin or a triple bi-pass from eating triple cheeseburgers . . Start saving when you are 16 and should be working or go to heaven early .
I always wonder why people who believe in God and heaven are always trying to live longer .
I hate to say this but some 300 lbs cashier at walmart who eats two hot dogs and a plate of fries and washes it down with a soda does not get my support for tax payer paid medical care . . When General motors and the airlines have to enlarge the seats I think it is time we take a closer look at what is going on the shelves at the super market .
2007-09-15 00:59:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I want my tax money spent on defense and infrastructure. I do not like social programs whatsoever. Government handouts are never a good idea cause their number purpose is to buy votes. Most of the entitlement programs are dated, inefficient, and they basically never work the way they're supposed to.
2007-09-15 00:55:04
answer #6
answered by - 6
I support a program that helps the people that can not work, not that do not want to work.
I support a program for displaced workers UNTIL they find new work, and finding new work is not an option. Single moms (and dads) that have no means of income for a limited time only.
I support a program that uses school vouchers and teacher pay depending on preformance...no tenure, and a college program for ALL citizens to have the opportunity to go to college.
And of course health care for all children (but all states already have that.)
Of course, roads, military, infrastructure should be maintained.
2007-09-15 00:54:46
answer #7
answered by time_wounds_all_heelz 5
I think there should be social programs that help those that have fallen on hard times.
For example welfare, It should be there as a last resort for those that get laid off due to unmitgating circumstances.
IE My mother got Laid off due to Deloitte and Touche's losses on 9/11.
But all programs should have a reasonable limit on them. Welfare should be no longer than 90 days.
Same with Health care and other programs. They should last long enough to get you back on your feet.
Social Security I think should be ended though. Though I don't think we can end it cold turkey. To many depend on it. There should be a date say 15 to 20 years from now that anyone past that date should no longer get it and it should be the responsability of the individual to provide for their retirment through investment and planning.
2007-09-15 00:54:54
answer #8
answered by WCSteel 5
Yes !
Any and all programs that help, train, people to achieve for themselves.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat forever.
Unlike the Dems /Liberals who want to just give the fish,……. Or a “chicken in every pot” to buy votes.
It was not always like this. The Democrats, the party of Jefferson was once the “conservatives”
2007-09-15 01:15:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Education and unemployment for those who were in jobs that they couldn't stay in due to outsourcing by the government, including circumstances where outsourcing caused a significant reduction in pay in a specific type of job that was outsourced. If the government takes it they should have to pay for it. Maybe that would make people think about it too. The programs that already exist are fine. When people go on welfare, they have to look for work and show up for job readiness training at the employment office. The ones that can get jobs hate it because it's work and generally would rather get a real job.
2007-09-15 00:53:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous