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Politics - 13 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Than why do they support Bush and Iraq since the Iraqi government is existing off or our dime and free-security forces? I see pics of the 'Iraqi government' and it sure looks like they're sitting on their asses and not defending their country, so why help them? Don't conservatives like paraphrasing God and say "help those who help themselves?" That should apply to the Iraqi people too...

2007-09-13 23:55:37 · 10 answers · asked by freewainwright 2

would they ,,could ,,they,,,??

2007-09-13 23:49:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

YOu think he would stoop that low? I mean after funds are cut.

2007-09-13 23:40:31 · 11 answers · asked by ez f 1

Do you think dem,s should move of of the pollitical field of Iraq,before they get more people killed over there with their endlass pollitical bull?just let our Great president do his job?

2007-09-13 23:27:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our president has given us his words,,WE PLEDGE HIM OUR LIVES,,,in the pursuit of such...HAIL CAMP VICTORY,,,WE ARE THEIR FOREVER,,,,now is this not the current mentality?

2007-09-13 23:22:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

enough with this circus. Enough with the farce. Enough with the lies.

NOw I hear rumblings that democrats are going to try to works on some "minor" agreeable to both sides things to convince a handful of republicans to see the light on Iraq? are you kidding me? Its torch and pitch fork time folks.....!!!!!

2007-09-13 23:15:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

as Bush puts forward the lasting plan for victory in Iraq,?

2007-09-13 23:15:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

as an Englishman who has just returned this morning from the USA on business i must ask this.
I am returning to the USA on business this afternoon and i was wondering if they sell pies in the USA.I love a nice Pukka or Ginsters pie, but i have never been able to find any in the USA.Do Americans have problems with pie shortages or is it simply that they have EATEN ALL THE PIES.
Can any Americans confirm they have EATEN ALL THE PIES

2007-09-13 23:11:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

How come bin laden's talking points are exactly the same as the Democrats talking points?

Are they in cahoots together? Do you think Sandy Berge stole evidence of co-operation between bin Laden and the Democrats from the Nat'l Archives to protect BJ and Hitlery?

Did Clinton wait until a Republican was elected President before telling Osama to carry out the 9/11 attacks?

2007-09-13 22:12:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm what Americans and British would call a liberal (it has a different meaning in Australia). I believe everyone should be treated fairly, live their lives safely and have the same equal opportunities in life, and it's the government's responsibility to provide this, through health-care, education, welfare, defence, etc. I believe businesses have a place but they shouldn't be in control of our essential services, and if they treat their customers/staff/stakholders unfairly it's up to the government to intervene. I think conservitism has many flaws which leads to a class-based society of rich vs poor, and liberalism can narrow this gap.
So, why are you a liberal, a conservative, libertarian, fascist, whatever? What are your justifications for your views, and how do they create a better world?

2007-09-13 22:01:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-13 21:40:12 · 19 answers · asked by the d 6

But neither Libs nor Cons seem to care when other countries do it to us?

Not just multinational corporations, but Foreign Governments make heavy contributions to our poltical campaigns and maintain thousands of lobbyists in DC, our major cities and state capitals.

GATT, NAFTA and CAFTA trump our food and highway safety laws.

A huge chunk of out media is foreign owned. Not just Rupert Murdoch and Sung Yung Moon, but Cuban exiles, Arabs, the Brits, the Japs and even the Red Chinese. You wanna know why the Chicago Cubs suck? Arabs don't play baseball and that's who owns the Cubs through the Tribune Group, which is in turn owned by Arabs through a British Holding company.

Saudi Arabia has enough money sunk into Bush family businesses and campaigns to own the clan outright. And no politician is going to stay in office long if he gives a higher priority to US interests than he does to Israel's.

There's a lot more to protecting US Sovereignity than Deporting wetbacks.

2007-09-13 21:28:38 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

don't you think he would win in a landslide?

2007-09-13 21:23:31 · 10 answers · asked by mrT 2

WTC 7 would have been the tallest structure in 33 states. NIST cant explain why it demolished itself.
Can you?
what happened to the fire insulation, the sprinklers? how did every floor fail, in order, all the way around?

2007-09-13 21:17:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now that Bush has pretty openly proclaimed iraq a colony of the US - you'll have troops stationed forever, and maniulate a puppet government while looting the resources - will the US finally stop calling itself a "democracy" or a "republic" and openly admit its a military empire?

2007-09-13 20:54:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why doesn't Tony Blair do more to distance England from Cuba? As I understand it England can sell goods to Cuba. Also, they allow their people to spend money there and prop up the Govt. Fidel castro has killed thousands of his own people so this is absolutely unacceptable for you people to support the guy.

Here in the USA, we have a sanction against cuba because we know if the rest of the world did the same, Castro's government would collapse.

2007-09-13 20:35:53 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Check out these links.

2007-09-13 20:34:03 · 17 answers · asked by iaskwhy2007 2

I think the point has been made clear. The majority of people do not like Pres. Bush. And they have good reasons. But enough is enough already. And he may not be the smartest tool in the shed, but it's immature to make fun of his accent, and mistakes, I mean really. Are people just bored?

2007-09-13 20:21:38 · 18 answers · asked by K 4

2007-09-13 20:21:25 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can you imagine the meetings these guys have to come up with these schemes? like "oh yeah...first we will say that this is whats going to happen, but we know its not...and we will buy this amount of time and drag things out, and when the time comes up we will say all is going great, even thought its not, and then we will threaten whoever is giving us a hard time with smears of treason and hating america and cuttin and running. That will put them back on their heels and then we will say ok...things are not perfect but if we deviate now, they will be over hee fitting our women for burkas and ...oh yeah, the we will ask for more patience ...etc...."

I got to admit....they are evil, but they are good at it.

2007-09-13 20:19:37 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

It certainly didn't 'make it better' for those who DIED though did it?

Unless there truly is a "better place" which may really be just a myth.

2007-09-13 20:04:03 · 10 answers · asked by rare2findd 6

well....republicans? Did he? and where are they? and before you say iran of timbutku or whatever, please provide tells us why you are disputing the official government stance on this.

2007-09-13 20:03:02 · 4 answers · asked by ron j 1

The plane he was in was only in the air for about 5 minutes, and the aircraft carrier was docked.
Was that NOT propaganda?
Do you think him prancing around like a little soldier made light of those who take that job seriously?

did you get all teary eyed or did you find that to be an obvious PR move.

2007-09-13 19:26:14 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not Iraq.
Not Afghanistan.
Not Serbia.
Not Iraq the first time.
Not Vietnam.

You'd have to go back a looooong time.

2007-09-13 19:03:32 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know this is long, but when Reed gave the Democratic response to the president's speech, he said that a different strategy was needed in Iraq. He also said that we need a rapid withdrawal of troops, and we need to train the Iraqi's to protect themselves. Well... what is that different strategy I keep hearing about? Do the Dems actually have a strategy at all besides cutting and running? Also, how do the Dems expect to train the Iraqi's to protect themselves if we are not over there to train them? Is that not what we are doing right now? How will a rapid withdrawal of American troops benefit our nation and the rest of the world? What will be the result of a rapid deployment according to the Democrats? Why haven't the Dems addressed these logical, common sense questions that have already been asked of them by the Republicans? Why isn't our "unbiased" media addressing these questions?

2007-09-13 18:54:42 · 16 answers · asked by wildcatfan 3

During todays lies, bush says there is some gains in Iraq, but the mission was suppoust to be over,wake up America, this bush is retarded or he thinks the listeners are?.

2007-09-13 18:47:01 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

God Bless America!

2007-09-13 18:43:03 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

or you're political ideology for that matter?

2007-09-13 18:12:17 · 24 answers · asked by Glen B 6

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