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Politics - 16 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

do you think a kid that old knows what allegiance is, or even what a pledge is?
should we make pledges at home, and study at school?
Or how about we wait until kids turn 18 and let them choose allegiance pledging as an elective if they want that.

2007-09-16 23:42:51 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe the war with Iran is 90%.It would be absolute disaster and there is possibility that we enter to world war 3 for following reasons: first of all Iran warfare capability is far far greater than Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran gets a full support from Russia and partially from china.USA already got the oil of Iraq which was its main interest for going to Iraq but if it wants to go to Iran for more oil, it would make the USA the absolute super power for many years therefore Russia would involve itself and china indirectly to prevent this since these two countries get the Iran’s oil. Then Europe will help the USA so millions of people will die for nothing and....wake up people and open your eyes!
What can we do to prevent this?

2007-09-16 23:33:21 · 46 answers · asked by lovepoliticshatepolitician 1


Some facts:

In 1962, a year after the Bay of Pigs Invasion, Cuba was the center of world focus when the U.S. discovered the construction sites of Soviet nuclear missiles. The struggle that ensued between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, the Cuban Missile Crisis, brought the world the closest it ever came to nuclear war.
Over the next four decades, Castro ruled Cuba as a dictator. While some Cubans benefited from Castro's educational and land reforms, others suffered from the food shortages and lack of personal freedoms. Hundreds of thousands of Cubans have fled Cuba to live in the United States.

I encourage everyone to take some time to study the history of this tyrant.

Is this come sick, demented, underground effort to drive this country towards the same fate that encompassed the citizens of Cuba and forced hundreds of thousands of them to flee for their lives to the United States?

Do you embrace communism and look up to Fidel Castro as a hero also?

2007-09-16 23:25:41 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't care what political party you are from. I just want to know what Americans are thinking? Please feel free to give details as to why or why not! Thank you!

2007-09-16 23:12:55 · 9 answers · asked by Marie 7

not to mention the millions we killed with our sanctions. sadam didnt have anything to do with 9-11 so for what we got, was it worth it?

2007-09-16 23:04:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think he will be airbrushed from history even by the plutocrats he represents.

2007-09-16 20:33:51 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why have John McCain, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, and Rudy Giuliani refused to participate in the "Values Voter" debate? Since they are running for the Republican nomination, don't they need the votes of the religious conservatives? I understand why every single Democrat has refused but I'm not positive why the Republicans have.

2007-09-16 19:47:21 · 8 answers · asked by qwert 7

The president doesn't necessarily have to be the most popular of his time (i.e JFK), the best of the best (i.e Abe Lincoln, FDR) or the most controversial (i.e Richard Nixon, George W. Bush), just who YOU think made the US Presidency more 'lively', so to speak, and interesting. :)
You can even choose more than one and list them! :D

I ask this because I believe we'd get some surprising answers and I've always been interested in this topic - so fire away! :p

2007-09-16 19:15:57 · 19 answers · asked by Quynh N 2

How long will it be before she starts flashing a peace symbol and wearing tie-dye shirts?

2007-09-16 18:30:02 · 14 answers · asked by hardwoodrods 6

at Kent state University ...who were protesting the vietnam war? and why?

2007-09-16 18:29:46 · 7 answers · asked by ez f 1

serious answers to get a "Best Answer"

2007-09-16 18:27:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-16 18:25:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who would Ron Paul be a good Vice President for?
Which would be best for Ron Paul... President or Vice President? Why?

Serious answers get "Best Answer"

2007-09-16 18:17:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-16 18:14:15 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's very simple and one I learned when I worked in news for a decade.

Its the way people, world wide, read the news.

Most people read the headline
Then followed by a much smaller percentage reads the first three paragraphs
Then followed by a small minority read the whole article or news story.

Therefore, since the vast majority of us get our news from headlines, then the headlines rules mosts political thoughts.

Which makes Goebles statement that to tell a lie long enough the people will eventually believe it. And even if they don't, it puts a lot of doubt in their minds.

The left and right is just as guilty, though I would say the right does it one hell of a lot more because the left doesn't need to lie since they have all the truth they need from the right screwing America and the world from hither to yonder.





2007-09-16 18:09:12 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think it's safe to say all of us Conservatives know he did it.

2007-09-16 18:05:19 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

If they are so open minded why do they try to FORCE change?
They Do not mind smoking weed!!
yet they complain about cutting down trees for paper!
Please correct me if i am wrong
but aren't they rolling thier marijuana cigarettes with paper?

Liberals often pit themselves against good traditions. Bible teachings present the cure for liberalism. It is good to eat animals - good for people (who get great enjoyment and nutrition) and good for animals. Animal rights activists would annihilate against sixty million turkeys yearly, turkeys which would never even exist if they didn't end up on dinning room tables. (It is better to live and be eaten then never to have lived at all.)
Extremist environmentalists forget that trees are a renewable resource. For every tree cut down, thousands of seeds can reproduce an unlimited number of new trees, and America has more trees today than 200 years ago.
Leading liberals have prejudice against the social descendants of the Pilgrims. Liberalism tends toward racism against Europeans, sexism against males, and discrimination against Christianity.
Some people put down others to elevate themselves or their friends. Liberals often denounce Christian white males in order to elevate their special interests. Leading liberals blame religion, especially Christianity, for the world's problems, advocating instead atheistic, evolutionary socialism.
Liberals thus ignore the murder of tens of millions of people in the recent past by the atheistic, evolutionary socialist Soviet Union and Communist China. Liberals prefer kids growing up institutionalized in daycare and government schools than having them raised at home by loving parents.
And finally, in their long war against God, liberals suggest that the only good Christian is a bad Christian, that is, one who rejects the exclusive claims of Jesus Christ.

2007-09-16 17:23:39 · 23 answers · asked by KittyCatFishApe 3

I'm having this election debate thing in school, and I'm the labour minister for the Liberals. I couldn't find much on the toronto star's site about the labour plans from the 4 parties. I need the labour plans from all four parties, not just the Liberals. If you know about the labour plans from any of the 4 parties, please tell me!


2007-09-16 17:15:24 · 2 answers · asked by nicokyu 3

Have you "bring the troops home now" people thought this through?

2007-09-16 17:11:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

...would you have still voted the same way?

2007-09-16 17:04:46 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who stands to benefit the most from it and who is paying the biggest price?

Thank you. Looking forward to some good intelligent commentary hopefully....and I am confident you my fellow citizens of these great United States will come through for me.

2007-09-16 16:44:09 · 17 answers · asked by ballerb j 1

as a economic model...too provide work for everyone?

2007-09-16 16:42:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

answers will help on a school project

2007-09-16 16:26:04 · 7 answers · asked by Coonine 1

Is it because Bill betrayed her and she has to run around the country pretending she still loves him? Or perhaps she is going through menopause and her hormones are all screwed up. Could it be that she hasn't engaged is the act of physical love making in years and that is causing tension? What is your theory?

2007-09-16 16:19:29 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Israel has enforced a news blackout on what may be its air force's most audacious raid since its jets destroyed Saddam Hussein's nuclear reactor in 1981. The Israeli government has made no comment about the raid on what is believed to be a nuclear installation in Syria and Israeli newspapers have been forbidden to write anything on the subject.
When asked about the raid, Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, refused to provide details. "The security services and Israeli defence forces are demonstrating unusual courage. We naturally cannot always show the public our cards."

Instead the details of the raid have been leaked to a series of foreign newspapers. According to the leaks, eight Israeli F-15 bombers entered Syrian airspace in the early hours of September 6. They successfully evaded Syrian radar and air defences and attacked a research establishment on the Euphrates river in northern Syria, destroying it completely."

2007-09-16 16:05:14 · 18 answers · asked by Richard V 6

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