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Politics - 16 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

because they just hate our lifestyle, or do you believe thier is something more than this simplistic scenario.

2007-09-16 15:59:49 · 13 answers · asked by Ray G 1

you know they bunch, rush, hannity, oreily amus.
do you call their shows entertainment, news, or what?

do you think that they give honest political infomation?

2007-09-16 15:59:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isn't it quite a conflict of interest for Al Gore to be profiting from carbon credit trading when he is the one promoting the big global warming hoax?

2007-09-16 15:54:30 · 10 answers · asked by Alan B 2

nowadays people are becoming less compelled to vote for the lesser of the two evils, so maybe you should try something else.

2007-09-16 15:54:23 · 13 answers · asked by pot roast 1

beyond the socialist newsletters the burnt out hippy hands out outside the starbucks.

2007-09-16 15:47:10 · 23 answers · asked by pot roast 1

Believe me, I'd hate so sound like some illiterate conservative who trolls the politics section, but I came across this gem, laughed, and wanted to share it.

These are some quotes from Republicans when Clinton deployed troops to Bosnia. The Republicans back then were saying the same thing Democrats are saying today.

There are more if you follow the link.

"You can support the troops but not the president." - Rep Tom Delay (R-TX)

"If we are going to commit American troops, we must be certain they have a clear mission, an achievable goal and an exit strategy." - Karen Hughes, speaking on behalf of George W Bush


Let me guess, 9/11 changed everything? Haha

No seriously, why the change? Why demonize liberals who are saying these things today? The Republicans were "rational" back then right? So why are these things "irrational" today?

2007-09-16 15:45:32 · 15 answers · asked by St. Bastard 4

from the private sector?

1. Microsoft was started by Bill Gates and crew.
2. Wal Mart, the biggest retailer in the world was started by Sam Walton.
3. Most of the health care improvements come from the US and the private sector.
4. Henry Ford invented the car.
5. Cell phones and technology was created by the private sector.

And on and on and on. What evidence do you have that government involvement works?

I am honestly trying to understand where you are coming from.

If private enterprise creates our progress, what leads you to think government can create progress?

2007-09-16 15:38:57 · 10 answers · asked by Chainsaw 6

They can keep any businesses foolish enough to stay there. They can raise taxes to 97%, make smoking illegal, make abortion mandatory, and implement any other ******** social experiment on their own nickel.

2007-09-16 15:35:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

All I ever hear is government needs to do more. What is not their job to fix?

2007-09-16 15:32:36 · 17 answers · asked by Chainsaw 6

Im going to say democrat, ive always been told this.
All republicans only care about the rich but the democrats care for the poor, (so on so on)

My grandma taught me that, idk iif i believe it but im still sticking with a democrat president.

what about you?

reasons for democrat or republican president would be nicee,

thanks :D

2007-09-16 15:26:25 · 29 answers · asked by ABBBYY 2

How many people on here claim to be a normal liberal/conservative and in turn, post an insulting question? I am a fiscal conservative, but I have seen cooks on both sides. And people, don't deny it, I know many of you DO throw insulting (and at times, stupid) questions back and forth.

2007-09-16 15:21:25 · 13 answers · asked by Chase 5

...familiar territory, that is, in handcuffs and in jail. It was announced that he would get his own cell for his protection. The question I posit to you, would US Rep. William Jefferson (D) be fair in sharing a cell with OJ? Ya know, they could shoot the breeze and reminisce about the good ole days, when OJ was Bills superstar, and WJ getting illegal kickbacks for special favors. Ya know... the typical. Certainly, WJ would offer no sort of threat. Both, I think they both have tons in common, both have committed felonies, but were exonerated. Shoot one even remained a proud US congressman!!!

2007-09-16 14:44:26 · 14 answers · asked by aCeRBic 4

Too much power for one person if you ask me.

2007-09-16 14:43:33 · 18 answers · asked by wooper 5

Today's NPR / To the Best of our Knowledge; 3-segs on women in Islam:

2007-09-16 14:26:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

or just for persons who follow the philosphy of the current leaders?

2007-09-16 14:14:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would the world be a better place?

2007-09-16 13:44:57 · 17 answers · asked by Alan B 2

That CIA was created just after the end of World War II, by President Harry Truman, despite it being opposed by the military establishment and the State Department at the time. “After World War II, many scientists who had worked in Nazi Germany were extracted from Germany in order to aid the U.S.; their recruitment was under the aegis of Operation Paperclip. The CIA had also been aware of the location of some high-profile Nazi war criminals, including the whereabouts of Adolf Eichmann two years before he was captured by Israeli agents, but the agency did not publicize this information, as it did not have a policy of pursuing Nazi war criminals at the time.[25] Several former Nazi operational agents were recruited as U.S. secret agents, yet formed just a minor portion of the agents at that time; they were induced financially and promised exemption from criminal prosecution and trial for war crimes committed during World War II.[26] Some claim that these agents had a long-term corrosive effect on American intelligence agencies.[27] There were extensive relationships between former Nazi war criminals and American and West German intelligence organizations, including the CIA. For example, current records show that at least five associates of the notorious Nazi Adolf Eichmann worked for the CIA, 23 other Nazis were approached by the CIA for recruitment, and at least 100 officers within the Gehlen organization were former SD or Gestapo officers.
During the Cold War, the CIA supported many dictators, including General Augusto Pinochet of Chile; dictators in Central America, African Dictators like Mobutu Sese Seko and Jonas Savimbi, the Shah of Iran, and the religious despots in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Kuwait and Indonesia,

John Stockwell, formerly a high-level CIA operative, claims that six million people have been killed by the United States in the Third World countries. This claim includes the deaths in the Korea and Vietnam wars that Stockwell feels should be blamed on the United States government.[28]

Numerous accusations have been made that the CIA has been involved in drug trafficking to fund illegal operations in Nicaragua during their civil war, Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion, and in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. According to a personal account by Everett Ellis Briggs, former U.S. Ambassador to Panama and Honduras, CIA undermined efforts to put a stop to the drug smuggling

Western Vietnam and Eastern Cambodia had some opium fields. It was widely alleged among various soldiers-turned-antiwar protesters that the CIA was involved in smuggling this opium to heroin producers in the United States at considerable profit. The book The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia written by Alfred W. McCoy, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison claims to provide evidence of the drug trafficking. The book discusses the alleged use of opium to fund covert operations done by the CIA in Vietnam. According to Dr. McCoy, the agency also intimidated his sources and tried to keep the book from being published, citing national security concerns.”

• During the Vietnam war the CIA conducted Operation Phoenix, an assassination program. The goal was not only to eliminate those Vietnamese who might oppose the U.S. (which in practice meant most of the population of Vietnam) but also to terrorize the entire population of South Vietnam and to suppress opposition to the occupying U.S. forces. Over 20,000 Vietnamese were murdered, often at random.
• The CIA also recruited a mercenary army in Vietnam (financed by profits from the CIA's heroin smuggling), particularly from among the Hmong villagers, which was used to terrorize the civilian population and to prevent them from assisting the Viet Cong.
• The CIA organized and financed (with the profits from its cocaine smuggling) the activities of the Contras in Nicaragua, who murdered tens of thousands of civilians, and tried to disrupt the economy, in an attempt to destabilize the legitimate Sandinista government. (For this the U.S. was condemned in the World Court for engaging in international terrorism, and it rejected a U.N. security council resolution calling upon it to observe international law.)
• The CIA planned and organized the military coup d'etat in 1973 in Chile which overthrew the legitimately elected government of Salvador Allende (because he would not implement economic policies designed in Washington to favor American corporations doing business in Chile) and brought to power the regime of General Augusto Pinochet; this regime abducted, tortured and killed thousands of Chilean citizens in an attempt to suppress opposition.
• The CIA organized and supported the Turkish government's persecution of its Kurdish minority during the 1990s, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths and millions of refuges; the aim being the suppression of Kurdish culture and the elimination of Kurdish demands for a separate state.

Not to mention the many assainations, illegal and domestic spying on US citizens, Nazis, drugs, but I this is all supposed to be for the benefit of the American Public? Right…….

2007-09-16 13:29:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-16 13:24:41 · 23 answers · asked by toughguy2 7

2007-09-16 13:24:26 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Having just arrived back from Florida, I cannot help but feel great concern on the issues 'bothering' David Cameron, ie, (amongst many) his concern about 4x4 trucks being driven in the UK, and how he would penalise the drivers of such vehicles, if he comes into 'power'. If I know, as a mere holidaymaker in America, then surely he will know, that 4x4 trucks are literally 'two-a-penny' in the States; (oh my, the horror for Mr Cameron). Okay, two wrongs don't make a right, but I would say to David Cameron, and in fact, all politicians in the UK, we are only a small island. Therefore, why do we have to take up arms against any situation in the World, to the detriment of UK citizens? For example, the huge expenditure laid on the UK tax payer for the war?

2007-09-16 13:14:39 · 8 answers · asked by smiley 2

According to Gallup and Zogby polls

2007-09-16 13:10:08 · 21 answers · asked by charbatch 3

Read my most recent post:


2007-09-16 13:08:03 · 4 answers · asked by RICARDVS VII 3

When you are at work,would you try not to mess up the orders so often.And remember,if we wanted an apple pie to go with that we would have asked. Thank You and have a great day.

2007-09-16 13:06:12 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Treehuggers oppose drilling for oil unless it is in an ugly place. It seems no one wants to defend our oil interest in the Middle East. Yet whenever oil prices go up and gasoline skyrockets, everybody wants the President to do something.

What do you want? Why can't we use a little common sense and think beyond what we have been told by a few self proclaimed experts that are usually only washed up Hollywood types?

2007-09-16 12:55:42 · 25 answers · asked by Alan B 2

Why are they willing to let soldiers die,just so they have an issue to use in the election?

2007-09-16 12:54:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you ever vote for hillary if not why?
Cant be a reason because of shes is a female.

Good reasons please,

and id deffently vote for her..
she is amazing

2007-09-16 12:48:15 · 21 answers · asked by ABBBYY 2

"It's the Soldier, not the reporter,

who has given us freedom of the press.

It's the Soldier, not the poet,

who has given us freedom of speech.

It's the Soldier, not the campus organizer,

who has given us freedom to demonstrate.

It's the Soldier, not the lawyer,

who has given us the right to a fair trail.

And it's the Soldier who salutes the flag,

who serves under the flag,

whose coffin is draped by the flag,

that allows the protester to burn the flag"

2007-09-16 12:47:01 · 23 answers · asked by KittyCatFishApe 3

Of course they have had the power to stop the war anytime they wanted for close to a year now,yet have chosen to let it continue.

2007-09-16 12:32:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

....what about Alan Greenspan's comments that Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton were the "smartest" Presidents he ever worked with?!?


2007-09-16 12:29:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that when Democrats are in the minority, and they stand against the majority, and the President, (like Bush) they are called "loyal opposition", but when Republcans are in the minority, (as now, in congress and when Bill Clinton was President) and stand against the majority, they are called obstructionists.

Tell me the difference between Democratic loyal opposition, and Republican obstructionism, when actually it is the same thing from both sides.

2007-09-16 12:16:25 · 9 answers · asked by Grayrider 6

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