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Politics - 18 September 2007

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And would that put Hillary Clinton on ice for her plans of universale health care?

2007-09-18 23:55:31 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

America has become an elitist state where the citizens are incapable of dealing with the intricacies of actually making things work. We have instead some how come to a point where the process means more than the goal. We tend to our processes and tweak them and adjust them and debate them and the goal goes by the wayside and is never even mentioned. We no longer wish to have dirt on our hands or even admit the need for those that do have dirt on their hands.
We speak of welfare and universal health care while the poor in this country live at standards well above the world average.
We constantly seek to remedy the poor yet we allow 12 million from foreign nations to come here and work. These jobs need done if the job is beneath you don't ask for a hand out . If you will not work you will not eat.

2007-09-18 23:54:20 · 9 answers · asked by Locutus1of1 5

He was also monitored by the R.C.M.P. for his activities.
Need for radio trivia

2007-09-18 23:51:40 · 3 answers · asked by kenloften 2

2007-09-18 23:47:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

The US Spy Chief admitted to Congress yesterday that 9/11 could have been prevented. That's a shocker!

http://www.yahoo.com/ see spy chief. Someone said it was negligence.

Who is responsible for that? Guess Bush can't say it could not have been prevented any longer!

2007-09-18 23:44:29 · 8 answers · asked by cantcu 7

I know people who say that 9/11 was a plan of President Bush's. They usually just mention it in passing. I was just curious if anybody else has had similiar experiences. And if you share that experience, would you please mention what ethnicity the person was.

2007-09-18 23:39:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

watch the video and comment please.

2007-09-18 23:18:25 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

:) Lol I got this in my email this morning.
For the punchline look at the question, look at the answer, then look at the date :)


2007-09-18 23:11:15 · 12 answers · asked by Enigma 6

PAILIN, Cambodia - Police arrested the top surviving Khmer Rouge leader Wednesday, taking Nuon Chea to appear before a U.N-backed genocide tribunal for his role in the 1970s Cambodian regime blamed for the deaths of 1.7 million people


I've always advocated Capital Punishment for heinous crimes such as Communism. But the U.N. doesn't seem to believe in this tried-and-true penalty anymore. Remember how Kofi Annan wanted to save poor Saddam Hussein from his just punishment?

2007-09-18 22:00:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Underwear himself?

2007-09-18 20:08:35 · 8 answers · asked by Your Teeth or Mine? 5

neoliberalsim and classical liberalism.

For the record, I know and recognize the differences between neoconservatives and traditional conservatives, so why can't neoliberals see that they have nothing at all in common with classical liberalism?

Example: Claiming that the Founding Fathers were liberals. I agree that they adhered to classical liberalism, but would have nothing at all to do with the neoliberal movement of today.

2007-09-18 19:21:48 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why or why not?

2007-09-18 18:25:44 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-18 18:19:46 · 28 answers · asked by Talent 3

It was at a forum that John Kerry was speaking at and the kid was talking about some conspiracy theories. I disagree with what he was saying, but do you think it was right for the police to drag him away and tase him? Do you think some sort of nonviolent disciplinary action may have been more appropriate?

2007-09-18 18:19:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

A major reason why people dont like Sen. clinton is because they feel that she wants "to make us all equal". I am aware that there are those who work hard and are skeptical about giving up what they earn to society, but how much money do you REALLY need to earn? Why should there be millionaires when there are children without healthcare, families unable to survive, etc. Do we have a responsibility as Americans to help our fellow citizens?

2007-09-18 18:11:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


Petraeus knows more about the conflict in Iraq than anyone else, but the antiwar group MoveOn.org slapped him in the face on a day when all of Washington should have only been listening. Its infamously insulting ad, which was placed in The New York Times the day Petraeus was scheduled to testify before members of the House of Representatives, asked: "General Petraeus or General Betray Us?"

The day after Petraeus' hearing, the Republican presidential candidates attacked the grand Democratic silence. Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona may have put it best later in the week: "If you're not tough enough to repudiate an attack like that, you're not tough enough to be president," he said, addressing Clinton specifically.

2007-09-18 18:06:47 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

They had both houses and the president, Do you think they are supports of what Carter did?

2007-09-18 18:01:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

And it has nothing to do with who is or is not receiving unemployment benefits?


I just mention it because I see so many here answering questions saying it's based on the unemployment benefits.

2007-09-18 17:55:50 · 1 answers · asked by Uncle Pennybags 7

2007-09-18 17:35:10 · 8 answers · asked by soperson 4

Bill Clinton had been a serial adulterer for their entire marriage, as everybody with half a brain knows.

In 1988, he called me and said that he and Hillary were considering divorce and he had to get away from her for a while. I offered him my house in Key West, Fla.

Right before the 60 Minutes show during the 1992 campaign, he called for my advice and I suggested that he admit and apologize for the adultery with Flowers and he said "If I did that, I'd have to find a new place to live."

In 1995, reviewing his testimony in the fraud trial of Susan McDougal, he asked me how he should handle his "relationship" with her. I said: "If you had sex with her, admit it. Don't perjure yourself. We can always undo the political damage, but we can't undo the legal damage." He nodded.

For Hillary to pretend injured innocence at this point has only one motive: She needs to somehow justify her strident public defense of her husband.

She can't admit the truth: that she defended him because she didn't want him forced from office — ending both their political careers — because he'd been unfaithful to her.

Hillary, give us a break.

— Dick Morris, an adviser to Bill Clinton for 20 years

2007-09-18 17:16:30 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, why?

2007-09-18 17:13:42 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-18 17:11:56 · 18 answers · asked by Naturescent 4

No offense but, many American's are just dumb and not open-minded people so gullable toward politics.

All the polticians ever want is to get re-elected and rack up millions of dollars toward ear-marks.
They say they were going to end Iraq War, it didn't happen.

It's always me, me, me, me, vote for me.

Your thoughts?

2007-09-18 17:09:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-18 17:08:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

“MoveOn.org is the most powerful left-wing group in the country,” the ad, which is running statewide, intones. “They spent millions electing anti-war liberals. And publicly brag how the Democratic Party is theirs — bought and paid for. Why is MoveOn attacking Rudy Giuliani? Because he’s their worst nightmare.”

Anyone else own a piece of her?

2007-09-18 17:05:30 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

specifically what they would do if Al-qaeda or Iran takes over Iraq. also what they would do if any if those radicals gang up on Israel.

2007-09-18 16:48:36 · 8 answers · asked by Don S 5

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