When she looks at the military, all she sees is dollar signs. She'll dismantle it and mortgage it off piece by piece with base closings while cutting benefits, denying pay raises and forcing early retirements for service members just like her husband did in the 90's. She thinks a museum dedicated to woodstock is more important than our security. Scary, isn't it.
2007-09-18 18:13:37
answer #1
answered by Karma 4
I have never heard her say she "hates and doesn't trust" the military, just that she distrusts it's Commander in Chief and those who do his bidding.
Attacking a decorated military man shows a lack of class regardless of whether you agree with their politics.
Yes, she should have condemned the ad, just as Bush should have condemned the Swift Boat ads in 2004. John McCain was noticeably silent on that, also.
I am not a big fan of Hillary or John Kerry, both of whom were mentioned in that OPINION piece, but I would rather candidates discuss and debate issues rather that personally attack each other.
2007-09-19 07:41:58
answer #2
answered by john_stolworthy 6
Not going to comment on your statement----just your question on why Hillary would want to be Commander In Chief-------
Gun control?---socialized medicine?---smacks of Socialist or Communistic government, huh? Un-armed citizens? Don't worry; the government will take care of you?
With the kind of government Hillary has in mind and has been working toward, she wouldn't need a military as we know it. Just a Gustapo type police force to control the people here at home when they finally woke up.
Of course, by then it would be to late and if we had anyone with any guts left, we'd have to start the whole process of fighting for our freedom right here at home like we did before.
Anyone in Boston up for another Tea Party?
2007-09-19 03:04:34
answer #3
answered by DixeVil 5
I for one would never trust her as CIC. I would see her using the military in operations very much as Reno used the FBI and ATF against our own people. I believe Hillary would be tempted to use the military to eliminate opposition.. I don't trust her..I believe that most of the military feel similarly. They perceive her as a dangerous woman. Wesley Clark that spineless little simp, has no respect among the military people I know. He is a politician who blows with the polling wind, and doesn't see the value of completing a mission. He is hitlery's choice of military advisors.
2007-09-19 10:18:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Maybe she didn't want to repudiate the attack as that is what Patraeus seemed to be a mouth piece of Bush!
After 2 days of Testimony, on Thursday night Bush gave a prime time speech laying out the same garbage knowing it was a lie. He also had NO political plan to end a civil war that is not winnable militarily, that is unless you want to disagree with every General who has been there over the past 4 years!
Within hours of Bush's speech, the White House released their report that was even worse than the GAO's. Iraq had met but 1 benchmark.
Are you really trying to tell us that none of them knew about the White House report coming out on Friday which shot holes in their testimony before the Congress and the US people? The majority of the people polled did not buy it?
Face it, Bush is a liar and he has never told the truth about anything!
Move On was Right On, however I found the headline distasteful.
Why don't you like Hillary, because she is smarter than you are or is it that and you are a neocon? You seem to be employed by someones campaign!
2007-09-19 01:22:34
answer #5
answered by cantcu 7
So she can finish the job started by her husband, destroying our military and along with it wrecking our national security. Bill said, "I loathe the military" years before becoming president, and while he was in office he put that hatred into action.
2007-09-19 06:53:14
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
As President, She could legally dismantle The US Military if she wanted to and there would be nobody to stop unless we put The GOP back in control of Congress in '08. If she really wants to do this we cannot afford to give her a Blank Check.
2007-09-19 01:26:15
answer #7
answered by Dale B 3
You said a mouth full, RLP. The woman was so disrespectful to a man that she's not even worthy to clean his shoes. The left has always loathed the military. Thanks, you've shown us yet another side of their hypocrisy.
2007-09-19 19:06:35
answer #8
answered by ks 5
Someone already told you this but it can't be said enough times. Stop putting words in the woman's mouth because YOU think that's how she really feels. Gen. Petraeus is not the entire military and Sen. Clinton does not hate our military. She's the one who wants to give them a decent raise and bring most of them home.
In McCain's view of course he thinks that, he agrees with Bush. She neither endorsed it nor denounced it. Though to listen to Rudy you'd think she was heading up MoveOn.Org when she isn't even associated with them and had nothing to do with the ad. I thought the ad was in poor taste myself, but I found Rudy's ad to be even worse. It was a smear job reminiscent of the 2004 campaign and it backfired on him. More people found it repugnant that he tried to make it sound that Hillary and MoveOn.Org were one and the same than they found it horrible that she refused to comment on the ad.
Sen. Clinton had the right to question Gen. Petraeus about the conclusions he chose to speak about and to express her doubt that the whole story was not being presented. Right wingers may not have liked it, but there are millions of us who are just as sick of the spin as Hillary is. You are right. No one knows as much as Petraeus about what's going on in Iraq. But Sen. Clinton knows enough to know cherry picking when she hears it - most of us did. The day we stop asking the hard questions and demanding the entire story from our leaders is the day we're a dictatorship. No thanks.
2007-09-19 01:22:16
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
right, right. And you always hear the Republicans "repudiating" when some right-wing group claims Nancy Pelosi is a secret supporter of al-Qaeda and that if elected president Hillary would destroy America.
Keep up the good work!
2007-09-19 01:22:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous