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Politics - 13 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

fall over backwards to endorse the Alternative Lifestyle practioner Jodie Fosters new movie showing her becoming a vigilante? They seem to love it when one of their own gets a gun and starts killing thugs who ruined her life...but let a common citizen,who prob votes against their narrow worldview try to own a gun to protect their home and family and they freak out....

2007-09-13 17:59:28 · 13 answers · asked by Dr Sardonicus 6

...tell us when they think war is ok?

2007-09-13 17:59:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

George Bush has been in power for a while now. How do you think Bush has done with our country?

2007-09-13 17:43:14 · 15 answers · asked by bloodsanctum 4

Abortion has been completely eradicated. Government funding of abortion is now a thing of the past. Filth on television has been severely cracked down upon and completely annihilated. In my opinion, Bush will be remembered as one of Americas greatest presidents.

2007-09-13 17:32:31 · 29 answers · asked by Sooth 1

You do realize he would NEVER do that even if it were absolutely the truth right?

2007-09-13 17:25:49 · 13 answers · asked by Kelly B 4

Gay,Closeted Senator he has his sights on.
Golly molly - I jes wonder which political persuasion he'll be - don't you?

2007-09-13 16:57:23 · 9 answers · asked by Your Teeth or Mine? 5


2007-09-13 16:50:54 · 7 answers · asked by evilmonk66 2


2007-09-13 16:45:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


I sure do!

2007-09-13 16:41:01 · 4 answers · asked by American Sunshine 3

Briefly describe the current demographic trends. What potential effects will these changes have on public policy?

2007-09-13 16:36:47 · 3 answers · asked by Emmanuel M 1

First, why am I doing this? Because while I certainly do not expect everyone to agree all the time, it would be really neat to illustrate which side of this is actually closer to reality.

No cheating! You are not allowed to look it up! The idea is to compare perception to reality.

First assignment:

Did Iraq possess WMD? (Primarily that would be Biological, Chemical and Nuclear weapons)

Bush gave a speech outlining the reasons he felt military action was justified against Iraq. From what you believe to be true, what did he give as the reasons?

According to various sources, among other things Bush went AWOL and dodged his responsibilities while in the National Guard. Is this true? What proof of this was offered? Does the proof offered support the claims?

Does either party have a convicted sex offender serving in Congress? If yes, which party?

If anyone has suggestions for topics please include at the end of. I'll answer them with sources after the question closes.

2007-09-13 16:36:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it making us safer?

Is this specific mission and plan really useful?

And does jesus give it his blessing now that our president has made the surge assesment and decisions?

2007-09-13 16:08:45 · 21 answers · asked by roostershine 4

America wants Canada's oil, I mean the artic oil. We all know about Global warming, and how its warming Canada's Artic islands. Now that its kind of melted, they have discovered oil is under the artic Canadian islands. Now G. Bush all of suddens wants it, so you know what he said "thats not canada's oil, thats international oil" ARE YOU KIDDIN, those Islands are canadian preperty, and know bush claims its international seas and islands. SCREW THAT, bush better not our canadian oil, THATS our damn oil

2007-09-13 16:05:37 · 13 answers · asked by soccerfan10td 2

with what we have for presidential choices, it sure makes you wonder.

2007-09-13 16:02:29 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

For people who think america should be in Iraq, America is no longer fighting terrism, i will tell you what they are fighting for....... AMERICA WANTS IRAQ'S OIL, thats all, i used to belive what the americans are doing are right, but i now i don't. All that damn bush wants is oil. Who thinks america should be iraq, and if you think that, PLEASE TELL ME WHY

2007-09-13 16:01:02 · 20 answers · asked by soccerfan10td 2

your representative tomorrow to voice your opinion?

2007-09-13 15:58:45 · 4 answers · asked by CHARITY G 7

and maimed perpetually. have combat syndrome, and high divorce rates for another 5 years ..or more . cause they love the troops so much.

I am sorry my countrymen. But many of you are idiots.

2007-09-13 15:58:25 · 10 answers · asked by bush l 1

Would you want to see our brothers and sisters in Iraq go back to suffering the way they did under Saddam's Brutality?

2007-09-13 15:53:51 · 7 answers · asked by Jeremiah Johnson 7 7

Do you believe any member of that duplicitous group of scum would have had the guts to take him up on the offer?

2007-09-13 15:53:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I swear every day there are at least 20 questions with some form of that question.
The election is still over a year away, can you imagine how many there will be between now and then.

2007-09-13 15:48:26 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-13 15:44:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems (personal observation - no substantiating facts) that Americans are unable to simply just do things because it benefits them . . . why do we need to invent political myths . . . Isn't benefiting the USA a good reason . . .

2007-09-13 15:42:49 · 6 answers · asked by CHARITY G 7

but make up their minds what he said before they heard the speech?
What kind of congressmen have we got?

2007-09-13 15:42:31 · 22 answers · asked by LoneStar 4

who do you think will be next?

2007-09-13 15:41:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anna Rexia 5

I ask this question once in a while - and I'm always surprised to hear that "no one ever said that" - when half of the answers I received when I asked previously were things like;

"If the Dems win control of Congress then we'll see them within weeks" Lol!

Then it was "as soon as the Dems start their session in January" LMAO!

THEN it was: "In a few months as the Dems in Congress undermine the President" ROFLMAO!

So cons - what will it be this time?

When a Democrat becomes President?

2007-09-13 15:38:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


For any of the people who answered the above question by saying that their individual lives are more important than the liberties which are the only thing that separate America from any other country in the world:


You are obviously willing to give up everything that makes you an American, just so you don't have to die. So, since you feel that your individual life is far more important than preserving the integrity of your country, why do you think it's important to prevent international terrorism? Why NOT convert to Islam and give up all your liberties? You'll be allowed to live if you do that. So why not just do it?

Personally, I'd rather die than allow a government to infringe on ANY of my rights. And YOU don't get to choose which of MY rights I have to give up so YOU feel safer.

2007-09-13 15:37:54 · 3 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6

2007-09-13 15:30:27 · 11 answers · asked by kayladot2 1

Wasn't that the whole idea to set them to show whether or not the right progress was being made and supposed to be strictly adhered to. Why do they waste taxpayers money on phoney political theatre.

2007-09-13 15:26:31 · 16 answers · asked by Enigma 6

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