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Politics - 10 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

I'm asking because my consevative friend belives in Global Warming, why does that make him left wing?

2007-09-10 22:31:15 · 12 answers · asked by Political Sigmund Freud 2

The world are laughing at the US..Once again.... only a fool can believe that the Surge is working......

Bush is playing for time for two main reasons....

1. The Oil contracts have not been divid up and signed......

2. He doesn't want to leave office with the certainty of defeat around his failed neck..

2007-09-10 22:28:42 · 12 answers · asked by Dream Realized 2

Ooops, I mean their crusade. I'd hate to screw that up.

2007-09-10 22:17:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm thinking of voting Ron Paul.
And don't want McCain to win.

2007-09-10 21:48:42 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-10 21:06:45 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Agree/Disagree? If you agree please share...

2007-09-10 20:38:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Come on now, even if you republicans want us in Iraq for whatever reason you do. I want one of you to admit that the goal line on Iraq keeps moving around. You can want to be in Iraq, just admit that you are willing to say anything to make sure we do.

2007-09-10 20:27:50 · 8 answers · asked by ningis n 1

Do you think so? or do you just see him as a 4 star liar and spin machine?

2007-09-10 20:23:52 · 26 answers · asked by ningis n 1

or go against his commander in chief...if we all know that a soldier's job is to fight and keep fighting until he is ordered to stop fighting, then why do we pretend to believe that Petraeus would give any other report than one saying ....things are rosy and and will get rosier if we stay the course...but it wont be easy? Why do americans pretend so much? It kind of reminds me of another phenomenon called the santa clause phenomenon.

2007-09-10 20:21:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I received this email from a Liberal yesterday, after having asked a question to the Military. I have left out names for understandable reasons. Now, what say you about this Liberal and his words about our military?

You have received a message from another user!

From: (left out)

Subject: Good question

Message: Dear rightwinger;

Loved the way you question brought all the hate and pus right out of the military. They hate my non-facist guts. Some patriotism they got there. I am totally unrelated to anything to do with the military and I can see by the vitriol by those right wing nuts I am not missing much.

I swear nothing hates an a non-facist/conservative American more virulantly than a military man. They're nuts, are they not? Also, I reported (name left out) for swearing and "cowardly Blankheads".

You all need to get a life

(name left out)

2007-09-10 20:15:26 · 18 answers · asked by xenypoo 7

the good general's story? Score another one for the bright eyed Bushie... if he didn't just visit the General, I think everyone would be way more apt to believe the General.

2007-09-10 19:59:01 · 4 answers · asked by Tweet 3

I am a hardcore democrat and absolutely despise Clinton. Why; because she is more for corperate gain rather then the gain of the American people. She has records of selling out several times during her political career and accepting "gifts" from healthcare and insurance lobbyists. She seems like she won't do anything for this country and all will remain the same in regards to all the problems our country has.

I am afraid that is whe gets elected in the primaries(which she probabley will) I will have a very difficult time even bring myself to vote for her, or the republican candidate at that. It will be like choosing the lessor of two evils which is Never a good situation to be in. Does anyone else feel this way?

2007-09-10 19:04:43 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-10 19:02:15 · 24 answers · asked by the d 6


2007-09-10 18:40:58 · 14 answers · asked by vox_of_reason2 3

If he'd come out and said we should quit and come home as quickly as possible.

2007-09-10 18:38:25 · 6 answers · asked by netjr 6

I heard a bunch of Republicans say the surge is working and we need to keep the war going.

I heard a bunch of Democrats say the surge is not working and we need to keep the war going.

But I only heard one person tell the truth. "The red pigs want to keep the war going because they feed out of the trough of carnage and the blue pigs want to keep it going for votes! Either way is reprehensible."


2007-09-10 18:31:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Petraeus was called a liar by moveon.org, dick turban, and harry reid, saying he is a Bush lacky and cooking the statistics even though there is no proof and Petraeus denies any such thing.

2007-09-10 18:29:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a Voter... I appreciate my rights and take advantage of them.
I want to know. Why do people/americans actually complain about what is going on in our Goverment but they dont take the time or energy to vote for what they believe in?

2007-09-10 18:22:16 · 8 answers · asked by stacie m 4

of a five year old throwing a temper tantrum?

2007-09-10 18:10:42 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Looking AT United States Of America--in the year 2007--Do You Think America Lost The revelutionary war against England-???

2007-09-10 18:03:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to know why people LOVE or HATE Bush?

I am still in AWE that he made it this far... But, I guess america loves him.... I am asking you all why? Why would vote for him?

2007-09-10 18:00:10 · 18 answers · asked by stacie m 4

I Do... I always vote... Even if there is not a canidate that I soley agree with. I feel that I am using my rights. I find the canidate that I agree with most and vote for them.
I do not understand people that , do not vote, b/c they disagree with one or two things about a runner....
I also do not understand someone complaining about problems with the goverment when they havent even bothered to take 30 mins out of their day and vote for someone that they agree with....

2007-09-10 17:52:23 · 20 answers · asked by stacie m 4

The taliban leadership
Mullallah Omar

Up con's butts, thats where., Cause the GOP has done NOTHING!!!!!

2007-09-10 17:47:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Slandering a 4-star United States General by calling him General "Betraeus" demonstrates to moderate swing voters just how incredibly radical these people are whom Hillary Rodham and Barack Half-Black Obama are beholden to.

2007-09-10 17:45:06 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Each time he releases a video, neocons go crazy, comparing bin Laden's words to those of "liberal Democrats." The man is a terrorist; is it so much of a stretch to think that he's a liar, that he's not saying anything he believes, but that he's just trying to cause conflict and controversy in this country?

Sounds like he's succeeding...

2007-09-10 17:42:45 · 13 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6

2007-09-10 17:41:02 · 12 answers · asked by Glen B 6

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