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Politics - 10 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

When Caesar became Dictator of Rome the Roman Republic fell & the Roman Imperial Empire was born & from that point on only Emperors ruled.

Since the war on terror will probably never officially end US Presidents, from Bush on, will have so much more power than they were ever meant to have that the other two branches of US Govt. won't really matter much anymore (Congress & Judicial). Making US Presidents virtually US Dictators.

So has the war on terror brought the end to the US Republic & do Americans even know that & do they even care?

2007-09-10 15:23:51 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think Ron Paul will be ignorant enough to make a third attempt at presidency (assuming he lives that long)? How many people can't wait for his "revolution" to end? How many are tired of his pimple faced supporters spreading debunked "facts" all over the internet?

2007-09-10 15:22:45 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

From simple things like, if your TV breaks down, doing nothing means living on without a TV, doing the right thing is to get a new TV and doing the wrong thing can range from buying a new computer to throwing out your washing machine, ie doing anything that has nothing to do with the problem, ie the problem of not having a TV.

For an example of a bigger problem, 9/11 happened, thousands killed, many injured. Doing nothing means sweeping up the debris and carry on with our lives. Doing the right thing is to throughly investigate why these people did these horrendous acts, get to understand their motivation, ie know your enemy, then devise the proper strategy, military, politically and socially to counter any future threats. Doing the wrong thing is to unilaterally invade a secular country that is Iraq, remove a secular dictator that is Saddam Hussein and installing a secular democratic government thinking that it will work.

2007-09-10 15:22:27 · 5 answers · asked by ali 6

This is the man that the liberals unanimously appointed the head of multinational forces in both the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Senate. Now they say he is nothing but Bush's mouthpiece and is lying. It makes me sick, how about you.

2007-09-10 15:19:28 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous


Doesn't this just ENRAGE you??!!

2007-09-10 14:52:39 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

"I cannot support a failed foreign policy. History teaches us that it is often easier to make war than peace. This administration is just learning that lesson right now. The President began this mission with very vague objectives and lots of unanswered questions. A month later, these questions are still unanswered. There are no clarified rules of engagement. There is no timetable. There is no legitimate definition of victory. There is no contingency plan for mission creep. There is no clear funding program. There is no agenda to bolster our over-extended military. There is no explanation defining what vital national interests are at stake. There was no strategic plan for war when the President started this thing, and there still is no plan today"

Actually, she didn't say this. Read below to see the owner of this quote.

--Rep Tom Delay (R-TX) (Referring to Clinton sending troops to Bosnia)

2007-09-10 14:49:43 · 24 answers · asked by Remember the GOP? 2

about the progress of bush's war in Iraq to Congress. Though disrespectful, is the nickname "General Betrayus" an appropriate one for the tool of the neocon war party that will testify before Congress soon?

2007-09-10 14:43:20 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-10 14:35:58 · 25 answers · asked by somber 3

Spanish people are protected by the same first amendment that protects your freedom to speak English or any other language you choose, right?

So, what's the problem?

2007-09-10 14:35:46 · 18 answers · asked by Glen B 6

world leader Fidel Castro already support Obama and Hillary. This great news and I pride if this dreamteam win election. Hopeful they bring era of palestinian peace, and more hopeful they follow in footstep of leader Arafat. This great news if so.

2007-09-10 14:35:27 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is President Bush threatening to veto the transportation bill just because the Democrats put extra money to repair and replace bridges that have been rated “structurally deficient”?

We are spending $2 billion a week in Iraq and he can spend a few extra billion to keep our bridges safe? How many more bridges have to fall into rivers?

2007-09-10 14:32:06 · 20 answers · asked by arvis3 4

Those creeps have no respect for a great war hero.

And I know that this is a rant.

But it's a rant worth posting.

And how can say that you support the troops, when you're against such a well respected General?

Why don't we hear the good news coming out from Iraq?

Answer: Because the liberal media doesn't want us to win and give Team Bush any credit.

That really shows their incredible stupidity and ignorance. They're the real un-Americans.


2007-09-10 14:26:38 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think Iran, because they are supporting the terrorists in Iraq.

On the other hand, Venezuela is a closer threat and would be easier to deal with, which may be good at this point.

What do you think?

2007-09-10 14:23:15 · 2 answers · asked by giannasanmarco 2

2007-09-10 14:21:13 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Honest answers only please.

2007-09-10 14:20:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can you imagine our soldiers being hit wave after wave by 14 year olds rushing them hoping to either die and get martyred by taking out an american platoon or die and get martyred trying to.

Do you want the USA to invade Iran next?

2007-09-10 14:08:50 · 14 answers · asked by ballerb j 1

2007-09-10 14:00:28 · 16 answers · asked by somber 3


I'll agree with the authors that this one will raise many hackles among the conservatives.

2007-09-10 14:00:16 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seriously, if he stated something like "America will be destroyed in seven days!" and he spliced in random images, would the CIA and FBI scramble and over-analyze it?

2007-09-10 13:58:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anyone know what happened?

2007-09-10 13:52:29 · 4 answers · asked by papyrusbtl 6

2007-09-10 13:45:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

On the internet there are millions of news sites, personal blogs, discussion boards in which countless people rant about the US govt. or society or people. Once people all over the world access internet and read all this stuff, they start visualizing America in a very negative fashion.

In several other countries, news and information like this is not so easily or openly talked about & accessible to people outside their country. That helps others maintain their stereotypes & good opinions about those countries.

Don't you agree? Shouldn't internet be little more private, when it comes to being accessible to the world?

2007-09-10 13:37:42 · 36 answers · asked by ? 2

He's exactly what we need. He united the country, spoke out against political parties and the spliting in the government as a result. He beleived in honesty and integrity, and he was intelligent.

I'ld love to see somebody retort to that.

2007-09-10 13:36:52 · 13 answers · asked by Mitchell 5

What I mean is, at what age do people start questioning what he/she read instead of taking it as face value?

For instance, someone reads one article and automatically believes what is written.

At what age do you think people start questioning the article and start seeking other points of views and coming to their own opinion/belief through inductive/deductive reasoning

2007-09-10 13:29:24 · 17 answers · asked by Glen B 6

The reason I ask is, most immigrants would be set in their ways culturally and how they think the government should be run, so they wouldn't have had enough time to assimilate and become "Americanized". Which may conflict with our cultural and moral values and the way we have run the gov. since it's inception. So they come here, and if there is a high enough population of them in a given district of a state, a politician will most likely pander to them and try to introduce legislation that would favor them, yet most native born citizens would probably disagree with. Or they may elect one of their own to office. Either way, it may eventually completely change the landscape of this countries cultural/moral values, laws and our gov.; at the very least it will change the local areas.

Wouldn't it be better to have a law that forbid immigrants from voting. Allowing only their children that were born and raised in the US to vote? Since they would most likely be fully assimilated.

2007-09-10 13:21:03 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Christian Zionism is a theology that supports a political regime based on apartheid and discrimination - yet millions of people in the US express their support for it. How dangerous is it given the US role in the Middle East?
Christian Zionism is essentially Christian support for Zionism. Zionism is a political system based on ethnic exclusivity giving Jews preferential political rights which are denied to Palestinians. The United Nations has defined Zionism as a form of racism and apartheid. Nevertheless, in the words of Grace Halsell the essential message of the Christian Zionist is this: “every act taken by Israel is orchestrated by God, and should be condoned, supported, and even praised by the rest of us.”

Are you going to sit back and let Christian extremists aid Jewish extremists in their dangerous ideology.

2007-09-10 13:17:13 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

had someone tell me that it was good thing i was a housewife since i cannot harm anyone there. I am not religious, I am not into politics to the point of attack. I dont like Bush and cant wait for change. tired of nuculear and all his faux pas. Osama not important anymore. get angry at the right people and lighten up. post no offensive answers, as i will not respond in kind. go ahead certain someone waiting.

2007-09-10 13:11:51 · 18 answers · asked by KARMA IS IT THOU? 7

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