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Politics - 8 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-09-08 23:38:42 · 29 answers · asked by ARTANE 2

What a relief President Bush has left our country Australia after spooking for his friend Johny Howard and making several "goof ups" would our American friends please promise not to send him here again?

2007-09-08 23:25:37 · 15 answers · asked by Koala 2

The Tories want to ban plasma televisions because of their energy efficiency. That has got Gordon Brown on the band wagon and he's proposing measures for us to cut down on our carbon footprint and reducing taxes on homes. This is all a fallacy. The earth goes in cycles (Ice age to temperate) and they're using this as a ploy. There's money to be made out of it. When will this government allow us to lead a normal life. I don't hear George Bush telling the Americans that they've got to leave their gas-guzzling motor cars at home and be more economical with energy. Do we have double standards here?

2007-09-08 23:14:28 · 8 answers · asked by GenetteS 3

Now I am a basically a socialist libertarian ... I belive the government should stay out of most peoples lives unless it is to protect them from business...

However I really do wish for a free and independent Republic of Texas. I know most people think of Texas as a die hard conservative place. Yet, it is actually become a more liberal state. As of now, Bexar, Harris, El Paso, Travis, & Dallas Counties are all Democratic Party Strongholds (The largest Counties in Texas).

I am don't think Texas is ready to seperate yet, but in 5 or 10 years a vote for independence with a more liberal government .... I would love for this to occur ... what is the opinions of others ...

And no conservative bashing I told you Texas is slowly coming around ... I am asking about a free and liberal Republic of Texas

2007-09-08 22:40:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

hes got alot of supporters. i know that he may have misspoken at some of his speeches.. I think that he may be good for america. he sounds genuine and a good guy.

i do not report anyone. if you think that i am crazy, get in line. lol.

2007-09-08 22:34:05 · 6 answers · asked by just hanging around 5

democracy is when everybody, or close to everybody gets a say in what happens next.

2007-09-08 22:33:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tell us anything about the American education system?

2007-09-08 22:29:30 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are so many people in this country, not to mention the world, that hate him and everything he has or hasn't done yet if you say anything remotely bad about him on Y!A you get 75 thumbs down. What's up with that?

2007-09-08 21:56:50 · 25 answers · asked by Two quarters & a heart down 5

In fact they have done something worse than Hitler did, coz this is going to be a constant problem. Israel had not existed for centuries; it was a Mohammedan country, Palestine, surrounded by Mohammedan countries. Now just because you won the second world war and you happened to be in control of the land of Palestine, you forced the creation of a nation. It is arbitrary. The people are Mohammedans, it is their country. Israel may have been, thousands of years before, the country of the Jews. But for thousands of years it has been a country of the Mohammedans, and suddenly you simply change the map... and surrounded by the whole Mohammedan world. In the Middle East all the countries are Mohammedan.
This small country, Israel, is going to continuously suffer; and how long can America help it? And how long are American Jews going to pour their money into Israel? Sooner or later the truth of history will have to be accepted. towards Jews, they should have given them an Israel in America.

2007-09-08 21:52:35 · 10 answers · asked by busybee 2

He comes across more left than right, but he was pretty critical of the Clinton Administration, too. I think he could run with a Republican or Democrat.

2007-09-08 20:45:27 · 10 answers · asked by l 5

She's billionaire's herself, why she gonna do a fundraisingfor him? is she love her money that much?

2007-09-08 20:44:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

why wont we either offer them statehood or allow them to govern themselves as a country?
should we be there dominating them so?

2007-09-08 20:28:03 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-08 20:12:24 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

lets say we never went into iran and managed to survive being taken over by alciada,
What coulda/ shoulda we spent .8 trillion bucks on??

2007-09-08 19:55:52 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Counterterrorism officials have been monitoring diligently since our first attack. In the last few months, they've said that chatter has accelerated and have even been watching a few radical websites. They're warning us that the terrorists are up to something. There are also several coincidences that could make this year significant.

Tuesday is the Jewish high holy day of Rash Hashanah. We all know what Muslims think of the Jewish, and of us for helping Israel.

The Islamic fasting season of Ramadan starts soon. Terrorist activity around the world is at it's highest during this time.

September 11th, 2001 also fell on a Tuesday

A new Bin Laden video was released

An extremist website promises "a special gift on the anniversary of the blessed invasion of Manhattan." http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/soon_invasion-of-manhattan.htm

It's also tradition that they warn they're enemies three times before an attack. Some things could already be interpreted as warnings. Bin Laden's tape could be either the final one, or the trigger.

Shouldn't we be worried?

2007-09-08 19:39:08 · 17 answers · asked by Karma 4

God forbid we should start a war of aggresion (The crime hitler was convicted of at the hague) or commit war crimes according to the geneva convention.
But if it ever happened, even by a high member of our government,
Should americans be subject to any international laws?

2007-09-08 19:29:19 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bin Laden slams capitalism in new video

“Capitalism is savagery” -- Hugo Chávez

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system" -- Adolph Hitler (Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)

"The unfettered free market has been the most radically destructive force in American life in the last generation." -- First Lady Hillary Clinton (on C-Span in 1996)

These quotes all apear to share a central theme, yet I just can't seem to put my finger on it
Can you help?

2007-09-08 19:21:26 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

you have a third option of 'worst miserable failure ever'
which is most appropo???

2007-09-08 19:04:30 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

are you upset racism is passe?
do you want to use hatefull speech or disrespectfull terms towards people?
are you afraid people wont like you if you spoke freely?

whats the problem?

2007-09-08 18:21:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

have you ever been to a modern socialist country? whats wrong with them? Im not talking about a communist sate but countries with social values like sweden, norway, luxembourg, even france, germany, and switzerland.

Theyre great to me, not doomsday end of the world tyrant controlled hell hole states

2007-09-08 18:04:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

People seem to not be happy with the two parties.. and want something different....so why not Ron Paul??

2007-09-08 17:55:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am just curious, if 40 is a magical number or so?

2007-09-08 17:45:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why does bush need to sneak into iraq un-anounced during the dead of night?? Won't the iraqis want to great him as a liberator and throw flowers at him??

You mean the iraqis aren't happier??

2007-09-08 17:36:55 · 14 answers · asked by mr.toadey 2

I don't understand liberals. Unemployment is at 4.6% and this decade the average unemployment rate is the best in 40 years. the Dow-Jones Industrial Average is over 13,000 and Consumer Confidence is at a six year high. The dot.com bust was the worst economy since the Great Depression yet the highest unemployement got was 6.4%. If the unemployment rate was 0.1% they would complain. CANT LIBERALS JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-09-08 17:25:59 · 23 answers · asked by babyface 2

2007-09-08 17:17:58 · 23 answers · asked by somber 3

Shortly after 9/11, we got lots of video tapes from Bin Laden that was very clear, shot from multiple angles, used close-ups, and filmed in multiple environments. In short, it looked like typical amateur video which is what you would expect it to be. After rumors of his death in December of 2001 of natural causes, there were no more original, new videos. All we got only old, recycled footage, and sometimes we got only audio.

Then in 2004, days before the presidential election, we get a video of a barely-moving Bin Laden, shot from from a single angle, and with no close-ups. Is it really Bin Laden, or is it a look-alike meticulously produced by someone with an agenda? Did whoever made the video not want us to get too good a look at the person purported to be Osama? Why wasn't it shot in the same manner as his original videos? What we see is not from someone wanting to prove to the world that he was still alive!

2007-09-08 16:50:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bush never wore a moustache or had that stupid looking EMO haircut

2007-09-08 16:46:36 · 21 answers · asked by Carol 2

All of them seem to have private questions and answers. Doesn't matter what party. They name-call, spread unfounded rumors, treat our representatives as "guilty until proved innocent" and otherwise act seditiously.

They hate half the country and they hide their answers and questions? Do a check for yourself. Look around. ACTUALLY LOOK! My question will wait.

Answer when you've taken your own survey (three is not a survey. Heck, twenty is barely a survey).

See for yourself. Obviously there are other reasons for making such things private but it surprised me that ALL the posters who post hate posts against one side or the other that I checked ALSO made their answers/questions private.

Those who seem to deal solely in issues and behaviors seem to leave theirs open, but I haven't checked that as thoroughly. See you back here when you're done.

2007-09-08 16:45:00 · 12 answers · asked by mckenziecalhoun 7

2007-09-08 16:29:13 · 23 answers · asked by somber 3

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