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Politics - 14 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics


Why is it that I knew, at the time of the invasion, that the American military was overestimating the abilities of the Iraqi military, but the CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF had no idea?????

I'm serious - isn't this scary? I have NO military experience whatsoever, and I knew.

Why didn't HE know???

2007-09-14 17:02:40 · 24 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6

2007-09-14 16:55:13 · 28 answers · asked by Kelly B 4

With him in the race we no longer have to chose the lesser of 2 evils

2007-09-14 16:42:03 · 19 answers · asked by Ryan G 2

Do anyone really believe that the death of Americans/Iraqis alike is love making in the middle east?
If BUSH/Republicans are dishonest regarding their war agendas, why should anyone else in America be held accountable for dihonesty?
Do any American truly beleive there is/will be victory in Iraq? If so, what is victory?

2007-09-14 16:37:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

If Hillary gets elected who do you think her vice president would be besides bill?

2007-09-14 16:36:43 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mexico exists since 1521, and even before under Great Tenochtitlan's Aztec culture of Mesoamerica.

USA exists since 1776 in the east,
and since 1848 in the West.

R U E or W ?

2007-09-14 16:27:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is an ignorant, uneducated, biast opinion that should be stopped. My brother served in the Navy and was in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and Iraq before a medical discharge. Why do some conservatives go on a rant and say that liberals can't love America? Not all conservatives are like this, but the ones who are need to grow up and get off of the playground. Name calling and finger pointing can only take you so far.

2007-09-14 16:26:36 · 20 answers · asked by Senator D*L*P™ 5

I think 70% of Americans are of Hispanic or Mexican descent. Admit it !!!

2007-09-14 16:16:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous


Take your time, come back to it.

2007-09-14 16:06:55 · 14 answers · asked by Trav 4

Or does he not want to pollute his "beautiful Bush mind" like his mother?


Should the Commander-in-chief visit the wounded to get some perspective?

2007-09-14 16:04:57 · 15 answers · asked by Kelly B 4

I don't recall ever saying that liberals will hide under their beds, in the fetal position, until the war is over.
And I'm quite sure I never mentioned anything about them having a handbook that teaches them how to get away with treason.
I wish these rumors would stop,--- I don't want to be the one who adds to the many problems that most liberals seem to have ever since they were tutored by Jane Fonda.

I can feel pity just as much as the next guy, and I don't think it's anybody's business if somebody wets their pants, or wants to suck their thumb.

2007-09-14 16:02:24 · 19 answers · asked by nand 2

It appeared in today's New York Times.

2007-09-14 15:57:20 · 7 answers · asked by Jim C 5

Didn't any country on this planet try to stop us? Why didn't China, Russia, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia or anyone else try to stop us if we were so "wrong" to take out Saddam?

2007-09-14 15:50:11 · 18 answers · asked by netjr 6

Me,for Rudy ''The Great One'' Guiliani.And you?????

2007-09-14 15:33:29 · 26 answers · asked by The Apostle 2

I know we're not dealing with the top percentile here. Is the contest just to see who can post the most inflammatory comments for pure mental masturbation or are there actually any informed people here?

2007-09-14 15:14:51 · 22 answers · asked by l 5

He called him an "...@ss kissing little chickesh!t..."!!


Read the above link!

2007-09-14 15:04:18 · 13 answers · asked by Kelly B 4

We were lied to about WMD and now we are lied to about bringing the troops home. Why do people still believe him? His general gave the same speech in 2004 so how has anything changed in iraq?

2007-09-14 15:03:08 · 23 answers · asked by john a 6

nothin personal, but i dont like the guy.

2007-09-14 14:57:22 · 16 answers · asked by Emily V 1

"he still has no doubt that invading the country was the right decision."

and how is that you failed-so-miserably freemason one world government supporter big noze neo-con fascist?

2007-09-14 14:47:52 · 15 answers · asked by puzzling questions 1

You hear people disparagingly use the phrase against others saying they "Blame America First" and then it makes me think. There simply is no possible way that a country could have gone through the years and not be at fault for SOMETHING. It seems that no matter what the topic when someone brings up how America was at fault for a particular thing there are always the 'Nay' sayers who bring up the "Blame America First" nugget in order to make that person seem Anti-American. As if the U.S. has NEVER done ANYTHING wrong.

Personally I find it important to admit when we've made a mistake. Since that's the first step in not repeating it. There should be nothing Anti-American in an admittance of fault. It happens. The U.S. is a country that is run by HUMANS. Mistakes are inevitable. Why are there people who insist that the U.S. is infallible even when the evidence says otherwise? Is it fear of being considered a 'traitor' by the opposition?

2007-09-14 14:45:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the USA and Al Qaida work towards peace, the USA may come out of this war.

2007-09-14 14:42:16 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

...public opinion?

Is it by chance called propaganda?

2007-09-14 14:39:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know of so many bi-lingual Latin/Hispanic folks in Cleveland. They speak with their older immigrant relatives who knew Spanish as their birth language. The older ones know English as a second language.

2007-09-14 14:34:49 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Personally my favorite part of the pledge. The whole thing is nice though.

However, in my school a majorty of kids dont say the pledge. Some I think are lazy, but the others...

I know that you have the freedom to choose to say it or not, but in the middle of war-time? Show some support!

2007-09-14 14:30:56 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't want him to end up like a liberal.

Will they try to corn cob him and make him drive a Subaru ?

2007-09-14 14:30:50 · 15 answers · asked by Sin nombre 6


2007-09-14 14:28:31 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yesterday in the political world we saw Bush say fight on and we can win...ra ra ra is what I got from all that.

Over the past week we saw the democrats make fun of a 4 star general, decry his report as innacurate (with out facts to back up their claims) and one thing that sticks with me - none of the democrats asked him what he needed to win?

What is worse, Bush's ra ra ra we can win or the Democrats not even wanting to win?

2007-09-14 14:27:34 · 30 answers · asked by netjr 6

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