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Other - Politics & Government - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Why there is no government-led health care or social care system in the U.S.? Well, there is social security, but it is not really a good one compared to the other nations like France, Japan, etc. Ours is really poor.

I think this lack of quality national care creates many problem in this society.

Why there isn't a such one? And will there be?

2006-10-20 03:08:48 · 29 answers · asked by davegesprek 1


2006-10-20 03:05:12 · 4 answers · asked by J G 4

simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people?.

2006-10-20 03:04:01 · 13 answers · asked by Hobnobs 3

They really sound so ignorant and they think they are so clever.

They contribute nothing worth while or constructive.

They can never state facts and when they do try they show they are not even aware what is going on in the world today. I think they spend 24 hours a day on Y.A.

2006-10-20 02:57:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

What purpose/goal are we serving by being in Iraq?

(I support us staying there, but I still wonder why we're there. Thank you!)

2006-10-20 02:57:19 · 17 answers · asked by J G 4

I see the studipest questions from liberals (Why do republicans drink oil and want to kill poor people, so on and so on) and think that all the responses are going to be democrat blogger fests. But when I read the majority of responses, they are reasoned and logical.

I read the paper and watch the news and get the idea that I'm the only sane person left. It'snot true. People here in this forum give me hope! I'll see you at the polls! (And I'll see dems at counselling centers and courtrooms)

2006-10-20 02:46:21 · 9 answers · asked by Curt 4

Democracy doesn't work, not everybody has their say, but it is still the best we have, but there must be an alternative, is there, where freedom, equality and the right to pursue happiness is for all and not just the rich, is there?

2006-10-20 02:43:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are Americans more concerned about, I asked a stupid question about Americans not being awake yet and get all the snotty answers, I ask a serious question about maybe the American govt. is bordering on fascism and no real reaction from the, usually I would get the standard 'what do you know you terrorist' reaction, what gives, is it possible that American priorities are not what they should, do they care more about stupid questions on the internet rather than their own govt.?

2006-10-20 02:34:30 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-20 02:29:38 · 24 answers · asked by MIA 4

I know this question opens the door for a lot of stupid jokes and insults from both sides but I'm serious. Liberal and Conservative are labels from the 19th Century that don’t work in the 21st.
For example:
Nation Building and what we're doing in Iraq: is that a liberal or conservative idea?

The national debt: putting more and more of a burden on future generations. Is that a liberal or conservative thing when both parties are guilty?

I can and will ask the same thing about big government. Conservatives used to be against it but now under their watch, the federal government is bigger that it ever was.

Think about it and give me your answer. Please try to restrain yourself from making silly Lib & Con jokes.

2006-10-20 02:25:03 · 6 answers · asked by Do You See What Happens Larry? 5

While homes are given to all the immigrants first! How ironic that the very people fighting to save this country from terrorism are pushed aside for housing to let terrorist in!
This was a news item with interviews on last night ITV news at 6.30

2006-10-20 02:24:32 · 16 answers · asked by kbw 4

I find the current administration and nearly everything it stands for - a police state, perpetual war, spending recklessly while taxing the poor and middle class, corruption, hypocricy, etc. repugnant.

On the other hand I am not a classic liberal - I think a lot of the New Society had to be repealed. And I find the Democrats politically weak.

SO, what's left for reasonable Americans? I feel more and more like a Libertarian. I wish there was a Moderate or Centrist Party.

2006-10-20 02:14:57 · 11 answers · asked by Brendan G 4

I have traveled all over the world, and rarely felt as unsafe as in my home country - the U.S.

2006-10-20 02:08:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

The level of division in our country *due* to politics is my concern. I would have to say that at no time in history has the sanctity of our country been more threatened. We can't live blindly that our country is unified to the point that nothing bad can happen to us. We all need to start seeing that and putting our differences aside for the sake of our country.

Are there people on both sides of the political arena who feel this same way? If so, what should we do?

2006-10-20 01:42:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-20 01:31:36 · 9 answers · asked by jmac 2

The Americans like to call the Iraqi freedom fighters Islamo-fascists, what exactly is this? Now a government who passes a law like the patriot act, alows certain torture invades sovereign countries and tells the rest of the world you are with us or we will **** you next, is this not Hitler like?

2006-10-20 01:29:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

but take for granted their right to blather.

Meanwhile, they seem anxious to suppress everyone else's right to speak, assemble or worship differently.

2006-10-20 01:03:41 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


This will give you a rough idea of a plane hitting a reinforced wall.

2006-10-20 00:51:12 · 9 answers · asked by Meow the cat 4

eliminate world poverty. giving people freedom, choice and opportunity and teaching to accept rather tolerate we would leave this world in a better state for generations to come. all religions teach love and respect not killing people to disagree with your opinion. ACCEPTANCE IS BETTER THAN TOLERANCE.

2006-10-20 00:47:07 · 15 answers · asked by leigh p 2

Would it be:

Right to free speech, assembly, religion
Right to a fair trial
Right to be protected from illegal searches and seizures
Right to bear arms

2006-10-20 00:44:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-20 00:40:24 · 12 answers · asked by leigh p 2

I may be wrong here but eventually the US is going to have to pick up its marbles and go home. But hey, we tried ! I am so annoyed at how little poeple in Iraq appreciate all we have done for them!

2006-10-20 00:35:28 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

According to Americans the always follow the diplomatic route and war is only a last alternative, of course this is from a man who declared himself a 'war' president, so how then is America always falling on the last resort, Iraq 2, Iraq 1, Kosovo, Grenada, Vietnam, Korea. Could it be that the American govt. is just bad at diplomacy?

2006-10-20 00:35:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I thought we were supposed to have a democratic, America friendly stable Iraq. Why is the violience worse and what do we do now ?

2006-10-20 00:17:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

What If you and one million of the republicans in your state were purged from the voting role right before the election in order that the democrats would win 2006, would this upset you?

Well, that very thing just happened in Ohio my voting rights group just reports. My question is why do you think this is OK. Almost one million people in Ohio (mostly democrats) were just purged from the voting roles by Blackwell...who is also losing his governor's race by about 12% (well, he was till he got rid of the democrats)
What I have a hard time understanding it why Republicans trumpet their Americanism, patriotism, and moral values and yet when I post this information all they can say is things like boohoo, cry your crocodile tears, too bad, get over it, and bring up some obscure voting fraud from 15 years ago. What about now and what about cheating? Why aren't your ideas sufficient to win..why must you

2006-10-20 00:10:37 · 11 answers · asked by mindy 2

I mean if we have a goverment as UN for the world is better or now and if we will break borders men can live anywhere like there, Is that good ?

2006-10-19 23:47:03 · 10 answers · asked by mdo72000 2

What is the strangest conspiracy you've heard of. It could be anything - Like a never-dying queen that's actually a member of an alien race of Lizards, whatever, so long as you are not fabricating. (that one's from David Icke, btway)

Let me in on which you believe. I certainly believe Rome is not dead. - You know who you are!!

Oh, and remember... someone's ALWAYS listening... lol

2006-10-19 23:24:38 · 7 answers · asked by Sugar 4

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