that's not a bad thing, when there are enough of you things will change
2006-10-20 02:16:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Let's break this down then...
Changing parties due to the current admin is a little extreme isn't it? A police state due to this admin? How so? We enjoy more liberties than ever. Oh, the "domesic spying?" Well, your phones were NOT being watched unless you had a suspected terrorist on your line. We are NOT spending recklessly at all. We have the war expense (a necessity) and this war will go on for 20+ years. This is NOT another Vietnam. There is far more at stake here. Steel yourselves America, the enemy is counting on us to tuck our tails and run.
Taxes... how come everybody on earth gets this wrong. The Repubs are FAR BETTER on the taxation issue. The top 10% of wage earners pay around 90% of ALL TAX REVENUE!! Why do we insist on punishing succesful people and rewarding mediocrity? That is Socialism. The last time I looked around the world, there were plenty of Socialist countries. Most Repubs support the FAIR TAX ( , a superb REPLACEMENT for our current tax system. Learn it and understand it. Most Democratic political ads against Repubs are entirely misleading.
I am registered Republican because, on the whole, they make far more sense, have better fiscal ideas (our economy is GREAT!!), social issues, and foreign policy (yes, even with the current war)
I do NOT vote down PARTY LINES though. There are plenty of Repubs who do not fit the bill. If I could vote for Lieberman, I would. The Dems have abandoned the one candidate in their party that makes the most sense and understands our nations future. Don't vote Republican or Democrat... VOTE AMERICAN. Vote for the candidate who is right on the issues at hand and if that does not work, then vote for the candidate in the party whose CORE VALUES are most reflective of your own.
2006-10-20 09:55:36
answer #2
answered by Eric R 6
I would like to see the whole two party system abolished and representatives could shed the cloak of party loyalty and represent the people.
You are very ignorant of the facts: it is not a police state, the whole world is at war and no one has lowered the taxes on the poor and middle class more than this administration.
People are corrupt, not parties and everyone should be judged on their own merits.
Be assured the Dem's will reverse all the tax cuts, they will continue their corruption and lies and they will not be able to bring peace to the country or the world.
It is so irritating to listen to people who are totally devoid of real facts.
2006-10-20 09:25:28
answer #3
answered by Heidi 4 6
I'm not sure WHAT how you would classify thinkers like us. I agree with you that the Democrats are way too spineless to be considered fit for power in our government. They have no plan for our future except "Bush-bashing". But I aslo feel like the Republicans are spending way too much money and straying away from their roots. Although Bush has made some very tough decisions to keep us safe, people tend to worship him as a savior. They forget that he is still a politician and he makes political decisions.
I think that there should be as limited government as possible. The role of government should be the safety of its citizens and to keep freedom intact. Freedom DOES NOT mean that everyone can do whatever they want, whenever they want, with whomever they want without consequences. I believe that there should be laws in place to protect those who cannot protect themselves (i.e., children under the age of 18, mentally handicapped).
I have taken a few political tests to see which group I'd fall into, but the questions are so biased. For instance, one question asks you to rate this statement, "The government should ban all obscene, indecent, and discriminatory speech." Of course the options are "Strongly agree, Agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Disagree, and Strongly disagree".
Now what does "obscene, indecent, and discriminatory speech" mean? Does it mean saying the "F-word" around your adult friends in a bar, or does it mean saying the "F-word" in a public school elementary class? The question does not leave room for interpretation and consideration for non-adults. If I say that I do not approve of hand-outs for able-bodied citizens, does that mean I cannot create a non-profit organization to help those who have sincerely fallen on hard times?
In essence, I feel that adults should be responsible for their own behavior. Laws should be enforced and EVERYONE should be held liable for their actions to the fullest extent. Minors should be protected from adult situations (obscene language/material). In other words, I don't care if someone listens to music with explicit lyrics or reads "Playboy" magazines all day long. But they should not be able to play the music or carry their magazines around public parks where children are around.
I'm not sure what kind of political party I would fall into. Maybe I can make up a new one.......
2006-10-20 10:24:17
answer #4
answered by slurpeeman19 2
How many billions of people do we have in the United States now? It is crazy to think that only 2 or even 3 parties can represent the views and beliefs of all of us.
We should learn from the Japanese government. It is set up very similar to our own, but they have over 10 political parties that all have representation in the government. From moderate Communists to Liberals and Conservatices. America is scared of anything in opposition of its form of government, but because of that fear, poeple who have those views are not represented.
2006-10-20 09:27:43
answer #5
answered by smellyfoot ™ 7
What's left for reasonable Americans? The libertarian ideal: it's wrong to force people to do anything other than not hurt, steal from, or cheat other people. How much bad do you think the government could get away with if it had to depend on voluntary contributions and cooperation?
2006-10-22 22:08:29
answer #6
answered by Faeldaz M 4
I hope you are. The two party system is broken. There is no real choice in this country. And the major parties keep writing laws making harder for third parties to get elected (McCain-Feingold)
2006-10-20 11:57:27
answer #7
answered by jacbob 3
I find myself going Green
2006-10-20 09:16:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
glad to have you in our little band.
2006-10-20 09:22:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I here you!
2006-10-20 10:17:57
answer #10
answered by Lina 2