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Law Enforcement & Police - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

or do u just pull over us black folk.

2007-09-06 04:26:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in Florida and I was going 60 in a 30 mile zone. I had 2 last year for speeding also but I was going 15 over speed at most. I have a mandatory court date. What are they gonna do? Fine me and/or put me in jail?

Please no stupid answers like, did I kill someone or how many stop signs did I run over. I was speeding nothing more than that! Thank you!

2007-09-06 03:54:03 · 9 answers · asked by egoggle 1

2007-09-06 03:17:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

just some home work all I need to know is the punishment if its a find or prision for being caught with a pistol.

2007-09-06 02:47:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in Florida, and after calling the number on one of the many traffic ticket advertisements that had been coming to my house to see why I've been getting them, they told me that I have 5 outstanding tickets for running 5 Sunpass tolls all in the same day in Broward county. Now, they couldn't tell me how much the tickets were for (even though I'm going to fight tooth and nail to not pay these tickets becaue I HAVE a sunpass!), but they could tell me I also have $18 late fees for each of them.

The part about this that REALLY is p***ing me off is that I don't even live in Broward county. I live in Orlando, and was passing through to Miami-dade county to visit family. You probably go throught like 20 tolls all the way down, so how come THEIRS didn't register my sunpass?! AND, no one informed me I have tickets! I never got anything in the mail, my sunpass take money automatically out my account, and I never got so much as an e-mail from them telling me I was in default!

What do I do?

2007-09-06 02:44:42 · 4 answers · asked by Dolyn 6

I ha\ve searched and everything I fin\d has a membership. Please help.

2007-09-06 02:21:45 · 2 answers · asked by buddy 2

Last night, at 9:50 PM, I was approaching an intersection driving west at approximately 35 mph when the light turned yellow. If I had stomped on my brakes, I would not have had sufficient time to stop and would have skid into the intersection so I gunned the engine and drove through. At the exact moment that I was completely across the meridian, the light turned red. A police officer sitting in traffic facing north pulled me over and gave me a $182 ticket for running a red light. I have contacted the police department and a Lt. told me the only thing I can do is go to court and that this officer has to no reason to lie. What is your advice?

2007-09-06 02:09:49 · 16 answers · asked by been there- done that 2

What does the charge of Disorderly Persons mean, and how serious is it?

2007-09-06 01:42:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you were charged with a charge of Disorderly Persons, but was never physically arrested, and the charges were dropped, should you still indicate this information on a job application, specifically an application to become a police officer. An the incident was pretty recently, would that show up in a backround investigation?

2007-09-06 01:41:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

what should i do about this cop that keeps harassing me and that follows where i go and is always pulling me over to search my car?

2007-09-06 01:30:04 · 14 answers · asked by Papi Chulo 3

I got pulled over by a cop that at first was just sitting on the side of the road with his lights on, but yet had no one pulled over, he did a u-turn and got behind me when I was stopped at the light, followed me, so close to my rear that I could not even see his headlights and neither could my passenger, then when I got a stop sign and proceeded with my turn, he flipped on his lights, he asked me where I was going, ran my ID as well as the passengers and couldn't find anything, I don't have any points against me or anything like that, so since he couldn't find anything to get me on, he wanted to be a prick and wrote me a ticket for my license plate light being out, a .56 cent fix and he wrote me a $150 ticket. Should I fight in court that I feel a warning would of been more appropriate for this matter??

2007-09-06 01:21:11 · 18 answers · asked by Goodnewz 2

5 kittens each 2 years old

Deceased; the kittens were hurled from the window of a 3rd-floor flat. The woman was not charged with cruelty due to her age

Should she of been charged..I mean her age doesnt make a difference she shouldnt of done it

2007-09-06 01:17:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can anyone give any sources of evidence that proves it ?

2007-09-06 01:05:24 · 10 answers · asked by Joe H 1


I was harrased by a off duty detective who told me he was going to issue a warrant for grand larceny (false charges) publically in front of Wal-mart employees and embarrased me publically, and I have schizophrenia and has now got me paranoid (for no reason at all) What should I do?

2007-09-06 00:57:37 · 8 answers · asked by Wizzard 1

I werent taken to court , I had three penalty points and a fine of £60 .
I allways see the question on application forms - "have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence "

2007-09-06 00:15:20 · 6 answers · asked by Joe H 1

Say you're at a bar and you end up getting trashed. Too trashed to drive and your friend assures you that he/she is OK to drive you and your car back to your place. They end up getting pulled over by the cops, while you're still in the car. They get convicted of a DUI, even through you thought they were OK to drive (in your state of judgment), plus the fact that it's your car. What would happen? Would your car get impounded? Would it go on your record, or would your insurance company get notified of it? I'm just curious what would happen in that scenario.

2007-09-05 23:58:46 · 11 answers · asked by sephrem99 3

2007-09-05 22:07:52 · 5 answers · asked by marlon m 1

2007-09-05 20:52:46 · 23 answers · asked by Paul 2


its just that i have alwats wondered how they get drugs and fireworks over here. how do they fool the car searches and the dogs?

or do only suspicious people get searched?

2007-09-05 20:25:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

do u know what the police had been done?????
dun let police=corruption?????

2007-09-05 18:48:48 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son came in the house to show me that he'd been shot in close range on the wrist and buttocks by the neighbor's bb gun. The thing is that the gun doesn't even belong to the kids that used it! These kids live across the street yet play with the bb gun owner who is 13 y/o as well.

His parents after the incident took the gun and put it up in the closet along with his other 3 bb guns!!!

I'm very upset and met with the culprits' parents to see how to resolve this. I told them that their children need some serious counseling but is that enough? They seemed very reasonable but the more I think about it, the more I want to press charges.

The 15 y/o boy is the 13 y/o girl's brother and he shot my son in the buttocks. I'm livid!

Any suggestions? Any legal suggestions?

2007-09-05 17:38:19 · 21 answers · asked by lenise1973 2

for which i have 5 years parole. my brother is out since january and cannot find any job. he was a kid when he did the crime and is now a man who truly rehabilitated. (not a violent crime). please if anyone knows any thing about this please give information. i am afraid he will be so depressed soon.

2007-09-05 17:22:10 · 8 answers · asked by little bobby 2

I was in a liquor store in New Jersey; not buying anything, not touching anything, but standing in line with someone over 21 who was purchasing liquor. A man walks up to me asking for my license. I stated it was in the car and I would go get it. He follows me out to the car.. which I thought was odd because he was dressed in casual clothing. It turns out I left my license at the house. The man asked if I was 21 and I said yes... he proceeded to ask me about where I live, my social security number, etc. Not once did he state he was a cop nor was I aware he was one so, using my fifth ammendment rights I gave him inaccurate information. I did not know he was a cop until after he issued a police complaint to me for "mistating age". I believe this was a violation of privacy since the man never stated he was an officer of the law. I am summoned to go to court as I cannot just pay a fine and get it over with. I think this is completely rediculous. Any suggestions in my defense?

2007-09-05 17:06:29 · 12 answers · asked by Mary D 1

2007-09-05 16:43:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

its not illegal to have gay bathroom sex with a police officer. Why are the liberals all over this. Arent they supposed to be in favor of gay rights?

2007-09-05 16:30:01 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-05 16:01:57 · 4 answers · asked by JAMES 4

2007-09-05 15:45:59 · 6 answers · asked by 2nd Commander 1

I didn't finish paying a fine that i never had to go to court for, but they didn't send me anything saying i had to appear in court. I assume I have a warrant, but received no notice. This was nearly a year ago and I want to get rid of it, but I can't just go to the court easily because it is at least 5 hours away from where i live, so who in the court should i place a call to, and what will they probably tell me?

2007-09-05 15:17:56 · 2 answers · asked by mariel 1

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