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Law & Ethics - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

What with CCTV, 'phone taps and records, DNA database and the proposed satellite tracking of cars, isn't it time the ordinary man (and woman) in the street stood up, and said "Oi! No!"

2007-10-04 01:42:34 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please explain legal rights of daughter-in-law in case husband expired having minor child. Whether she gets any share from her Father-in-law's property.who expired already (from Self acquired/ancestors)

2007-10-04 01:39:07 · 11 answers · asked by Raghu R 2

My husband and I were divorced in the state of Ohio in 1994..Since the past two years he owes my child 13,720.00 in back c.s. He has since moved to Connecticut to live with his brother. I am getting nowhere with the Ohio CSEA an have only recieved one 400.00 payment and one 800.00 the last being in sept 07. What can I do seeing its between states to push my ex to pay child support due. I feel we are forgotten about . He is in contempt and is suppose to carry medical coverage on my child and hasnt done that either and I even told Ohio where he is at along with 8x10 photo and address. Please help.

2007-10-03 23:45:09 · 5 answers · asked by sraj26 2

i hear from a somebody that chinese government is probably hiring company like microsoft and yahoo to discover potential suberversive online activities by finding the patterns and hints from massive database from sources of its domestic telecommunication industry, and capable of searching the less valueble data sources such as text and web, this information likely available in some kind of technical or military journal, could anybody give me some tip

2007-10-03 23:01:33 · 2 answers · asked by david w 5

Eventhough you don't have something with you to defend yourself vs. the robber in a likely enclosed street. Or please hand in your experience with this kind of situation if there is any.

2007-10-03 22:53:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm in a position where I need to hire movers to move items out of my home into a truck parked right outside my home. I know it's not smart to hire unlicensed movers, but due to time constraints I may have to.

Is there some type of waiver I can have them sign so they can't sue me if they hurt themselves??

2007-10-03 22:51:19 · 1 answers · asked by irunwithbulls 1

I thought they were here to just help the poor people out? Why are they uppity over SCHIPP when 1 in 4 Americans with disabilities smoke, compared to 1 in 5 non-disabled.


So, they are not only attacking and taking away the rights from smokers but, also from the disabled? I though Germany tried that already?

2007-10-03 21:43:50 · 3 answers · asked by Don't Know 5

I always wanted to know. I haven't really been big on the torrent scene and I don' know international media and copyrigh laws, but is it legal to download fansubbed videos from sites like Dattebayo?

Please, real legal advice and not a fanboy trying to prove that his anime is worthy of being watched.

2007-10-03 21:34:58 · 4 answers · asked by Ph15h 4

I don't smoke or drink, and when I do drink is for just fun with a friend family! Drinking is more dangerous then smoking marijuana, but I don't understand why smoking it is illegal? That's stupid!

2007-10-03 21:03:58 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard that in the State of Ohio if you aren't old enough to legally drink (21) .. but you marry someone who is 21(or older) .. then you can legally drink in the State.
Is that true?

2007-10-03 21:02:32 · 7 answers · asked by Mommy of One 4

how do I report someone who is self-employed and makes 100k per month but is only paying 10% of their income for tax return? They also only paid cash to all employees. How do I report this employer? What is the process? Do I need to testify if I am one of the employee?

2007-10-03 20:16:37 · 15 answers · asked by We W 1

i live in ca. and i wrote some bad checks. the problem was that i had the money to put in my account but they kept sending the checks (which i didnt know they did that) so i had all these charges and i couldnt put the money in. i don't live at my moms and im only 19 years old so i dont really have a lot of money. but anyways the mail i kept getting from the ca bad check restitution program was going to my mom's address and we havent been talking for a while but i got the mail finally and now i have to go to court for it. i really just want to set up a payment plan and do community service and i signed up for the class they want you to take. do you think ill get jail time. i'm pregnant now and it would be horrible to go to jail. what does everyone think, will i go to jail?

2007-10-03 20:12:21 · 11 answers · asked by Ashley A 1

For example:

2007-10-03 20:08:21 · 12 answers · asked by London Man 4

I want this permanent position hands down. It's job that instead of working 8-5, it's actually a going to be graveyard. I have a 2nd job that I work 2 nights a week during those hours and that extra money helps me to pay rent. I'm already in the process of being permanent but when I was told of my position I was told I'd be working days. How can I fairly and nicely discuss my situation with my big boss so that she understands that I want this position but need to change the hours a little.Should I quit my 2nd job and get something in the daytime? I need this job, it's secure, and it pays well. I just don't want them to think I'm not interested because I am very interested. Was telling one of the bosses. I told one of my bosses the situation, and that I just moved..so I need to keep the hours of my 2nd job, but I don't want them to think I'm not making them the priority. Please help me. I have to report tommorow.

2007-10-03 19:59:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was cleared in BlackHawk county of my deferred judgment which took place in 1999.
The state of Iowa still has one on my record and I need to get it off. I'm tired of fighting it and it's frustrating.

Jami Berg
6 6th Ave. SW
Waukon, IA 52172

Help Me Please!

2007-10-03 19:45:33 · 1 answers · asked by Peggy B 1

murder is horrible and sometimes rape goes with it, yet rape alone(which also is an atrocious crime) does not seem as insidious as murder.

2007-10-03 19:35:24 · 9 answers · asked by wtf2008 1

We were plaintiffs in a lawsuit and the case was settled. A portion of the monies were paid to us upfront. The second portion of the settlement was a Consent Judgment signed by the defendant whereby they also agreed by consent to pay a set sum of money every year for the next 7 years with interest. We are concerned whether or not the defendant will pay early next year or years thereafter. Is there any thing we can do to protect our future interests before they default or only after?

What measures can be taken, and when, once there is a consent judgment in our favor? We are currently tracking all their public information and they haven't left town and still have the same job, but don't know about financial assets. Should we be doing something now in advance of an expected default?

2007-10-03 19:29:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

its sure as hell safer then alcohol,coke etc...

2007-10-03 19:24:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i went to an interview for a job and they loved me. but today i got a phone call saying i didn't get the job because i got a misdemeanor for petty thief happened 5 years ago. im planning to get an expungement to have my record cleared.

1)my question is, will it still show up to the employer after expungement?
2)on the job application, it ask if i got a criminal background, can i say no and get away with it?
3) how much am i expecting to pay for expungement without getting a lawyer? ( i live in California)
3)im planning to be a police officer. will this misdemeanor stop me from be a cop?

please help
thanks guys.

2007-10-03 19:18:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it not ethical that a country give equal rights to all its citizens irrespective of minority or majority factor so that all live on equal status? The deprived class may be given time bound privileges to bring them up to the level of all so that a socialistic society emerge in a country. Distinguishing citizens by religions? Is it not unjust and therefore nasty?

2007-10-03 19:15:47 · 10 answers · asked by Nimit 2

He is in jail for attempted murder of a police officer because he supposedly rammed a police car with his truck which was stolen. He says he wasnt trying to kill the officer he was trying to get away and didnt clear the back of the vehicle. His charges state 2 other officers as witnesses but in the narrative written by the police officer he supposedly attempted to kill it states that those two officers didnt join the story till after they would have seen the crime. (timeline doesnt add up...he being followed by cop,hits his brakes, cop slides past him, he tries to flee, hits cop car, cop takes off in front of him radios for help, gets off at next exit with my brother "chasing him", my brother stays on the highway, cop gets back on the highway and is joined by the other officers, my brother pulls over and surrenders...) In the charges it states that there are 2 witnesses to the ramming of the police vehicle and the same two witnesses for the attempted murder charge.How does that add up?

2007-10-03 19:10:46 · 15 answers · asked by mistyeveduncan 2

2007-10-03 19:05:25 · 1 answers · asked by aditya v 1

2007-10-03 19:01:57 · 1 answers · asked by aditya v 1

2007-10-03 18:52:10 · 5 answers · asked by Krysanne 1

My mom is not living at home.I am in her house.My mom is in a nursing home for the past 2 1/2 years.Its costing over 4 thousand dollars.we do not qulify for medicad.I was denied public aid.I just wonder if they will take the house now that the cds are in my name.Will they know she has money?Is is to late to put the money into my name & house?We do NOT want to sell the house.& she WONT leave to go to another nursing home.She forbids it.I cant reason with her.On top of it she has a 3 thousand dollar dental bill.I am very worried.I live on interest from cds & her social securty.

2007-10-03 18:50:13 · 6 answers · asked by teddybear 3

I know for a lot of plaintiffs, lawyers will work on a contingency. If you are the defendent, can a similar arragement be made, and if so, what is this called?

I would be okay with agreeing to pay only if there is a settlement or successful outcome.

2007-10-03 18:17:29 · 3 answers · asked by tyler 3


1) You're charged with a civil lawsuit
2) You have money but want to use an appointed lawyer instead of paying for you.

If you can't afford an attorney, the state provides one for you, but if you can, but don't want to pay for one, can you still use a state appointed attorney?

2007-10-03 18:15:57 · 12 answers · asked by tyler 3

2007-10-03 16:42:07 · 17 answers · asked by o0omayflowero0o 1

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