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Law & Ethics - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Surley the athorities know all about the happy endings and what is really going on behind closed doors.

2007-10-09 09:21:59 · 3 answers · asked by Bones 1

Say you have a diagnosed mental illness, and after intense psychological testing the courts were advised that you were NOT a danger to the public, but if you were sent to jail you would be a serious danger to yourself. Say they sent you to jail anyways, for a short term of like 30 days, and you dont eat or drink for several days....what would the jail do?

2007-10-09 09:21:50 · 10 answers · asked by Jezah 2

I have a condition in one of my eyes that reduces my vision to 20/200 in that eye. I can see fine out of my other eye and I have been driving with a New York license for 7 years. I recently moved to California and their state laws require 20/40 vision in both eyes to obtain a driver's license. I would like to know if I am able to get a license or if I have to do anything specific to obtain one.

2007-10-09 09:20:15 · 4 answers · asked by DANger 1

I have worked at my current employer for 4 years. Very good attendence, very good performance, top notch employer. Two months ago I was the victim of an auto accident. In that time I have missed about 100 hours from work. Missed work was due to doctors appt., physical therapy appts., psychologist appts., all of which I had a doctors note each time. The other times I was out was from not being able to get outta the bed from my lower back pain. All this they are aware of and they haven't said anything to me other than I hope you get to feeling better. Then they had a meeting with me today & wanted to know what's going on & what can be done to help my production. They commented that I have always been a great employee but now it's going down hill and they claim they understand because of the tragic accident I was in but the way they sounded is I better shape up or they'll ship me out. They said I need to get with HR & show them all my medical notes. I am scared. Can they fire me?

2007-10-09 09:16:30 · 6 answers · asked by Jay 2

I have a friend who is married to an illegal immigrant and he was just popped by the US Border Patrol in Rochester, NY. Now, he is being held at a detention facility in Batavia, NY. (Buffalo area). We have exhausted all avenues in trying to set a bond for him and his bond is 2500 USD but, these people are wanting houses, land and what not that exceeds the bond limit and this immigrant does not have a spot on his record. He is married and does have a child in the US. These people are not releasing any form of information to the aide of his release. We do not have 3000 + USD plus the bond amount to cover this. If there is a bondsman out there, please give me some kind of insight as to how we can get him released. We were told not to go there because they may in turn "still" not give any information. We are stuck in a rock and a hard place and we called all the necessary phone numbers. His wife is ready to commit suicide because she cannot get a hold of him. I need answers, please.

2007-10-09 09:12:16 · 7 answers · asked by !~"Fish On"~! 5

Illegal immigrants get employment while people who are born here are subjected to back ground check(s), It's a disturbing trend and If you have a minor conviction you are bar from employment.

2007-10-09 09:10:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please just answer yes or no, I need about 50 people participating on this question. Thanks for your help!

2007-10-09 09:08:26 · 19 answers · asked by oliveirasgirl2000 3

I can't seem to understand it.

2007-10-09 09:00:25 · 2 answers · asked by Tom C 1

okay so im a junior and i have a girl friend also junior now im not the uuuhm "smart" type but she is and my princapal has told me i need to leave school grounds by 2:30(school ends 2:15)or eles i will be suspended just because i hang out with her till her Practice starts(2:45) is this harrasment can i do anything about this???(other then tell my parents b/c they dont rele care or do anything any way)he dose it bc im not a "modle" student and she is any thing i can say to like put him in place or something???(and ive been suspended for 2 days bc of him doin this to me)

2007-10-09 08:59:44 · 19 answers · asked by famed4life69 1

I worked for this contractor a few years ago and the dude still owes me 3 grand. Obviously he hasn't paid me yet. He's screwed over his customers and employees. Do I seek him out and sue his @ss or forget about it?? Anyone else have this happen to them?

2007-10-09 08:55:41 · 8 answers · asked by fireworkgirl 2

So I was mailing off a letter, and I was thinking, "man, there are a billion different stamp designs out there. I could easily take any picture and print it out on a blank sticker and mail it off." Ok, obviously that would be Mail Fraud and therefore a Federal Offence not worth committing, but wondering if the post office really has any way of identifying fake stamps. They don't seem to be encoded with any anti-counterfeit designs.

2007-10-09 08:54:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

behind the big boss's back ... do you think this antic will finally get him fired?

He's out of control.

Luckily, she is not Jewish, but what are the possible outcomes of him doing this?

2007-10-09 08:50:23 · 11 answers · asked by Reserved 6

I'm taking this government class, and one of my homework questions is asking what the Constitutional base for a law against dog fighting is. Well, I have no idea, and I've searched around quite a bit. Any help??

2007-10-09 08:44:03 · 6 answers · asked by funkified_princess 2

A 12 year old 7th grade boy mooned a school bus with 7th & 8th graders onboard as well as the driver. He was suspended for 2 days for sexual harassment as well as indecent exposure! The school considered expulsion, but decided the 2 days off from school was punishment enough.

Is this a just or unjust punishment? Should the student have been expelled from school? Have you ever done it?

2007-10-09 08:42:13 · 11 answers · asked by Leebert 3

I was in an automobile accident, seemed limited with little damage. Yet, the other party have hired a lawyer and my bodily injury liability is 15k/30k per incident. If the other party wants to come after my assets, are there any protected such as 401k, current auto, etc. What is the best way to protect myself? I'll probably get a lawyer soon but thought I'd ask here to get a sense of what I'm up against.
Thanks for any advice from someone who might have been through similar.

2007-10-09 08:26:48 · 3 answers · asked by Phiops 2

I am Due in Dec and the father is a looser( yes I know... why get prego by him) but that is not the question... He has two other kids that he does not support and he has been in jail for a hit and run on his kids grandfather, he has told me that he will take my son and leave and I will never see him again as soon as he get the chance, his house is nasty and he does not pay his bills, had no drivers license(drives anyway) and no car insurance. What can I do to get it to where he does not get any custody of the baby... he is not willing to give it up! he wants joint custody so that he wont have to pay support. In my state KS you can not give up rights....it is a no bastard law!! Please Help...only serious answers please... as I realize that I am in a bad situation and have learned my lesson.

2007-10-09 08:20:55 · 21 answers · asked by younglady215 4

A new neighbor in the apartment complex was waking me up every morning at 5 AM. After 2 weeks I decided to write him a note (very polite and not finger pointing). Because I never see him due to different schedules, I decided to put the note in the mailbox. He said that was a federal felony. Any other oppinions? Thank you.

2007-10-09 08:14:54 · 11 answers · asked by Andrew 1

Tom’s mother Mary passed away several years ago. One day, during a conversation between Tom and his friend Zeke it was learned that the Social Security Administration (SSA) was never informed of Mary’s death. Apparently, Tom convinced the funeral director not to notify the SSA. Zeke decided it was his civic duty to tell the SSA.

Tom was required to repay the SSA the total amount they deposited into a joint account held between Tom and his mother. This account remained active until the SSA advised the bank. In addition, Tom had to pay the SSA interest and a penalty. This angered Tom to a point where he needed psychiatric help and he sees the doctor usually twice per week.

Tom is suing his friend Zeke for five million dollars claiming mental anguish, insomnia, weight loss, chronic headaches, and general deteriorating health.

Note: All names have been changed to protect those involved. Any connection with persons of the same name or names is strictly unintentional.

2007-10-09 08:10:45 · 13 answers · asked by ajaxxx 2

There was a big hole in our deck, for more than a year and I got hurt on it (there was a railing but it did not block the entire opening. Should my landlord (in NYC) be required to reimburse me for my medical bill? She doesn't think she should; but because it was caused on her property from construction being done I think she should. Who is right?

2007-10-09 07:59:03 · 5 answers · asked by k80_k 2

2007-10-09 07:43:42 · 17 answers · asked by Tyrie E 1

I rent a small 2 bedroom house. The bathroom doesn't have a vent system and is spotted really bad of mold. Is there a law that will allow me to withhold my rent if nothing is done? I've made 2 written and 1 verbal request of my landlord! Thanks for your time.

2007-10-09 07:39:49 · 3 answers · asked by Amadis 1

I just quit my job in Kansas, I had put in a 2 week notice, and went to part time during the 2 weeks, my boss and i had a meeting and i agreed to come back, part time but at my management status. I returned to work Monday and he had hired a new person to take over the managers position. I called him ( he is out of state) and confronted him. He said "well I thought you wanted to quit" I remeinded him of our conversation and he just acted stupid..ummm ummm. So I told him fine I quit. Do not call my home... and hung up.

2007-10-09 07:32:28 · 18 answers · asked by tina s 2

Where does the hearing take place, where I live or where the defendant lives?

2007-10-09 07:31:31 · 1 answers · asked by curious person 1

previously i had posted a question regarding this lady getting a whopping 10-14 years in jail for torturing her foster daughter for 11 years. (sticking hypodermic needles in her eyes, smashing her feet with weights, and more... not to mention she runs from the cops...)

reference: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AgYKxNZJKVir5EF9.19Fl9Pty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20070926083732AAnjGdt

now look at this, this guy steals a 52 cent donut and is going to get a minimum of 5 years, and they are hoping to put him away for 30.


i wanna know your thoughts on this...

2007-10-09 07:18:02 · 8 answers · asked by Chippy v1.0.0.3b 6

I downloaded instrumentals for famous songs, im gonna make a remix to some of them and im gona record them at my house. Can i sell them on myspace store thing? just wonderin since i didnt purchase or paid for the instrumental, but i've seen other people do it. they remixed songs and they are sellin them

2007-10-09 07:06:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently left a position because the hours of the job were changing and it was no longer conducive to my family life. I have 15 years experience, but I am not getting any interviews after submitting my resume to different places.

2007-10-09 07:03:59 · 13 answers · asked by ronald v 1

My friend was hired a month ago and with all the benefit information, they forgot to include the employee handbook. Last week the h.r. assistant came to her to sign a document stating she received and looked over the handbook. She throught nothing of it, since she loved the job. The following Monday morning she was told she was being let go, due to budget cuts. This was a huge shock and disappointment. Does really matter if she never read the handbook?

2007-10-09 06:50:59 · 5 answers · asked by Celia 1

laundering with counterfeit $500 travelers checks? They a terrorists plain and simple and use us-American citizens- to help them in there terrorist activities by drawing us in on an internet scam! They of course don't let you know that they are from Africa, but they say they are a legal company and want to save paying 20% taxes by having there clients send you the money, you cash the check, keep 10% and wire the rest back to there company! Well, the check that gets mailed to you will be $500 counterfeit cheques that are so good banks can't tell! then the address you are supposed to wire it to is in GHANA AFRICA!!!! I google Earthed Ghana! Try it and click on GHANA then click on one of the things that pop up!!! This iS outragous! COME ON AMERICA...LETS NOT PUT UP WITH THESE TERRORISTS SCAMING OUR COUNTRY TO FUND TERRORISM! REPORT INTERNET SCAMS!!!! IF YOU HAVE BEEN SCAMMED DON'T BE EMBARRESED, STEP UP AND LETS FIGHT BACK!

2007-10-09 06:38:25 · 7 answers · asked by your friend 2

I'm sixteen years old, currently still living at my parents' house, but I can't stand it. We fight all the time about the stupidest things. I already have someone who's promised me a home where I know things would be much better off. I know it's only two more years, but I just don't think I can take it any longer. What can I do?

2007-10-09 06:35:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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