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Law & Ethics - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Recently a school-mate came to me for advice. He'd been feeling depressed for a while, and was talking about suicide.

I tried convince him he didn't really deserve to live and that he should shoot himself. Which he didn't.

Instead he jumped off the 10th story of his apartment building.

Hahaha... no seriously... anyway...

Can I get sued or anything for convincing some-one to commit suicide?

2007-08-20 04:36:54 · 13 answers · asked by Daniel B 1

I quit my last job because my boss called me stupid. Being called stupid is the very least of the crap i put up with during my two years at that work place.
From what I hear.. he continues to do the same to employees that work there now, amongst some other irate obscenities towards his employess.

I live in California and I know that hands down its a case for Harrasment, and he CAN get a case pinned to him for that.
Being that im a former employee, is there anything i can do to make sure this Employer stops his torment?
Has anyone been through a situation like this with their employers and what are some steps i can do to make sure HE GOES DOWN?

2007-08-20 04:28:29 · 6 answers · asked by SkY_dRiFtEr_01 2

The judge is pro dad and has custody of his children. The dad filed suit b/c he is mad I got remarried. And now he has our daughter.
What can I do now???

2007-08-20 04:05:52 · 12 answers · asked by artrenery 2

I brought the incidents to the attention of my company, who initially said this woman would never work for the company again. Now I find that with a choice of various locations, I have to work abroad with this same woman for a short-term contract. Am I within my rights refusing to go?

2007-08-20 03:45:38 · 10 answers · asked by aureliereid 1

2007-08-20 03:33:18 · 3 answers · asked by msparker1111 1

My grandma died last week friday. I live in in the USA, she lived in Hungary. My boss told me, that I can take the 3 days bereavement leave even if I don't attend the funeral. 3 hours later (since they worried who was going to do my job for 3 days) they said I can't leave because I don't go to Hungary.

This is in the company policy:

"When death occurs in his/hers immeiate family (i.e. spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, mother/father-in-law, or grandparents), an employee, on request, will be excused for three (3) normally scheduled days of work (or such fewer days as the employee may absent) during the three (3) days (excluding Saturday and Sunday) immediately following the date of death provided funeral."

That was their excuse.....

2007-08-20 03:29:58 · 4 answers · asked by You 5

My friend is going to Iraq and doesn't want to take his orginal DVD's as they will get ruined. He's looking at copying them, they are his, not selling or lending to others, just copying to save the originals. any info???

2007-08-20 03:18:56 · 4 answers · asked by Dummysws 1

if i am inside the missouri state line and i shoot a person across the line in the state of iowa,which state tries me for the crime?

2007-08-20 02:50:30 · 8 answers · asked by gunsmoke_55_75 2

I moved to washington state from canada with my boyfriend. We are soon getting married, and I brought my 4 yr old daughter with me. yesterday he took pics of private convos I had on my email. Then he tried to txt his friend to bash me. I went to grab his phone and clawed his hand. HE CALLED 911! It was an acciden, and the cops came. I told them it was ridiculous, they took my name, dob, and my daughters info. They said im not charged. Hes threatning me, saying if I argue with him again, he will get me in trouble. Should I be worried about this? Can he charge me for accidentally scratching his hand, and could I lose my daughter over this? My family are in canada, my best friend told my mom, and shes freaking out wanting me to leave. I dont know anymore...

2007-08-20 02:34:27 · 7 answers · asked by Krista 3

If you dont work at all, and have one child liveing in the home and all you get for money is child support from the child father. Can you claim the child and get back money fileing your taxs. This person i no dose this but i didnt no if this is right or is it ok.

2007-08-20 02:22:13 · 3 answers · asked by debbie d 1

1.what does truancy mean to you?
2.do many people in your class play truant?
3.do you feel peer pressure is the cause for truancy?
4.if you commit truancy,what do you think will be its consequences?
5.in what ways is/are your school, parents and community trying to cope with and prevent truancy?

2007-08-20 02:11:14 · 3 answers · asked by belinda f 1

anything that can go wrong, will, at the most inopportune moment.

2007-08-20 02:07:09 · 9 answers · asked by Sheik 1

At work I have been told if I am off sick again (i've been off one day with illness) I can be put on a discplinery and after that a written warning then I can be dissmissed. Is this legal? I work for a supermarket in one of their fresh food depts and I have the flu, sore throat, temp, headache and dizzyness, but I've been told I can't gop off sick without getting out on disciplinery. Surely this isnt right?

2007-08-20 01:29:51 · 20 answers · asked by Stitch 4

Jose Padilla, unfit for trial, was indicted for charges unrelated to his arrest. After 5 years of torture and extreme isolation, his psyche has been broken. His arrest, the torture, occurred in violation of US Law and the Geneva Agreements. Whose life was saved?

2007-08-20 01:29:10 · 6 answers · asked by Washington Irving 3

My rent was due on the 5th, which fell on a Sunday (a non-business day) so I paid the next day after the business day, and I was considered late as well as charged a late fee that Monday. I live in Tennessee.

Is it true that in Tennessee, and some states that a landlord is not allowed to consider you late or charge you if the rent fell on a non-business day, and you came in to pay it the next day afterwards?

2007-08-20 00:39:14 · 7 answers · asked by advait0 1


2007-08-20 00:00:46 · 6 answers · asked by laurensime 1

Liberal whining center for those who still cant find their way.
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton acknowledged on Sunday that many voters do not like her, but she blamed it on years of Republican attacks and insisted she has a record of winning despite her negatives.
But a recent CBS News poll showed 39 percent of all voters nationwide had an unfavorable view of Clinton

If the democrats claim to have a strong majority as the pelosi/reid regime states than these numbers just dont bear her statement out. Could the real reason be.
the vince foster coverup
the montana land grab
support of the largest tax increase in us history
the "mean spirited" republican conspiracy(lmfao)
campaign finance fraud 2000.
the rental of the lincoln bedroom for campaign contributions.
watching her husband bring the us to new lows

2007-08-19 23:32:30 · 7 answers · asked by koalatcomics 7

I was working for claims division of my company, I got transfered to the I.T division of it which initially was a seperate company and then merged into our company, so both of them maintain a different payroll. I was told I am being transfered and I will still be on claims division payroll.
As soon I joined the IT division I had to leave to UK for an assignment. After coming here I was told that I hav been considered a resignee from Claims division and will be on payroll of IT division. I have not been given an offer letter from the IT division and have not being paid my salary from last 2 months and this is the 3rd month.

Please let me know, what can I do....

2007-08-19 23:27:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know it sounds fishy, but in fact I believe in various countries you are allowed to have a product unwrapped/unpackaged for you to get a feel for it,.. in my case I'm buying a computer mouse, and do not want to buy by sight alone as the feel of a mouse to me is vital; I need a thumb-grasp to HOLD the mouse as I am using it; if it has no thumb-grasp, or if it looks 50/50 if it'll be right for me or not, then I would want to actually HOLD the mouse itself to be sure.
So; I ask you,... what rights do I have to be allowed to have the product removed from its packaging for me to hold it?
For the judicially minded, I live in the UK, (London), so please ONLY answer if you are sure that the laws you say you know, actually apply in my situation. Thankyou. :)
If you don't know the actual laws about my rights, where is the right place for me to ask? The Law Society? Anywhere else?
Thanks! :)

2007-08-19 22:38:59 · 10 answers · asked by wildimagination2003 4

I am the respondent of a petition for an Order for Protection against Unlawful Harassment (form PTORAH).

It's my belief (but I can't seem to find the exact statement in the RCW) that I have to have to be served no less than 5 days before the hearing?

Question 1: Is it 5 court days, or 5 calendar days? In other words, are Saturday and Sunday included in the 5 days?

Question 2 (if it's calendar days): I was served on 8/16/07 at 2:30 PM. My hearing is on 8/21/07 at 8:30 AM. Is that 5 days, or just 4, since it's not a full five 24-hour periods?

Question 3: Do I still show up at the hearing and just ask the judge for a new court date since I haven't had the 5 full days to prepare, or do I just contact the court first, so I don't even have to show up?

This is for Superior Court of WA for King County

Thanks in advance! If you need clarification on anything, please ask!

2007-08-19 21:37:33 · 3 answers · asked by walegalquestions 1

Do i also need to advertise in newpaper because i have only change the spelling of my name. pls advice.

2007-08-19 21:25:01 · 1 answers · asked by Sadeea k 1

What is your view ,let me know about this and why.

2007-08-19 20:18:57 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will you willingly comply with the law?

2007-08-19 19:34:22 · 6 answers · asked by Leroy Smoothie 2

I live in Texas, I was trying to sell my old car so I posted on the local news paper. I got several calls some of them were very interesed on buying my car. One of them offer me 400 dollars less than what I was asking. I said yes, thinking that he would pay me right there and then, but then he said that he would bring me the check 4 days later. When he was living I shuke his hand and said "It was nice to meet you". 2 days later a men came to my house to see the car and he offer me the whole amount so I took it. That same day the man that offer me 400 dollars less called, I told him that I had already sold the car. He got furrious and said that he was a lawyer and that in the state of Texas shaking someones hand was a verbal agriment and that he was going to buy another car and that I had to pay him for the differance. Is this right? I don't want to go to court? What should I do?

2007-08-19 18:50:29 · 11 answers · asked by Ednaa 2

his mistress is pregnant and she always asks money to my partner and always gave her while in fact he is not rich, he only act as one he's only an employee and his mistress comes to our house if he cant give money to her. In fact he can't give what our kids needs while in fact he can only if he first think of his kids not his mistress

2007-08-19 18:26:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean our body needs everything not just the calcium protiens and minerals but other things too

2007-08-19 18:19:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I understand it often hurts the people "left behind" and the other moral and psychologial issues. But what makes suicide "wrong" from a civil viewpoint? Or is it just another law simply based on morality?

2007-08-19 17:36:58 · 14 answers · asked by Always Curious 7

i want some papers about antidumping law

2007-08-19 17:33:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

do we have to use a Lawyer again to change it and re-write.another one? Ifs it legal to write up a will yourself and have it notorized by 3 people, would it be legal and over write the previous will? I heard that it was legit to do it youself and would hold up in court if it was signed and notorized by 3 people. Is this true? I need your help ASAP. Serious people only. Thank you.

2007-08-19 17:23:03 · 6 answers · asked by Rhiannon2 2

fedest.com, questions and answers