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Law & Ethics - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

When a prospective employer who wants to hire me calls the job I was fired from for employment verification, does my old job disclose I was fired?

2007-08-19 12:48:25 · 8 answers · asked by Steve B 1

In the UK and USA (two of the largest scientific nations) stem cell research is ilegal.
Even though the possible applications for stem cell treatment are endless - from new teeth, ears, eyes - to correcting brain damage.
Many countries outlaw it because of the fact that fetuses are needed for the research on the strength of human sanctity.

what is you opinion?

2007-08-19 12:41:29 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have just heard on TV that "the police in Portugal are a few hours away from charging someone with the disappearance of little Maddie. Does anyone know who is about to be charged? -- I missed the rest of what SkyNews was saying on the subject.
Who do you think will be eventually charged ?
Murat ? Her parents ? I already said a prayer for the cutie to be found alive and well. I hope to God that does happens !!!

Apparently the headlines read "BRITISH SUSPECT TO BE ARRESTED IN PORTUGAL WITHIN HOURS !" WOW I can't wait to see who that is !!

2007-08-19 12:36:21 · 5 answers · asked by RED-CHROME 6

i cant find a legal definition anywhere for something called a take nothing judgment, which is a Texas thing. Can anyone please help me with this.

2007-08-19 12:33:35 · 0 answers · asked by andrewcpgh 1

I was not caught in the act of doing something illegal, yet a cop felt he wanted to search me. I asked him what probable cause he has, he couldn't answer. Later on he said "well you looked like you were doing something illegal" Well they found something on me. BUT there is a loophole the items should be thrown out of court. What should I do to ensure that happens?

2007-08-19 12:17:35 · 4 answers · asked by Va smiley 2

liberal crying towel...

quote(wire)(edited)When (she was) asked whether there was a major issue where (she) didn't tell the whole truth, Clinton cited (her) vote to authorize Bush to use military force in Iraq.
what about?
travelgate, filegate, whitewater, the health care fiasco, the cattle futures fiasco, the vince foster coverup, the montana land grab, and of course the clinton..."legacy"

- The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
- Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*
- Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
- Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
- Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
- First president sued for sexual harassment.
- First president accused of rape.
- First first lady to come under criminal investigation
- Largest criminal plea agreement in an campaign.

2007-08-19 12:12:51 · 9 answers · asked by koalatcomics 7

2007-08-19 12:09:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

...would you still rape women? It's a hard decision isn't it! I mean you could get caught.

2007-08-19 11:45:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was with my ex partner for 6 years before she left me 4 yrs ago, she was not on my house deeds yet believes she should have been as she had my child,who is now 9 years old and is full time with her, tho she never really has been about and would often put the responsibility of him onto my family and friends.,but is looking after him more since solicitors have been involved. When she left 4 years ago,she left happily with the settlement that she would take what she put in. Last year when she discovered that my present partner was expecting my child this made her angry and made threats to take my house she is currently in the process of doing so through solicitors letters claiming that she has a vasted interest in my home, she has also recently purchased a new property wih her current partner and is stuck for cash to refurbish. she said she wanted money back as her family decorated when she lived here yet my current partners family have since redecorated. I would like some legal advice

2007-08-19 09:46:54 · 10 answers · asked by shift 1

My friend moved to London and left me responsible for her apartment.

I get a call from the sublettee this morning stating that there are bed bugs in the entire building. This has become a growing problem in New York City.

What do I need to do...on behalf of my friend to solve this problem...quickly. I need to know the law before I call up the management company or petition the building.

2007-08-19 09:42:12 · 6 answers · asked by LUCKY3 6

Just wondering. Dont take it too seriously we all know hes going to skate. In 50 yrs when all this stuff gets opened up like Nixons activities have we will get some shocking truth.

2007-08-19 09:18:26 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My partner works in a shop on a part time basis, but is required to work on her own some weekends.
She has to work 4 hours. But has to start at least 1/2 hour early to count the cash (unpaid)
I dont think this is legal, mainy for Security and Health and Safety resons, but I cant find anything on it on ACAS or the HSE web sites.
Any Ideas.
Does anyone have any links to any relevant pages so they can be printed off and passed to her manager.

2007-08-19 09:12:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-19 09:10:41 · 16 answers · asked by sparky 1

Hello Everyone.. So i carry a baeball bat in the trun of my car.. am not acting ganagster or trying to be a hardass.. i just carry it for my own safety. I have seen people get jumped and if it wasnt for the bat.. they could ave been seriously injured.. I would never hit anyone with it.. I wanna know if it is legal t carry that bat incase u wanted to defend urself. Do you get charged if police came and saw u carrying the bat and u said u wanted it to ensure ur personal safety. just to defend ur self. Do u need a license like for a gun.? I live in london ontario

2007-08-19 09:02:29 · 11 answers · asked by raar 1

Hey everyone.

My daughter-in-laws brother just found out that his girlfriend is pregnant. She is 16.....(ouch!). Her parents have forbid him to see her, and is telling him that they are going to force her to get an abortion. Can they legally do this??? Her brothers have supposedly told her that they are going to push her down the stairs.......I don't know how true that is.....I don't know the family, but the idea that someone would even say something like that scares the hell out of me. Not wanting to get into the middle of any of this, I am simply trying to find out if they can forcibly perform an abortion or not. She is desiring to file for Emancipation, but the law here says she must not live in the home and must be supporting herself....but if she leaves home, they will report her a runaway, so I don't see any way out of that one.

Any advice or help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

2007-08-19 08:49:24 · 5 answers · asked by drummerplummerswife 1

in your opinion, which 5 are the most important and you can't deal without?

2007-08-19 08:47:34 · 5 answers · asked by Å?????? 1

My minor son is going on vacation to another state with his grand-mother and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what I should include in a "consent for treatment" letter in case he should require emergency medical care. Thank you.

2007-08-19 08:47:16 · 3 answers · asked by scott s 1

ethical decisions? What are some ethical dilemmas that occur in health care ? who do you think has the greatest power to solve or prevent these dilemmas;organizational leaders, federal or state bodies, or society as a whole? explain

2007-08-19 08:46:30 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

are human service or health care orgaanizations expected to act in a more ethical manner than for-profit organizations? explain

2007-08-19 08:43:46 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've got two stories. My first story was when I went to school a little stuffed up and sneezing because i slept with my cat the night before. When walking down the hall to class a student said hey jake your eyes are red you looked stoned. We then went to class and continued normally. Apparently a teacher overhead my friend saying "you looked stoned" and the dean of students was called down to take me out of class for a little "chat". I had to go down to the office and be asked "are you high young man" and have my back pack be searched then have my pockets be emptied. It was at this time I was feeling better cuz my allergies started to wear off. There was absolutely no evidence I was high or under any sort of influence from my pockets or backpack. Were my rights abused?
My second story is:
I've got a friend whose mom is a teacher at a completely different school. Her mom wanted to find out who I was so she asked some other teachers about me and what I was like.

2007-08-19 08:36:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

all board memebers, staff and volunteers are to obey all laws in the performance of their work on behald of community services. why do you think this is necessary? what does it tell you about the relationship between laws and ethics?

2007-08-19 08:36:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

what factors did you have to consider? what values led you to make your decision? who was impacted by your decision? What was the outcome?

2007-08-19 08:32:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


What are the laws pertaining to carrying/possessing/transporting, etc. blank guns and ammo? Considering it has the orange tip in the barrel, and your not committing a crime. heres a situation, I'm "transporting" a blank pistol is my glove box (for protection, i live in a bad city). and i know what your thinking... "For protection? ITS A BLANK GUN!"). its gonna give me the time i need to make an escape, apprehend them and stop them from mugging/hurting me. and as long as i didnt pull it on a cop or law enforcement officer.. Its just sitting in my glove box.Thats neither here nor there, its a hypathetical question. (i could even lie to the cop and say i was borrowing it from a friend to train my dog). Just let me know what the laws are.

Please dont give your "Opinion" on what it could possibly be. I need proof of federal law or ohio law. or a story about yourself that involving a blank gun. Thanks

2007-08-19 08:32:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-19 08:02:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you think that the TV Licence could be remodelled?

Personally, I do not believe that the BBC should accept any type of advertising or sponsorship (any more than they already do!). I believe in a subscription-service BBC. Maybe BBC viewers could top-up a BBC viewing card at the post office and this unscrambles the BBC TV signal? Or BBC viewers could dial a telephone number on-screen to unscamble the BBC signal for individual programmes.

What are others thoughts on this?

2007-08-19 07:16:34 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

The wife of a friend of ours attempted to murder her sister in law. She put kerosene on her body and lit fire to her. Luckily, thanks to her brother, she survived the attempt. Now this woman is being kept in police custody.

We wonder however, what penalty she will get. Considering she is a woman, and knowing how biased Indian law is when it comes to women, we don't know whether she will get 10 years or even life imprisonment. She will plead in her favour that she has a 7 month old baby (whom she tried to kill on the same day by kicking)...

She is treatening her family in law every day, and even her husband is living in fear daily.

Please tell us what we should expect...

2007-08-19 06:13:39 · 10 answers · asked by Parvati 1

I had pawned something about 3 years ago, and needed to get some info on that item. I contacted the pawn shop but was told they converted to a new computer system, so my records ae no longer available. I know that they have to report everything to the police that is brought to the pawn shops, so would the police still have my records?

2007-08-19 06:02:40 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

When my daughter and I talk on the phone, my ex wife records our conversation, I had no knowledge until my daughter told me her mom has hundreds of tapes.

2007-08-19 05:19:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

word termed for those who believe or adhere to policy of withdrawal from a nation, state, organization or alliance.

it has 13 letters.. the first letter is S-- which im not sure yet. but the third letter is C and the fifth letter is S-- that i am sure of.

2007-08-19 05:16:00 · 2 answers · asked by neen 1

They did not make a mistake, they do not warrent pity they should go to jail they disgust me they are evil, they did knowly and with intent leave their children alone so they could go out. they are the worse type of people. stop giving them money.
stop give them medis attention. stop pitying them they brought the pain on themselves. they did this wouldnt surprised me if they did something theyselves. they need to be kicked out and sent home. have they remaining children placed in SAFE place which they can not provide clearly.
do you agree what are your thoughts on this evil pair?

2007-08-19 04:59:32 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

fedest.com, questions and answers