For the past 3 years my family's life has been a living hell because we have been treated like slaves on the black market by the family court system in our area. In court I have been riduculed, insulted, screamed at, made a joke of, and threatened to be thrown in jail for actually following court orders made by other judges. My child now has to lives half of her life in a neighborhood consisting of 8 red alert pedifiles, with her grandmother who smokes marajuana everyday, her grandfather who smokes ciggarettes everyday, and gets no child support from her father because one of the first judges I had made a mistake and took away my full custody with no just cause. So I consulted with a lawyer and was told that none of this would've happened if the judge had ordered properly on my case. So my question is, can lawyers sue judges for making a wrong judgement? I feel I deserve something for pain and suffering, lost wages, unpaid child support, and doctors bills since my child is always sick.
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