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Law & Ethics - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

How does someone change their religion, especially if it's a Mormon religion, where they don't leave you alone? How does someone write a letter regarding this to confirm their decision to be removed from their religion list? What if the Mormon church refuses, or ignores a request, then what? Can an attorney be involved?

2007-01-19 00:41:57 · 2 answers · asked by MochaAlmondgt 1

I believe they are spying on everyone and as someone mentioned earlier, the first thing for our country is to feel safe? Well how about it guys? With all the mistakes this administration has made like blundering baffoons, how the heck can you trust them with our security? Especially when Bush was ordered by the courts not to spy on people and he is still doing it? He is doing just what his father taught him when the old man was president he got blanket warrant taps for anyone he wanted and used the excuse of drugs, but in the records most of those warrants were not about drugs at all they were about high finance and the stock market exchange? Now think 9/11? Then I say we the people have the right to spy on him and all of our public officials and full disclosure of all their financial activities and if we start there we will get them for sure. WE the People can be the IRS for the People to the government so to speak we have the right to investigate them all at any time we suspect them?

2007-01-19 00:41:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 13 and I get yelled at a lot so to pass the time and make me feel better I try to think of ways to help the society. right now I want to figure out a way to make a paperless society without having to spend too much money on gadgets and electronics because they are too expensive and if you make a student choose a PDA they'll just be picky about it and it tempts them to cheat. Maybe we can figure out a way to make something identical to paper/a paper substitute.For me I blame the printer because if we stuck to writing
I bet we could have used less paper because of the printer people can print documents in a snap. I'm sticking with a paper substitute because the trees are nearly gone and it is important to preserve them.

Good use or a paper substitute:
1.There would be no difference because I will make it as identical to paper as possible without using anything from trees
2. I dont know why but trees make everything seem so peaceful

2007-01-19 00:01:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was wondering, for people such as driving instructors, van drivers etc where a customer may enter your vehicle (which is a workplace), will the ban apply? What if you own the vehicle, you're smoking at work but also in your private property.

2007-01-18 23:57:44 · 22 answers · asked by The Shadow 3

Do you think there is injustice with the Assamese people if Marwaris and Biharis goes to work in Assam. What should be the Government Policy for the protection of indeginous Assamese?

2007-01-18 23:54:22 · 3 answers · asked by akguptagtk 1

My wife and I moved to south carolina ten years ago. She is a housewife, and due to epilepsy she cannot drive.My son accidentally threw her walet away with her social security card in it(along with 300$). She tried to get a SC ID card with her birth certificate, and a mailing address from our utillity company. The SCDMV said she had to have her SS. card.So, we went to get her card, and the ss dept. said that she could not have a ss card without photo ID.so ss wants an SC. ID. SCDMV wants a ss card.HELP!!!!!.Any ideas anybody?????????????? Thanks......ps. she has no w2 , or a statement from ss. I guess we would have been better off if we were on welfare...lol...(we'd have welfare docs...they'll accept those in leu of a ss. card) help!!!

2007-01-18 23:50:46 · 3 answers · asked by geezaboo24 2

Using LOF2000 terms, the salvage ship spends two days salvaging the immobile ship then leaves to go to an urgent call, hoping that nearby tugs would tow the ship to harbour. The ship was eventually towed to harbour by the two tugs.

2007-01-18 23:08:14 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

or like most British crimals these days.... should I be allowed to absconed??

2007-01-18 22:48:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does America's Dictator and resident madman Bush really believe that he can sacrifice 20,000 more of our precious young men and women in Baghdad, a city of NINE MILLION ANGRY IRAQIS?! Does ANYONE care about the daily blood and tears being spilled in the continued name of a mad oil grab??! Is there ANYONE who can help me understand that callous and murderous and downright suicidal mentality??!

2007-01-18 22:14:27 · 8 answers · asked by Rebooted 5

2007-01-18 22:09:03 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

my nan passed away, and the company i work for has only offered me 1 day to grieve, despite me living with her and needing the time to find a new place to live and empty the my current flat. Does the law entitle me to more time or is tihs all I'm allowed?

2007-01-18 22:07:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i know that wearing US military rank when you didnt earn it is illigal but what about wearing rank from other countries like i found irish rank in my grandfathers closet and he said i could have them.
but can i even wear them?

2007-01-18 22:02:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-18 21:56:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Given all the social mishaps of tax burdens, underage parents, parents who divorce after a year, parents with a history of poor social conduct. You name it, the list goes on.

The vicious cycle is perpetuated with the tendency that their children are more likely to remain either single or adopt similar vices of their parents: the ghetto.

In your view, which is more criminal ?

Kindly refrain from diatribe and ad hominem attacks of all parties participating.

2007-01-18 21:41:28 · 4 answers · asked by pax veritas 4

i got in trouble and have been going to court for eight months and i cant keep a lawyer every time i get a good lawyer i have to get rid of them because they always get the murder of my nephew as a client and they dont want it to become a conflict of intrest. recently i almost got to plea and then the murder went up and asked for a new lawyer and they gave him mine so then my lawyer had to get rid of me. what can i do to keep a good lawyer and make sure that they dont give him my lawyer. or is there nothing i can do about it?

2007-01-18 21:40:57 · 2 answers · asked by torn between two 1

The recent barbaric executions of Saddam Hussein and his two co-accused once again brings to the fore the issue of "Man's inhumanity to man". The Vatican sums it up neatly when she says in the quest for pardon for the condemned men: "Two wrongs do not make one right". But Al-Maliki sees things differently and even has the guts to defend his ghastly action when the head of one of the hanged men was decapitated in the process by saying that the gallows used were "built to international standards approved by the Human Rights Organisation". Which human rights organisation will be so daft as to pre-occupy itself with the contruction of gallows when its only task should be the preservation of human lives. Irrespective of the method used: decapitation, hanging, lethal injection, electrocution, firing squad ... it is a practice unbecoming of our 21st century civilization. Let therefore all progressive countries expunge it from their statute books and make it history.

2007-01-18 21:38:40 · 13 answers · asked by Paleologus 3

neighbours have demotion of tenancy, admitted harrassment, signed undertaking in court to stop behaviour, police want family evicted, landlord relucant to take action.

2007-01-18 21:17:29 · 7 answers · asked by S C 1

dont you think that there must be changes in the law? as we know the law has many faults in itself...

i believe that a person above 60 sentenced for death penalty should be instead given life sentence rather than hanging!

2007-01-18 21:12:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am going to put some anti vandal paint along the top of my fence to stop people from going over it . It is a domestic property, do I need to have a sign put up or is this only for business properties.

2007-01-18 21:07:22 · 1 answers · asked by Sandy D 2

Stalk celebrities and take pictures of them in the nude?

And they are even allowed to take pictures of the celebrities in their own homes? Is it the "rights" of being in the paparazzi?

Shouldn't there be a law for that.

2007-01-18 21:00:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are people allowed to take a video or pictures of you without your consent? Eg. when you are walking on a street and this stranger takes a pic or films you specifically. I do not mean photographers at some event you are attending, that is alright of course.
Are they allowed to post the said footage or picture of you on the internet/mass media?

Is it a crime for someone to install spycams without you knowing it and then they post a video of you in the nude on the net, can you take legal actions against them in which you will have a high chance of winning? And what is the penalty?
Same scenario: but this time they have a footage/pic of you naked and they do not post it on the net but pass it around their friends. Can you still take actions against them?

You allow your significant other to take nude pictures/video of you and when you break up with them, they decide to post it on the internet. Can you take legal actions against them?

2007-01-18 20:57:28 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-18 20:52:51 · 25 answers · asked by matt r 1

In the UK they do not, in the US I believe there are rights in place for unborn babies and this has led to some pregnant Women being prosecuted for drug taking and the like in pregnancy-(quoting my uni lecturer.) Do you think there should be laws in the UK that are similar? it would mean people could be prosecuted for deaths of unborn children, expecting parents could be held accountable for their childs poor health and so on, what's your opinion?

2007-01-18 20:48:23 · 30 answers · asked by Smoochy Poochy 6

I see the average pay of a GP is £106K

Do you think we have a right to know what all public paid employees earn, or would an ideal system be one where we TRUST the system to pay doctors appropriately, rather than subject such a personal part of thier lives to tabloid headlines.

If you work in the council, how would you feel about your salary being posted on your neighbours kitchen table ?

This is not a question on how much doctors earn, just about thier job conditions being public

2007-01-18 20:20:01 · 24 answers · asked by Michael H 7

I bought a Craftmatic adjustable bed from the company in scottsdale AZ, and they told me that if I sent the check to pay it off to their company, they would forward it to the finance company. A little over a week ago I did, and then the finance company called and told me that the company I originally bought the bed from had gone out of bussiness and sold the franchise to this company and this company told them that they were just going to cash the check and pay off some bills, even though they obviously knew I would have pay off the finance company again! I managed to get the check stopped in a nick time but it still tics me off. It was for nearly 3,000 dollars. What is your oppinion?

2007-01-18 20:12:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi ! I live in calafornia and I am 18. I got 2 ticket. One is a unsafe turn and it cause a accident. Amother is a unsafe turn without a accident. I had went to the traffic school. I want to know will I get points in both accidents? Will I get suspend if I commit another accidents? Actually I paid off all the fine and I had a great pressure when I drive because I need to drive. A cop tell me I will get suspend if I get "a lot" of tickets. What means " a lot"?

2007-01-18 20:02:25 · 3 answers · asked by Hik Hik O 1

This is a serious question, so I'm only going to consider serious answers. It is said that the reason the selling of body parts for transplant is to prevent transplants from only being available to those who can afford them. But since you have to have the ability to pay for the operation itself before being considered a good candidate, what difference does it make if some transplanted organs were paid for?

If you think it should remain illegal, please give a credible explanation. If you think it should be legal, please explain. If my premise is incorrect, please let me know.

2007-01-18 19:40:29 · 8 answers · asked by oldironclub 4

how much my fine because it almost 2 years that my license was nnot renewed..

2007-01-18 19:40:12 · 4 answers · asked by reymark87 v 1

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