---if i owne a piece of property, that lies behind someone else, is there any legal way that i can force a wright of way for the power company to run power to my private land,to enable me to put in a dwelling. i have 5 acers,behind two other people. they refuse to let the power co. run electrical power to me. i have always been told that other people could not stop me from doing this. there is already a road to property,and an old homestead already there.the electricla poles already run along the public road,out in the fields that lie betwene my land and the existing power lines.i would say that it would take, no more than three ploes to run power to my property. if someone legal minded,or is a lawyer,would help i would reallybe greatful. thanks to anyone, or everyone who could help.!!!!!!! jimmyg
5 answers
asked by
jimmy g