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Law & Ethics - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

for cases involving non-criminal behavior (such as fraternization) and resulting in no confinement.

2006-10-31 14:26:22 · 5 answers · asked by Steve M 1

Signing a petition to ban late term abortions?
If yes, click here....no donation is necessary to sign the petition.


2006-10-31 14:04:28 · 2 answers · asked by moviesmiss1 3

When I rented from my landlord, neither of us signed any contract or agreement. I moved out about three weeks later and gave about a week's notice. My landlord refuses to give me my security deposit back now because I didn't give notice. Can this be legal? New York state, by the way..

2006-10-31 13:38:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok my friend and i were arguing because the other day, i walked into the boys bathroom and got in trouble. (BTW im an 18 yr old senior at a small high school...and since im 18 and an adult, i believe i can walk into whichever bathroom i please!) but neway there was no one in there but me

and so im wondering, well boys and girls have separate bathrooms...isnt that discrimination? separate but equal?

im not implying i would like to actually use a boy's bathroom....in fact i find them repulsive...but i was just wondering, IS it discrimination?

2006-10-31 13:27:03 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

...you are the leader of a cult and convince everyone in your cult to kill themselves but at the last minute you back out b/c you just decide that you want to live instead of die. I mean, they're the ones who killed themselves. They didn't have to do it if they didn't want to. So, would it be considered murder from a legal standpoint? Or would this another long debate like Roe v. Wade was?

2006-10-31 12:30:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


.08 is me drinking 4 12 oz beers for someone of my size 200 lbs, so I have 4 beers and get a DUI conviction?? I think its a bit harsh, .10 is a better limit imo.

2006-10-31 12:28:36 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Media censorship: A conspiracy ?

The truth comes in many colors and is often a double edged sword, nothing is perfect and under scrutiny, the blemishes of truths are visible.

Having said that is there a media conspiracy to cover-up, deny or ignore some important realities that are important to Canadians; I think so.

Back in 1987, following many complaints from people in the area concerning the 'Children's Aid Society' I ventured to a couple of their workshops on 'child abuse', and was struck by a blatant anti-family agenda. A half-truth, a truth that lies. Anti-family because it was all about division of the family.

So it became obvious that a hidden agenda, a cult feminist ideology had corrupted social theory. Now don't be alarmed anything can be corrupted look at the Catholic Church, and the pedofiles that used the Church to gain access to little boys, and girls. The medical system has been corrupted by those who seek to profit from their own selfish financial gain. So that problem is one of a conflict of interests, between individuals and the greater good of society in general; can happen in any system.

The corrupted model, (a corrupt theory brainwashed unto social workers) was that child abuse was 'men who abuse, women and children victims'. This obviously bigoted and biased model would in my opinion lead to many problems down the road, including the growth of children who would abuse their parents, their families and society in general. It appears child abuse was never seen as children who abuse other children, and themselves.

I believe this is now history and Canada has again been corrupted by another half-truth model, "Stop violence against women', that should be about stopping the abuse of women, men and children.

Again the use of a deceptive half-truth. Well in 1995 it was suggested that perhaps the real problem was that most of us did not know what a half-truth was, for there are many types that are unknown to the general population and have only recently been exposed on sites like www.wikepedia.com.

But the real question remains why have the media not exposed this corruption in social services by cult feminists, and some cult-lesbian feminists who have preyed on vulnerable women. (source. G. Landolt-Real Women of Canada)

Why given that this information was given, faxed to Canada's major news and media vehicles has this been left unexposed ?

I came across a copy of a fax that sent out January 11, 1995 and this 'corruption' of the Childrens Aid Society was exposed. Yet on Canada's major TV networks and newsnetworks, this concept of 'predators' within the Children's Aid Society has been silenced by whom ? and for what reasons ?

As the slogan goes, it is time to break the silence on this very, very corrupt philosophical agenda within social problems that is more about the financial gain derived from social problems than correcting and preventing them.

Pity...truth again has been betrayed for a handful of silver !

2006-10-31 11:54:26 · 3 answers · asked by Caesar J. B. Squitti 1

Wal-Mart has adopted a new company poicy!! They now have uniformed employees walking around, these emplyees have uniforms that say "Asset Protection" and also carry radios and flashlights. These employees are also allowed to approach costumers inside the store and ask them to not open items... What do u guys think about this issue??

2006-10-31 11:52:22 · 11 answers · asked by chepe1982 1

ok i under stand in places like wall mart etc but restrunts should have a somking section its getting out of hand one place in CA was trying to stop you from you beeing able to smoke in your car or house it will be that way hear soon in tupelo mississippi i mean ant this the land of free and ever day we get backed up in a cornor
more and more is thear not any thing we can do way back when the price went up on smokes and the a holes said it was to stop kids from smoking that was alot of bull just like us when we was kids we wanted them we found a way to get them is this realy the land of the free NOT ANY MORE the goverment want stop till thay can tell us what and were we can do ever thing or so i think im not a troulble maker just asking for answers GODBLESS

2006-10-31 11:49:02 · 6 answers · asked by runninglate 2

I doubt it !!!!!

2006-10-31 11:44:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it illegal to sleep with ur teacher in U.K even though u r over 18yrs old?if so,why?

2006-10-31 11:28:41 · 8 answers · asked by Tara 6

I know he has been in prison...just want to know what he was there for and if there are other past offenses

2006-10-31 11:10:16 · 9 answers · asked by mamaonetexasone 2

my girlfriend is going to have our baby and she moved to texas to be closer to her parents while all this happens. My p.o. said that he doesn't belive that i can move since i don't have any immediate family there. also i was convicted in georgia and paroled to this state from there. Does anyone know of a way that i can move there with out getting in any legal trouble?

2006-10-31 10:57:51 · 13 answers · asked by casual 2

How is this a challenge? Tolerance, is a big aspect of this, such as accepting others opinions or tolerating smoking in public. Do you have any other ideas or opinions about this, in any way, shape or form?

2006-10-31 10:53:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous W 2

i would like particularly to hear from americans, do you agree with the system in the usa? and for the people of britain would you like to see it introduced here for murderers, rapists, paedophiles and drug pushers? surely now they can not make mistakes in accusing people if they now have the use of dna, if applicable in crime, in killing an innocent person!

2006-10-31 10:37:45 · 55 answers · asked by dastardly 2

Your friend has e-mailed you the URL of a new Web site that permits free music downloading. The site maintains a central database of thousands of the most current and popular music tracks. You vaguely remember that the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) issued thousands of subpoenas to Intrnet service providers across the United States in an attempt to get the names of people offering music on file-sharing networks, such as KaZaA and Grokster. But this is different, isn't it? You are simply downloading from a central database; you're not sharing your music with others. Are there any legal or ethical issues that would keep you from accessing this Web site?

2006-10-31 10:36:46 · 2 answers · asked by student 2

My best friend's husband was in an accident and on a respirator and nonresponsive. For some odd reason they were not on each other's bank accounts and she needs to have access to his accounts to pay his bills. Does she need to consult a lawyer to get power of attorney to handle his finances?

2006-10-31 10:30:10 · 7 answers · asked by Nikki M 2

I understand that men are more hormonal but how does feeling justify doing? Please give a serious answer with some thought.

And why is it respected? It actually makes me think less of men. I just see them as loose, contemptable, unrespectable sex objects.

2006-10-31 09:53:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-31 09:46:04 · 4 answers · asked by Mvlb 1

I am looking for an attorney to handle a case in which an abused 15-year-old juvenile, who was forced into a situation whereby he did something foolish and shot and killed someone, is in need of an attorney. Actually, the boy has been appointed a public defender, but a pro-bono attorney is needed to file a "John Doe Proceeding" complaint at the courthouse in Baraboo, WI against the boy's father, who is the one who abused the boy. The charge would center around the father not adequately storing and locking his guns. It would be ideal to have an attorney in Baraboo handle the case, but Madison is not too far away - only about 50 miles. Details of the case and witnesses will be supplied to the attorney. You can email me with details if you are, or know of, such an attorney.
Thanks, Joe Conrad

2006-10-31 09:42:25 · 2 answers · asked by Joe Conrad 2

(Nothing like watching 'smokefree Ohio' volunteers taking a smoke break...)

2006-10-31 09:41:00 · 3 answers · asked by Curt 4

This employee calls off 2 times a week and says she can't be fired because of the 12 weeks for FMLA. She intends to take a day off here, a day off there, until her 12 weeks are up. This puts a large strain on the other emploees, who must make up her hours. Can anyone do this for any chronic illness? Is it legal?

2006-10-31 09:33:07 · 3 answers · asked by Roger T 2

I moved in w/ someone and I have paid 400 a month for 6 months to come to $1600 I ended up paying $1675.00.

We never had a lease and I am paid in ful and move out. We agreed to bi weekly payments and I just moved out because she lost her job and wanted me to give her one payment of $400 instead of bi weekly.

Because I have moved out PAID IN FULL and w/o a lease is there anything she can do to me?

2006-10-31 09:31:04 · 6 answers · asked by WDubsW 5

So why do conservatives support unsafe cars?

2006-10-31 09:30:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I moved in w/ someone and I have paid 400 a month for 6 months to come to $1600 I ended up paying $1675.00.

We never had a lease and I am paid in ful and move out. We agreed to bi weekly payments and I just moved out because she lost her job and wanted me to give her one payment of $400 instead of bi weekly.

Because I have moved out PAID IN FULL and w/o a lease is there anything she can do to me?

2006-10-31 09:27:18 · 8 answers · asked by WDubsW 5

If I was randomly walking around and I saw somebody being assaulted, will I get in trouble with the law for pulling out a gun and threatening the assaulters?

2006-10-31 09:25:22 · 12 answers · asked by Deuce 2

and can a person not pay taxes because of this being against their religion?

2006-10-31 09:09:06 · 7 answers · asked by Midge 7

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