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Law & Ethics - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

should you be able to call your dear old grandma in scotland(or anyother place that isnt the USA) on her birthday using your pre-paid cell, and talk about your "bomb"astic uncle "bush" and his "shooting" foot pains with out Uncle sam spying on your every word like your some sort of common scum?

yes or no answers only being as thats what the conservatives seem to be limiting us too ha. then if you want enlighten me with your logic maites.

2006-09-19 17:59:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

That I don't think I should pay because the guy I bought it from got it at an auction and the license plate will be different tomorrow. If they trace the plate that is on it, it will lead back to an owner who is dedeased. Can I get away with this??

2006-09-19 17:59:12 · 17 answers · asked by keepitsafe2think 2

2006-09-19 17:53:59 · 6 answers · asked by live_love_music_4ever 2

about a year ago my father owned the car that is now mine. While at a mans house doing some repair work the man backed into the car while parked and put a huge dint in the car. The car has since been signed over to me. We have tried and tried to get this man to report this to his insurance company and give us the money that is rightfully ours. We have given him several qoutes to repair the vehical. He is looking at about 1,300$ to fix it. He refuses to answer our calls, or call us back. When we do get him on the phone he says its been to long.. i am not paying. Or other bs excuses. I have been told to file a civil suit against him. Will it hold up in court having been so long ago, and having been switched to another persons name since the accident.

2006-09-19 17:48:06 · 6 answers · asked by sera 3

If the dignity of a human being is not important enough to protect by statue and law, then what does protect human diginity?
Do we base our Laws and our Constitutions on our fears alone?

2006-09-19 17:46:20 · 4 answers · asked by zclifton2 6

I am the president of my colleges young democrats club. we want to use a picture on our club t-shirts. It depicts a donkey and it says "democrats are sexy" however it was used as a joke piece on the "Daily Show" Our clubs advisor says that it may be copywrited and we would have to get permission to use it from comedy central, which would be tendious.
My question is does the use of this emblem/icon on our t-shirts fall in line with the "fair use" or satirical (parody)statutes?

It would only be worn by our group members on our campus, which only consists of about a couple dozen people, and not mass produced.


2006-09-19 17:30:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

It doesnt bother me personally but some people are very much against it... I say if you have nothing to hide dont worry.

2006-09-19 17:11:21 · 28 answers · asked by upsetinkenosha 2

it was less than a half of a gram of cocaine which i believe is a class a misdemeanor.

2006-09-19 16:42:35 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe that it is unfair. An example would be O.J. Simpson. He was found NOT-GUILTY, but paid millions. I call BS on that one. I believe he is innocent. If he did it, props to getting away with it my man.

2006-09-19 16:37:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

He was tortured, held in a coffin sized chamber for 10 months. It's all very disgusting, he was visiting the US and they "captured" him, asked him questions, and I'm guessing he didn't give them the authorities the right answers so they sent him to Syria, where they could torture him and not be under American law... What in the hell is our government coming to!? Is BUSH so blind that he thinks that he can do NO WRONG, he's an arrogant jackass, that is ruining people's lives. American's, innocent Muslim's, the countries he's in to establish "democracy". How can he enforce democracy in another country when our own democratic ways are being distorted and dwindling. When does Mr. George W. Bush get held ACCOUNTABLE for his ignorant actions!?

2006-09-19 16:11:59 · 11 answers · asked by allsmiles_24seven 2

Does it really exist in this country or is it just a bunch of words put together to make us feel safe?

2006-09-19 16:09:33 · 9 answers · asked by Phoenix Rising 6

I know it's a little bit cliche, but this question is a good illustrative point....

If there was a bomb about to go off in an American elementary school and you had the guy that planted the bomb in custody, would you be willing to torture the location of the bomb out of him in order to diffuse it, or would you condemn all of those innocent children to a terrible, painful, violent death ala Beslan, Russia?

I bet that the most vocal opponents of "dubya's torture plans" on Yahoo Answers avoid answering this question like the cowards that they are.


2006-09-19 15:58:08 · 23 answers · asked by salaamrashaad 2

I just want to know what everyone's take on it was. Personally, I didn't see any clear evidence that he murdered his late wife, Kathleen Atwater. He was mainly tried for having an affair outside of his marriage. So, tell me what you think please.

I want actual answers that show some thought went into them. If I see any answers that are insulting to ME, then you just might be reported. Don't be stupid.

2006-09-19 15:54:33 · 7 answers · asked by iwannarevolt 4

he said i was useing a cingular phone to harass a person i proved i had no cingular phone. cingular confirmed i had no account. he said he just called cingular and they said yes he has a phone.i know cingular doesent give out personal info over the phone. do i ahve a civil law suit against the city and the police officer

2006-09-19 15:34:57 · 12 answers · asked by hackstudio 4

Or do they think that they can pick and choose which rights the people can have.

2006-09-19 15:30:30 · 8 answers · asked by Jack S. Buy more ammo! 4

My husband was convicted of second degree murder of a child. His ex-girlfriend actually did it. But she testified against him. She already had a case pending on her in California for child abuse. His court appointed lawyer convinced him to sign a plea bargain for 10 to 17 years because he was facing 30 years. He was scared the jury would believe her so he signed the plea. The verdict came back not guilty, but the judge sent him to jail anyway. He got 17 years. His attorney did not advise him about how to appeal his case. By the time he found out how to put in for an appeal, too much time had passed. He has a flat sentence so he can't put in for clemensy. Somebody help me find him an attorney so I can him out of there!

2006-09-19 15:20:26 · 4 answers · asked by mrodbj91404 1

or will they stop to ponder the profit in it first??

2006-09-19 15:09:48 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friends daughter was playing a supervised game in school..they were jumping around using hands and legs and she unintentionally knocked another 6 year old student into the wall and it broke a portion of his tooth. The school acknoweledged that it was an accident. They told the injured student's parents and they called my friend demanding payment for the tooth. I feel that this was an activity that obviously put children in danger..accidents happen however if there is any liability I feel that it would be on the school's part. The other parents said they would see her in court...What course of action should she take to protect herself and do these parents have any right to sue her?? Thanks!

2006-09-19 14:56:15 · 8 answers · asked by nicknamegone 1

i hate smelling other people smoke when i walk in a store or am out at the beach i came for fresh air not fresh smoke seems a lot of smokers just dont care

2006-09-19 14:54:23 · 17 answers · asked by dpjrocheleau 2

A good friend of mine has gotten into trouble with the law. She's a good person, just made some bad decisions with the wrong people. She is facing criminal charges, and needs a lawyer, but is not in a financial position to pay for one outright. I know that some lawyers take on isolated cases pro-bono; how would she go about locating those kind of lawyers? Any websites, resources, physical locations, etc. would be helpful. She lives in Atlanta, GA.

2006-09-19 14:43:45 · 4 answers · asked by Chances 1

i am a man it seems to me if a mans a player then every words a lie but on the other hand woman will lie about almost anything

2006-09-19 14:43:40 · 5 answers · asked by dpjrocheleau 2

What is the legal term for: when one thing is bad, everything is bad? For instance, a partial confession is obtained before the suspect is mirandized, when the officer asks, "what did you do?" Then the suspect is mirandized and chooses to continue with confession and other details. In court, the judge supresses the confession, because the first part of the confession was obtained "illegally". The whole confession is spoiled because one part is bad, so the whole is bad....what is this called? Help!!!

2006-09-19 14:41:40 · 9 answers · asked by swadey8 1

Even the murderer's motive is the main reason, and guns are just a means, it takes time to alter the culture

2006-09-19 14:02:11 · 8 answers · asked by ◄Hercules► 6

what is the minimum age to move out of your parents house in texas without going through the court system? i have heard it was 17 and 18 and i need to know. I live with my mom who is remarried and would like to move out. also if you do move out before 18 do you have to stay in the state or can you leave the state?

2006-09-19 13:59:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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