My husband pled guilty to possesion and not manufacturing because he was not, he had a trial by judge, I have put out over 10,000 for the appeal already and the police did not break down the door with him "cooking" he was out of town buring his late wife and they arrested him the day he got back, the CI that turned him in was the same person care taking his house while he was gone and had been arrested 3 days earlier for the exact same thing, he had a record many times over for the same crime, my husband is 53 was working, has never been arrested and tested clean when drug tested, the lab was found by the police on his kitchen table and my husband was not even home actually not even in the state, the police waited for him to get there, so it was judged on a felonys word against his,a PD that didn't care, and a judge that had to explain out of 5 warrants issued that day the only one that stood up was my husbands because he pled to possession. don't think for 1 min this can't be you
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