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Immigration - September 2007

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It's sick how many people think he shouldn't get a dime back. He's not a professional smuggler, drug dealer or scam artist. He's an illegal immigrant that just came here to work and help out his family. I even read someone write that $59,000 isn't a whole lot of money, so what's the big deal? OMG, do you not realize this man worked 11 years for this? Not everyone has millions in their trust fund like you?

This isn't the same kind of illegal like killing someone, smuggling drugs or robbing a bank; it's just being in the country without the government's knowledge. It's done all over the world, and no one really will put you behind bars like a criminal for it.

Give the man back his money, this is wrong.

2007-09-29 07:38:27 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

New York State Governer Eliot Spitzer has ordered DMV to issue illegal aliens driver's licenses.

2007-09-29 06:59:13 · 23 answers · asked by Brain 2

Another absolutely disgusting example of pre-emptive dhimmitude, in the name of tolerance and multiculturalism, right here in the US: First Jell-O, now Santa.

So long, Halloween parade. Farewell, Santa’s gift shop.

The holiday traditions are facing elimination in some Oak Lawn schools this year after complaints that the activities are offensive, particularly to Muslim students.

Final decisions on which of the festivities will be axed will fall to the principals at each of Ridgeland School District 122’s five schools, Supt. Tom Smyth said.

Parents expect that the announcement is going to add to the tension that has been building since officials agreed earlier this month to change the lunch menu to exclude items containing pork to accommodate Muslim students. News that Jell-O was struck from the menu caused such a stir that officials have agreed to bring it back.

Gelatin is often made with tissue or bones of pigs or other animals.http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=27279_Illinois_Schools_Canceling_Christmas_and_Halloween_to_Avoid_Offending_Muslims&only
First, Muslims do not respect my feelings, nor my religion. I am offended by their demands to remove my religion from the public eye, where is the ACLU and school administrators and the goverment for me?

If this is not stopped, the next step is crosses and stars of David banned in public. It WILL happen withing 5 years unless we say “NO MORE” NOW. Then, they will have churches moved by force from near Muslim communities, and it just gets worse from there.

WE have the power to stop this. Our religion deserves as much respect and consideration as theirs, if not MORE as we are Primarily a Christian nation, and we need, as Christians, to stop letting people ban any aspect of our faith because it ‘offends” someone. We need to tell these idiotic school administrators that they need to respect the riligion of EVERYONE who attends the schools, and if they won’t, they will be removed. If even 25% of the parents of that district would put down the remote control and call the board and complain, this ban will be lifted in a big hurry.

Our Constitution has no provisions that promise anyone the freedom from being offended, and there are no provisions that cater to newly arrived immigrants and their religion. We are supposed to have a freedom of religion in this country, as given us as a natural state of mankind, but it’s being eroded everytime a Muslim uses our weakness (lberals) to eat away at our freedoms little by little, which plays into their religions agenda of conquering and converting the world.

We need to get our freedom of religion back, and stop these forces from making us ashamed/guilty/fearful of expressing, practicing and celebrating our faith in the public. There is NOTHING inherently offensive in Christmas, except to a non-believer who wishes for Christianity to be destroyed, or to an athiest who fights against faith because it attacks their inner void.

I could be angry, I could rant, but I’d rather DO SOMETHING. This could be the work of several lifetimes, for all of us, to turn the ship, but it can be done. This is OUR country, even though every day it seems like it less and less.

2007-09-29 06:49:09 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

First of all, Pedro the Guatamalen from Stuart Florida didnt pay taxes for 11 years....Now ICE has raided McDonalds in the Reno area for Identity theft...they got 56 people in that raid...Difference between those in Reno and Pedro is that those in Reno used forged documents...so here's the question...If they were using forged documents, were they really paying taxes? In my opinion, they werent...in fact they were breaking IRS laws as well as being here illegally. working illegally, as well as breaking laws in regards to identity theft...These are not scattered cases people...this is rampant, and the true victims of this are the american taxpayers...

2007-09-29 05:31:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-29 05:21:45 · 13 answers · asked by Edge Caliber 6

I saw it on the news. He was a dishwasher and he managed to save up all that money. The day finally arrived where he would go home to El Salvador with the money and put it towards a house. Well he didn't claim it at the airport and now the US government is ceasing 100% of it and they told him to leave the country by January.

He said "I no longer like America" LOL I don't blame you bro.

2007-09-29 04:01:58 · 20 answers · asked by Orange County is great! 2

my wife left me 2 months ago , we live in new york, how does this child support situation work , is my wife able to file for child support for one child with the courts unless we have a separation agreement in tack, basically my question is dont we have to be legally separated for her to collect child support, also how do i go about filing a legal separation for a divorce

2007-09-29 03:48:49 · 11 answers · asked by L F 1

Given how much hatred for illegal aliens has been expressed on this board, I was wondering how many of you think illegal immigrants should be killed? Several people have said that the U.S. should build a minefield along the border with Mexico. Several others have also said that anyone found to be in the U.S. illegally should be instantly shot. Rather strange, since most people rant about how inhumane it is to use the Death Penalty on murderers and rapists. Do you support a policy like this, such as having a mine field on the border, stationing troops on the border to shoot anyone trying to enter the U.S., or perhaps a policy of immediately shooting anyone found to be in the U.S. illegally? And if so, do you really think that illegal aliens are as dangerous (or more dangerous than) murderers?

2007-09-29 02:02:13 · 12 answers · asked by vh 3

I should`ve been more specific with my initial question .

2007-09-28 20:28:50 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in Southern California where I experience rent increases on average of about 20% per year. I'm young and single, and not in any position to buy a home at this point, especially not at the absurd prices people want for them.

Question: Are we just going to let hordes of Mexicans come here until young professionals and young families are forced to live 20 people to a two bedroom house like the Mexicans because of unplanned population increases of poor slobs and a lack of available land to develop housing?

2007-09-28 17:48:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have 2 questions concerning this:

1)HAD he done the proper paperwork, would he have been able to go with the money and on home? or would the authorities eventually see hes illegal and take away the money as well????

2)how do illegals send money home while still in the states?

2007-09-28 15:27:58 · 20 answers · asked by Moore55 4

i'm a green card holder and i will be applying for us citizenship next year and i want to get my husband here. will that affect my petition if i dont change my marital status. which department should i notify for this change? do i need to change my last name too? how?

2007-09-28 15:21:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

they are undocumented. The rest of us have to be documented, which means we are held accountable.
How can anyone defend illegal residents without any type
of documentation living in our country?

2007-09-28 15:16:39 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

this illegal was caught at the airport after working here in the usa with 59,000 that he was taking back to his country to build his family a home he worked 12 years and saved every dime and did not pay a dime of taxes but do you think the goverment should give it back to him?

2007-09-28 14:05:51 · 28 answers · asked by mishoney 4


Why are we losing rights here in the U.S. and people that do not belong here are getting more rights ?Why are not our laws being enforced and those who break the are getting rewarded . What is wrong with those in power ?

2007-09-28 13:51:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that babies brought in to this country are also being punished for a choice that they didnt make?

For all they knew, they could've been born here...this country is their homeland.

2007-09-28 13:41:06 · 17 answers · asked by diana m 1

i sponcerd my husband from another countery, he was in canada only 2 months and he doest not want to be married to me anymore and wants a diviorce so i want to know how can i deport him from here thanks

2007-09-28 12:59:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

In another signal that she’s an open borders proponent, Speaker Pelosi criticized the border fence currently being built. She made these comments as part of her pandering to the Hispanic Engineering, Science & Technology Week conference “I have been against the fence, I thought it’s a bad idea even when it was just a matter of discussion,” said Pelosi, D-Calif. “These are communities where you have a border going through them, they are not communities where you have a fence splitting them.”
In making these comments, Ms. Pelosi is essentially saying that she’s placing a higher priority on not splitting up communities than on enforcing the law. She’s also essentially saying that ‘not splitting up communities’ is a higher priority than closing down the border so we can stop terrorists before they get here.Ms. Pelosi’s pandering shows that Democrats put politics ahead of national security. Simply put, Ms. Pelosi’s panderfest is meant to collect votes. Based on these quotes, it’s obvious that she either doesn’t care about setting intelligent national security policy or she’s willing to deceive Hispanics with her rhetoric while practicing another thing.
That isn’t the only subject on which she pandered:Pelosi also touted legislation known as the DREAM Act that would make it easier for some illegal immigrants to receive higher education benefits. She spoke at a conference that drew more than 5,000 students for activities designed to inspire careers in science and technology.“It just isn’t fair,” Pelosi said. “Those young people who came to America one way or another…their opportunities are curtailed because of the situation. And it’s not only harmful to them; it’s harmful to the country.”Ms. Pelosi wants to talk about what’s fair? Let’s talk fair then. What’s fair about forcing parents, whose burden is stiff enough in sending their own children to college, much less burdening them with additional taxes so illegal immigrants can get the same tuition rates as their children? What’s fair about illegal immigrant children then using that college degree to compete with students who got the lower tuition rates legitimately?

I don’t think that that’s fair at all. I’d bet the ranch that most people across the nation would agree with me.


2007-09-28 12:56:45 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-28 12:23:31 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-09-28 11:38:49 · 10 answers · asked by DAR 7


yes! they break the law!

we don't!!
we drink after 21
we don't cheat on taxes
we drive 60mph...max
we don't kill anyone (exept iraq, Hiroshima&Nagasaki...
Vietnam..) overall we're clean.

we're helping to "rebuilt iraq" cuz arabians didn't hijack the

we will send 'em out (mexicans) cuz take our jobs away
like landscaping...(american dream job & we love it)

We Love USA

2007-09-28 11:15:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was listening to the news today and this is what they said. Does anybody in Congress understand whats really going on these days?

2007-09-28 11:07:01 · 16 answers · asked by Jill S 5

- lower prices of goods because of lower wages to the illegals
- help the economy because it helps foreign economy
- more money spent in the US
- more GDP
- more diverse country
- sports and entertainment
- military (i believe there are 600,000 immigrants serving now)
- competition for jobs (both skilled and nonskilled work)
- inadequate housing for illegals
- drain the economy because illegals aren't paying taxes and still use the welfare system and the workers compensation and emergency room. tax payers pay for this.
- illegal immigration causes discrimation to the "foreigners" who are here legally
- hostility among people because this issue is so controversial
- illegals are breaking the law, should we just allow that to happen and give them amnesty?

Another problem connected- Globalization- we don't need illegals coming over here to take the jobs because the business are already sending the jobs to them leaving americans workers unemployed.

2007-09-28 10:31:47 · 18 answers · asked by vkmiller2006 2

Reyes kills Melanie Goodwin, a Texan.

The Big Story-Foxnews.com

2007-09-28 10:11:26 · 27 answers · asked by xenypoo 7

I mean we do have 1.6 million unemployed and another 2 million on Incapacity benefit.
What will happen when the recession starts?

2007-09-28 09:43:44 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous


He knew he was here illegally.
He knew he was evading taxes.
Yet he thought that because he had a job, he was not breaking the law or somehow incapable of being a criminal.

Do illegal aliens believe that ignorance of the law is an excuse to break it?

2007-09-28 07:23:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

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