look i understand that we need to secure the borders that is a priority, i understand that coming here illegally is illegal, hence the term "illegal", i also understand that people should do it the right way. but..what i dont understand is people calling Illegal immigrants Criminals, people classifying them as criminals, well as far as i was concerned a criminal is someone who harms society, now i dont know about you guys out there but i havent been hurt by illegal immigrants, yes there are some that break the laws just as there are some American Citizens who break the laws and comit more horrific crimes, so why clasify them as criminals when about more than half of them havent even hurt society in any sort of way. anotehr thing i dont get is why do "anti Immigrant' people tend to use racial slurs and bash on people who just want to express their viewpoing? so please give me your viewpoint on this thank you
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