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Immigration - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

2006-07-08 06:40:04 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I,m not trying to be racest ok , but , why is it that the British people have there name reduced to Britt ok?But its supposed to be offencive if you abreviate Pakistani to Paki, why is that, and could i take somone to court for calling me a Britt????

2006-07-08 06:39:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

so immigrats will become part of the usa

2006-07-08 06:14:58 · 19 answers · asked by naty1992 2

When "successful" industrialized nations require new cheap labor immigrants to maintain all global-growth without unions, and environmental limits what nation isn't motivated to work the overpopulated masses as indentured servants, or slaves in cheap labor wages to insure that free trade works for democracies, or Plutodemocracies it doesn't matter for Capitolist or Socialist who run them as plutocrats?

2006-07-08 06:00:35 · 3 answers · asked by hickman_william@sbcglobal.net 1

Every day Americans force thousands of hispanics to leave Mexico, and risk our lives crossing the southern United States, and after we get here , they want us to leave... do they veiw us as a temporary solution to their problems ?

2006-07-08 05:24:11 · 28 answers · asked by chupa_minor 1

He needs his work permit and everything, he hasn't even started the process. We live in NY state and I need to know what immigration is going to check, income, ect? Help!

2006-07-08 05:06:03 · 5 answers · asked by sinazena 1

I know that American immigration laws only allow so many immigrants from each country in yearly. When illegals are given amnesty, the numbers of illegals are deducted from the amount of immigrants allowed in the country, further slowing the process for real immigrants. I just wonder how many illegals, and their supporters are aware of this, and understand that amnesty will further hinder the people trying to come here legally.

2006-07-08 03:45:33 · 22 answers · asked by Spirited1 2

Are there other countries that don't try very hard to stop illegal aliens from flooding across their borders? Do other countries give illegals free health care? Liberals in the U.S. want to give hispanic illegals THE RIGHT TO VOTE! Does this kind of madness happen elsewhere in the world? Or is the nuttiness pretty much contained in America?

2006-07-08 03:37:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Especially considering I weigh 500 pounds, so I can't work and live of of welfare?

2006-07-08 03:19:50 · 16 answers · asked by sealrborders 1

We will profile those that are a major threat to us such as those Arabs. We can interview them in a camp facility for 1 days and then let them visit us. They must meet our immigration criteria. I am not being racist but only profiling like GWB said.


2006-07-08 02:38:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

when did you get electricity, do you have pavel roads, do kangaroos jump down the streets and koalas live in your backyard. I was just wondering of hand what peoples impressions of Australia are?...if you have been here if you havent.

2006-07-08 02:30:27 · 10 answers · asked by skattered0077 5

It looks like a Vulture to me but heard it was suppossed to be an Eagle.

2006-07-08 02:29:08 · 7 answers · asked by tripledigit67 3

2006-07-08 02:25:55 · 6 answers · asked by tripledigit67 3

As the UK population makeup changes, will we start seeing the same political problem experienced by Fiji?

Please read the links before commenting.



2006-07-08 02:17:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

With all the hue and cry about enforcing our border laws, you'd think it was like they were putting someone through a meat grinder when they get sent home from the US for not being legal. I think our law enforcement system's pretty humane, there, they don't just run down the street clubbing down the poor like in some countries...and americans just want the border enforced, and as soon as the situation between america and mexico has settled down, then get a handle on the OTHER countries that send us their illegals...well, not 'send', but just really do a shitty job of preventing their people from going all over hell including into the United States...

2006-07-08 02:00:49 · 30 answers · asked by gokart121 6

I am sick of the pro-crime croud yelling racism when illegal aliens are mentioned!

2006-07-08 01:48:59 · 20 answers · asked by athorgarak 4

The gates seem wide open to other immigrant groups.

2006-07-08 01:44:14 · 5 answers · asked by mdsmailbox 1

There are many. It may be hard to chose just one. Use as many as you wish. Personally, the most ridiculous one I have ever heard is comparing their position with the tragedy of the World War 2 holocaust and the systematic extermination of almost 6 million Jews. That comparison was obscene and shows that they have no shame whatsoever.

2006-07-08 01:09:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If our government decides that Big Lettuce's needs are more important than the wishes of american voters, is it time for recall elections?

2006-07-08 01:06:36 · 10 answers · asked by gokart121 6

Maybe the deceived people who support illegals here could get a grip if they saw it laid out like this:
1. They know it is a crime to come here without the permission, so they sneak in.
crime #1
2. They cannot leglly work. they get jobs
crime #2
3. They do not pay taxes into a federally mandated program that is designated for each individual worker
crime #3
4. Some use fake ID and social SS#.. crime #4, #5
5. Some use REAL SS#'s and adopt other REAL person's IDENTITY. Crimes #6 & #7
6. Drive without licenses, insurance, without valid plates. Crimes #8, 9, &10
7. Give false names when arrested. Crime #11
8. defraud emergency rooms with false names or receive service with no intention of paying, due to the inability really find out who they were
9. Assist other illegals by finding jobs, residences, aquireing fake ID & SS#, Helping other illegals to cross the border, either financially or putting them in contact with 'coyotes' all this=conspiracy
CRIMES #13-19

2006-07-08 00:13:44 · 16 answers · asked by athorgarak 4

In the application form, they ask us to provide our Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate.
In India we show our Secondary School Leaving Certificate where our Birth Dates are provided as proof of our age. Re: Marriage certificate, we have no such certificate till last year. Only last year they enacted a law to get a certificate for marriages. How to solve this set back.

2006-07-08 00:02:11 · 5 answers · asked by sundhar23 1

Us selfish, narrow-minded xenophobes need love, too...

2006-07-07 23:54:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should we change the laws to something like this?
Anyone entering the USA on a permanent legal alien basis will have only one period of status. After such time they MUST either apply for citizenship, or leave.

I can see no reason to allow anyone to live thier entire life here, enjoying the benefits, without assuming the responsabilities , as well

2006-07-07 23:41:16 · 6 answers · asked by athorgarak 4

Why not, still, stopping the printing and displaying of other languages and have the people who do not want to assimilate pay the burden of translation?

They asked to participate in the American sociaety, nd if they do not want to do so fuylly, why not have them bring qualified interpreters (that would bring jobs to the country) for government appointments and such. Is it not more fair to have the ones causing the 'problem' (for lack of a better trm) pick up the tab?
I do not want my tax dollars spent on more printing due to someone's laziness or desire to have their cake and eat it too!

2006-07-07 23:38:02 · 4 answers · asked by athorgarak 4

It does not make snese to me, hat millions upon millions of dollars are spent each year by my government, printing up various versions of forms, booklets, etc to cater to those that have asked, and been approved, to participate in our society (not to mention the burden of forcing prvate businesses to spend thier own monies to cater to this clientel)!
If you aks to join a baseball team, you have to attain the required equipment (glove, uniform etc...), so why, if one ask to participate in American culture, should that person be allowed to refuse to do so at the basest level (communication)?
I would propose a 6 month period whereby ALL LEGAL aliens MUST stisfacorily complete a language course , one that ends with the person reading, writing, and speaking, in a passable fashion or they would then be removed from the USA.


This would also make it easier to spot illegals!

2006-07-07 23:21:45 · 22 answers · asked by athorgarak 4

1- Today Bush actually claimed his plan is not an amnesty even though it would give immediate legal residency in the U.S to the 12 million illegal aliens and the eventual granting of U.S. citizenship after paying a fine !!!

2 - Pres. Bush said the answer to slowing down illegal immigration is to allow any American company to hire any willing foreign worker. We assume he would require some kind of safeguard for American workers, but he didn't specify any !!!!???!!

3 - Pres. Bush is so out of touch with 86% of Americans on this issue that many Republicans AND even more Democrats are urging everything possible be done to embolden Members of the House to continue to oppose Bush and the Senate bill -- and to stand firm in pushing forward H.R. 4437 passed by the House last December. The House bill would strengthen enforcement in many ways and begin an attrition that would lead to most current illegal aliens going to their home countries over time.

What is President Bush doing !!!?

2006-07-07 23:19:45 · 8 answers · asked by richardsalvatore 2

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