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Immigration - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

As of June 2006, the quota for H-1 visas has been filled (65,000).

I'm a business man who is in dire need of hiring few foreign nationals for my business. These guys are HIGHLY experienced computer engineers who will basically make or break my business (located in Silicon Valley).

My questions:

1) Any alternative routes?
2) Is there a way to "bend" the quota/limit? Any exceptions to the rule?
3) I hear J visas are a possiblity.. any thoughts on this?
4) Can I also hire someone who's on a tourist visa (via H-1)?
5) Does this quota apply if I am hiring someone who already has a H1? (i.e. transferring the visa sponsors)

2006-07-07 10:34:52 · 2 answers · asked by FeedTheWorld! 1

by Amaar Ali Nama. If you answered this question and felt sorry for him because he claimed to be an Iraqi in the US who is spit on on a daily basis, please read what he said in a previous question here in this site. This person is not who he says he is and he is a racist, himself. He asks why "Mexicans smell like beans and soggy tacos." See his question at:


2006-07-07 10:06:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


My name is Juan, and I crossed the border two years ago. My wife has had three kids since then. I regularly take my children to the hospital for free health care, to the grocery store to buy food with my free food stamps, and then enroll them in a school that has to pay for more teachers and print all materials in Spanish for them.

Last week there was an election in Mexico that I couldn't vote for. Isn't it inhumane that I can get all of these wonderful American benefits that should only be available to citizens, yet I can't vote for the President of a country that I don't even live in?

I want to be able to wave my Mexican flag and vote in the Mexican election, and yet still get all of the American benefits that are mine by right because my people rightfully took this country from the indians who took this country from the buffaloes who took this country from the dinosaurs.

Can you help me in my plight? VIVA LA RAZA BLANCA!

2006-07-07 09:54:36 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Keep in mind that America is the whole continent from Argentina to Alaska.

2006-07-07 09:25:59 · 65 answers · asked by SJH 1

What do people think when the President isn't planning a making any illegals leave?

They may have to pay a fine or do some community service for breaking the law, How do cons feel about a Pres who supports that instead of jail or deportation?

2006-07-07 09:24:52 · 15 answers · asked by The Angry Stick Man 6

43 leaders OPPOSE amnesty candidates!!! "A group of 43 influintial opinion leaders-including Alan Keyes,Phyllis Schlafly,David Horowitz,and swiftboat activist John O'neil-have signed a declaration,pledging to withhold support for ANY candidate,democrat or republican, who votes for legislation providing "amnesty or a "guest worker" program for ILLEGALS!!! The members,say the immigration bill passed by the Senate,and a plan proposed by the House,which they call "amesty lite",are UNACCEPTABLE!! "The cost of the Senate amnesty for ILLEGALS alone,would be $50 BILLION dollars a YEAR,for entitlements,including medicaid,social security,Earned Income Tax Credit,food stamps,public housing,temporary assistance to needy families,and federally funded legal representation!!! "Any amesty would move America toward a future like France,which is STAGGERING under burden of "guest workers" who never went home". Illegals must be STOPPED!!

2006-07-07 09:17:56 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Libs who are pro-illegal immigration are anti-war in Iraq?

The Mexicans have a right to a better lifestyle, but to hell with economic stability for the Iraqis.

We're supposed to reach out and help the people of other countries, like Mexico, yet not help the people of Iraq.

Of course, it is our fault that we have a prosperous nation, how dare we create a government that doesn't have a revolution every 20 years?!? That we should create a system that supports it's citizens instead of tossing them in the streets?

It is our obligation to give everything we have the less fortunates.

At least, as long as they are not Iraqi.

Liberals are racist; racist against Iraqis.

2006-07-07 09:00:03 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay,so this guy I know has lived in the USA for 8yrs illegally.Last month he finally got his approval for his legalization.But he lived here 8yrs illegally before he got approved.Do you approve of him being here?

If you approve because he's now legal,well what about the 8yrs he was illegal?

And if you can approve of him now,then why not approve to let every illegal here become legal?

I'm not talking amnesty for all illegals.But if people who've been here 8yrs illegal until now suddenly become okay because they've been approved by INS,then why's it not okay for the others to get their chance ?Why send them back before they can try?

2006-07-07 08:55:00 · 19 answers · asked by Fluttery 3

will never acquire land that the USA possesses? Their fabled Aztlan is OUR 'southwest'. All your hatred for the Americans of the USA and your persistent cries of getting 'whitey' out only makes the USA more determined to tighten up on ALL Latino's, so you only hurt yourselves. We will defend our country, even if WE must go against our OWN laws to do it. We have our "Resistance" in place. <><>.Lock, load and aim straight<><>

2006-07-07 08:47:14 · 15 answers · asked by vacant 3

another grehttp://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/fr32.htmlat democratic president !!!

VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2006-07-07 08:15:58 · 26 answers · asked by Baby F 1

My belief is that they are cheating the system because just because thy serve in Iraq, a war I don't support, does not mean that they are citizens. They are still on American bases and territory illegally and regardless of what they do they are still illegal. This is just my opinion, however, and I would like to see if people agree or disagree with me.

2006-07-07 08:10:51 · 27 answers · asked by ithink 2

If there were no borders a man moving from Mexico to Texas will be considered hard working not an illegal alien. After seeing pictures of the earth from space all these years, it is disappointing that statemanship, religious or even military leadership has not developed that will allow us to see and address our needs as one. Thousands of years after the great wall of China became a tourist attraction and relic of a distant unimaginative past it is pathetic to see the United States and Isreal with their democratic, capitalistic and religious ideals building walls along man-made borders. Considering the recent out breaks of SARS, bird flu and the insular North Korea's testing of long range missiles the lack of intelligent debates coming out of Washington about the immigration is very alarming. God Bless us all.

2006-07-07 08:06:47 · 7 answers · asked by Eman 1

do you think immigrants should stay if they have been here 5 yers or longer and have been working hard tring to make a living

2006-07-07 08:06:14 · 33 answers · asked by 2$hort 1

Bush wouldnt be half the man Lyndon B Johnson was if he was 8 ft tall.........................


VOTE DEMOCRAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-07-07 08:00:55 · 24 answers · asked by Baby F 1

we shold be alowed to travel and work any where we like!

2006-07-07 07:44:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wonder how much we the American people are being taken for when we have to pay for illegal immigrants medical, housing etc. While employers: farmers, construction companies, restaurants etc are reaping the benefits by taking advantage of cheap, cheap labor? They pay no taxes or social security on those illegal wages allowing WE the American People to pickup the tab

2006-07-07 07:34:45 · 15 answers · asked by henry a 1

I wonder how much we the American people are being taken for when we have to pay for illegal immigrants medical, housing etc. While employers: farmers, construction companies, restaurants etc are reaping the benefits by taking advantage of cheap, cheap labor? They pay no taxes or social security on those illegal wages allowing WE the American People to pickup the tab

2006-07-07 07:33:28 · 7 answers · asked by henry a 1

am a pediatrician doctor in iraq ... I was threatend by the terrorists as they want to kill me .. because I was love USA and it's troop as it made us free from the dectatorial regime of sadam husain ... and I had close friend and as my brother in USA which his name is Doug Seller previously was working in cornerstone TV in Penselvania and together we made aproject a small movie named as " a greeting from Iraq to the American people and the presedint G.W.Bush" you can see it from that link:
((www.ctvn.org/news/display.cgi?dr_waad_greeting?General+News ))
and we get award which is the communicateor award of excellece 2004 , and we get thanks report from John Ashcroft to us , and thanks report from the presedint to the TV station .. and when the terrorists know about that they try to kill me and even I survive from failed trail to kill me and my little brother was hit insted of me and hit by three bullets but fortunatly he survive ... so now I seek to get refugee in USA ..

2006-07-07 07:27:11 · 9 answers · asked by Dr.Louis 1

reasons to oppose comprehensive immigration law reform

2006-07-07 07:13:40 · 5 answers · asked by debello58 1

I don't understand the logic going on with them. On the one hand they are furious about companies moving operations to cheap overseas labor markets that close factories and take jobs from Americans, but on the other hand they are in favor of bringing in that same cheap labor into the US to not only take those same jobs from Americans, but also require us to take care of the foreign workers.

2006-07-07 06:58:06 · 11 answers · asked by Tommy 2

Hello folks, I'm a mexican guy and I want to apply to become american citizen by the legal way. Can you tell me the steps involved in such process?, In addition, can you tell me about all the implied monetary and time costs?

p.s currently I'm living in Mexico

2006-07-07 06:52:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Any one of you here immigrants? Anyone of you here know what is it like to work for your life when you are 13?

2006-07-07 06:37:09 · 20 answers · asked by angel20072002 3

How can you explain that the 3rd richest man in the world (according to forbes magazine) is a mexican, his name is "carlos slim helu" and he is a descendant of arabians. After yesterday's fraud in the mexican presidential election, this guy which owns the national telephone company in mexico (a monopoly) will be allowed to maintain his monopolies and to become richer. But the problem for the US is that because the low salaries that this and others mexican impresarios pay to their employees, we will have a tremendous increase in the flux of illegal immigrants crossing to america.
Prepare for an estimate of 1 million mexicans crossing annually from now on.
I think the time has come for us american to help mexicans to defeat their corrupt goverment.

2006-07-07 06:27:51 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous


I came to the states in 2001 from the Ivory Coast, and it enrages me that people have to cross the border, we had to spend so much money to come here. If they want to legalize them, what about the people who came here legally and want to stay here, but are fighting hard for papers, what sense does that make.

2006-07-07 06:19:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-07 06:17:50 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Build a long electric fence at the US MEXICO border along with explosives and laser guns and fry the damn taco eating pricks for they even come over?

2006-07-07 06:12:38 · 8 answers · asked by JOHN T 1

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