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Immigration - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

The Senate wants to approve, get this, HIGHER wages for illegal, er, 'foreign temporary workers'. WHOSE Senate is this again, america's, or....????

Alright, that's it...everybody form to the right, drug test! LOL

2006-07-13 11:03:05 · 14 answers · asked by gokart121 6

The Senate just moved to bolster security at US Borders by pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into more patrols,surveilance, flights and sensors to catch illegals sneaking into the country, and have voted to add 700 more miles of fence.
Associated Press

2006-07-13 11:01:22 · 9 answers · asked by sassyk 5

2006-07-13 10:47:04 · 40 answers · asked by Kraljica Katica 7

Ok, hypothetical situation. The government grows a pair and gets rid of all the illegals. What part of the economy will collapse? Can someone be specific?

My strawberries may go up by a dollar a pound. My life is ruined. I may have to mow my own lawn. Woe is me.

Our gas prices have doubled in a little over a year and everyone said the economy would collapse. Guess what? Americans adapted.

Maybe the government can take the money they burn on social services to illegals and subsidize the industries that will be affected by the loss of cheap labor.

2006-07-13 10:34:01 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

send them back to mexico.

2006-07-13 10:33:49 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Do you think we should do nothing about this illegal immigration problem?". I have to point out a few key points that no one seems to recognize about illegal immigration...

“The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty first, the ‘love of soft living’ and the get-rich-quick-theory of life”---Teddy Roosevelt

"Love of soft living" - with the use of illegal immigrants for cheap part time labor, the middle to upper class Americans and the thinking involved is "it's good for me and it employs needy people as well". This creates a dillusion of Master-servant and is self-destructive at the same time. Remember "All power corrupts".

Judging from what is known throughout history, it is only a matter of time before the servants get tired of thier roles. With that we can logically deduct that eventually the servant will try and overthrow the master. Unfortunately, this is the role of the illegal to... Continued below.

2006-07-13 10:11:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

When they get caught entering Mexico illegally? I hear they will do the work Mexicans won't do for less pay.
Do you think they will have a Day without a Guatamalan, in Mexico?

2006-07-13 10:10:25 · 6 answers · asked by sassyk 5

2006-07-13 10:08:59 · 27 answers · asked by SWEETIE 1

On this side, the most rabid, hateful, racist Minuteman in the USA.
On this side, and average border jumping mexican guy.
A 12 round fight. minuteman wins, the Mexican goes home. Mexican wins, he and his family can stay.

They could air it a reality show on FOX.

Also, have you ever noticed how much "minuteman" looks like "minute (as in tiny) man"?

2006-07-13 10:00:52 · 40 answers · asked by kubrickian 2

OK, some people who do not read the Bible, pick a verse out of the air, and use it to attempt to strengthen their viewpoint of illegal immigration.

I am well versed in the Bible, and I can tell you that (a) you are violating God's word to support your agenda, and (b) Jesus specifically talks about mixing religion with politics.

Here's the bottom line - if it doesn't involve God or religion, then you should keep Him out of it.

As Jesus says, "Render what is God's to God and what is Caesar's to Caesar."

If you put God into the mix, YOU, not us, will incur His wrath!

What's your opinion?

2006-07-13 09:58:04 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a feeling if it were lilly white Canadians jumping the border, some of you wouldn't be as passionate about this issue.

Also, some of you noticed that I have an imoster on here. What delicious irony, considering the anti-illegals were just saying that they would NEVER resort to such devious tactics.

2006-07-13 09:54:12 · 25 answers · asked by kubrickian 2

This stat refers to immigrants from around the globe, not only Mexico

2006-07-13 09:52:49 · 7 answers · asked by Jordan E 1

OK, this is a point people make: Illegal immigration is great for the economy.

Now, while the argument that the ends do not justify the means is valid, this argument is an out-and-out LIE by the liberal left to brainwash people into thinking that they should spport lawbreakers.

I am living proof. I own a landscpaing business. I have almost 20 people under me.

NONE of them are illegal immigrants. MANY are LEGAL immigrants.

I refuse to hire people who are not allowed, legally, to work in this country.

Now, my prices are a bit higher, but we do better quality work and as a result, we get many referrals. Also, I pocket less money to treat my workers fairly. Sure, I don't make a HUGE salary, but I make enough to provide for my family.

If EVERY business did this, if EACH owner hired Americans and people who are LEGALLY allowed to work here, think how great this economy could be (and it is good now).

Do you still think we need illegals for our economy???

2006-07-13 09:50:16 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK, I just found this out, and many of you are going to love this.

Did you know that if you are an American citizen and you are caught sneaking into Mexico, you can be thrown into jail?

Also, unless you are a lEGAL citizen of Mexico, did you know that you ARE NOT ALLOWED to protest?

2006-07-13 09:31:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK, now I have heard of everything. Apparently, some people:

(a) did not see the fact that I do support LEGAL immigration
(b) yes, my family came here, but they came here LEGALLY
(c) racist?

OK, here is my analogy.

Let's compare this country of ours to a house. Let's say you had a house.

When you leave your house, do you (a) lock your doors, or (b) leave them wide open, so anyone can enter?

Obviously, the answer is (a). Now, does that make you a racist? Of course not. It makes you a smart person.

So, why should the same rules NOT apply to our country?

2006-07-13 09:29:52 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think they should all be deported or given rights ?

2006-07-13 09:25:02 · 27 answers · asked by lOve / amor / amOur ™ 3

OK, I have a question for all of you people who support illegal immigration.

Before I begin, I want to say that I am a big fan of LEGAL immigration. If you pay your dues to get in here, God bless you.

Now then, how do you define the word ILLEGAL?

To me, it means "against the law."

Many of you are missing this point - these ILLEGAL immigrants are breaking the law.

Let's see - rape is illegal. Now, if a person rapes 10 girls, but he is a good person otherwise, does that mean we should look the other way?

Of course not.

Child molestation is illegal. OK, we have a doctor, but he likes to get off on young boys. Should we support him?

Of course not.

Why? Because the activity they are doing is ILLEGAL.

As in, "Against the law."

If these ILLEGAL immigrants were honorable, they wouldn't be breaking the law.

So, for those of you who support illegal immigrants, do you realize that you are supporting lawbreakers?

2006-07-13 09:24:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, it seems our beloved Senators don't believer there is enough money in the budget to build a fence ... was just voted down in the Senate ... obviously there isn't enough money in the kitty to protect Americans ... but plenty to wage an illegal war in Iraq ... this from a government who has cut the funding for Homeland Security ... who thinks this administration really does give a fig for what you, American citizen, wants??

2006-07-13 09:18:33 · 9 answers · asked by Sashie 6

Jut think of any word in Spanish and it's English equivalent. You will find that most one syllable words in English have two or three syllables in Spanish. English is very easy to conjugate, and the verbs HAVE NO GENDER. English is the combined art of several languages and many words are Latin based. For those who say English is too difficult to learn, try any Asian or Arabic language. A least, we have our written alphabets in common.

2006-07-13 08:53:30 · 30 answers · asked by Melissa G 3

This person is going back to mainland China, and will be returning her EAD card (or else apparently she will not have "OPT option")

2006-07-13 08:53:30 · 2 answers · asked by jafarr83 1

I think people forget that being born in the United States is a privelage, not a right. Anytime I here someone rattling on about how illegals are lowlifes and scum, it makes me angry. These people just want a taste of what we have, and sometimes they have to break our laws to have it.

2006-07-13 08:45:19 · 29 answers · asked by kubrickian 2

This question follows the repeated banner seen here by a user for Athorgarak's Presidency, a freemason, minister and minuteman. Aren't the free masons another secret society with racist ideas the same as the LaRaza/Mecha/other political groups? One issue candidate's have never received the support of mainstream America. Your thougths, please.

2006-07-13 08:44:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

well, i just want to know why people from all other continents are illegal from coming into the USA? im mexican but im not illegal or anything. how can a person be illegal? whats wrong with being born somewhere else and not in the US? i dont think its fair. Cause if your born in the US you can go ANYWHERE you want. WHY cant others come to america?????

2006-07-13 08:41:33 · 28 answers · asked by LatinaChik 2

I have heard a lot of Mexicans saying that most of America is theirs because thier ancestors were here first. Have they forgotten that Mexicans came about from the Spanish slaughtering every Aztec and Inca they could, and breeding with the remander?

2006-07-13 08:39:44 · 18 answers · asked by fedup_dwn_south 2

I know someone was married because of green card. This guy's brother came here to work with Fiancee visa. This guy made my friend stupid. She thought they had serius relationship but it was wrong. He was playing around my friend. He borrowed money to buy card. He didn't give money back yet. So you decied to report this illegal situation.
He helped her to get green card and his brother stays here like illegal with expired visa

2006-07-13 08:35:36 · 6 answers · asked by sweety19800 1

(the tv show) and seen an illegal immigrant?And I don't mean YOU thought they were an illegal.They actually stated that the person was illegal.

2006-07-13 08:17:17 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the U.S. was invaded by ground troops from another country, do you think that illegal immigrants would fight for the U.S. or flee to another country?

2006-07-13 08:02:59 · 26 answers · asked by Made in America 7

In my travels I have noticed something I find odd. I come from St Louis and our hispanic population has grown over the years, we did not always have a large population of spanish-speakers. But when I drive through New Mexico, Texas, even to Chicago, there is a hug divide in the people. The hispanic population and white populations dont seem to interact at all! When I talk to people in Spanish, they think it is the oddest thing in the world, that no white person has ever taken the time to learn it. My question is this:

If there is such a large population of white people and such a large population of hispanic people, why dont they interact more? They seem to know very little about one another. Does it have to do with illegal immigration?

2006-07-13 07:32:51 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

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